- Psycho Chapter 16 -

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I was back into the dream world, but instead of seeing Todoroki laying down on the group, he was up. His pupils were basically gone, looking as if he was going insane. His hair is a mess, looking like the guy before... but I couldn't pin point it. Half black, half red hair.... this time a tattoo of fire crawling up the left side of his body and tattoos of shattered ice on his right side. gripping his hair as if he were about to rip it out.

"Uh, hello?" I question, trying to be careful.

He snaps his neck to me, "YOU. WHY ARE YOU HERE. ISN'T IT BAD ENOUGH HE'S LIKE THIS, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT." The person yells at me, his eyes getting more and more furious as he starts to get closer to me, fire in his palm.

"What do you mean, 'what do I want'? I fell asleep and here I am. Why do you keep thinking I do this on purpose, I've seen you before. I know I have. You're that psychopathic guy that appeared in my dream before, the one who claimed to be Todoroki. News flash! It's bullshit. I told him to go to the hospital, he wouldn't listen, I'm the one who called the ambulance when he passed out, I didn't want this to happen either." I spoke, trying to not to yell or cry.

The guy came closer to me, the fire almost right in my face, he stayed back a bit, "I'm going to end this one and for all. I thought you would be good for him, but all you ended up doing was causing more trouble." The fire started to rush towards me, but was blocked. I felt the heat of the fire, but not the feeling of being burned. I look around to see what happened, all I see is a shadowy figure. Squinting to see who it is, it still stayed as a shadowy figure.

The guy started to go completely insane, "WHY ARE YOU HERE. I TOLD YOU TO STAY DOWN, YOU AGREED TO THIS." He yelled.

 The shadowy on started to speak, "I never agreed to this." They spoke, sounding oddly calm.

"YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO STAY DOWN. I HAD THIS UNDER CONTROL, WHY ARE YOU RUINING EVERYTHING AGAIN." The psychopath exclaimed. Aiming his ice side at the shadow.

"You don't tell me what to do, you were never part of me." 

I couldn't say anything, all I could do was watch. Scared to make any sudden movements.

"WHY DONT YOU JUST SHUT YOUR GOD DAMN MOUTH FOR ONCE, TODOROKI. LET SOMEONE ELSE DO SOMETHING FOR YOU, THIS WOULD BE FOR THE GREATER GOOD." The man yelled, the shadow seemed to get mad. The color darkened, and turned into a more violent shade of dark blue.

"Dont ever call me by that name, I dont want to hear it, especially from your mouth, and you know it." The figures tone stayed cool, but his appearance showed anger.

"oh yeah? Why do you let everyone else call you that?" The guy said, the figure sighed. 

"You know why, so don't even bother." 

The guy just bursted into laughter, still keeping that insane feel around him. "You have 5 seconds before I freeze him to death." The guy smiled, pointing at me.

I didn't move, I couldn't move. I was frozen in place, literally. My feet were literally frozen in place. All I could do was hope, hope I could wake up. Even though my only wish is death, I dont want to die this way.

"Don't you fucking dare. I'm done with this, you really want to get rid of the only one that will help you? Very smart." I couldn't tell who spoke, everything turned into one huge blur.

Before everything faded away, I took one last glance to see someone behind me. No green hair, no green eyes. Only black hair and black eyes. Everything reassembled in front of me, the person from behind me was in front of my now. Covered in burn marks and shattered frost. The shadowy figure, less of a shadow and a bit more visible but still hard to see, broken down. On the ground, over the person. I tried to move closer to console the person, but they stayed the same distance.

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