21 questions, with shots. (chpt 6)

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Saying this now, there is lots of strong language/
Profanity/cursing in this chapter, alcohol, and
some NSFW (kinda, literally none though XD) talk. Why? Cause I don't fucking know, Don't ask me, ask my brain and it's thought process.

As I slept, I kept hearing "yeetus cleetus" then it either ended with, "I now commit self deletus" or "you now lost both you feetus" until it was yelled.

"YEETUS CLEETUS, YOU NOW LOST BOTH OF YOUR FEETUS" I jolted awake to see todoroki laughing is ass off.

"Fuck you" I glared at him.

"I know you want me to, anyways, the food is here." He responded, still laughing. It sounded angelic, wait, why'd I think that? (Reference to my other story!)

I roll my eyes, picking up a blanket, draping it over myself and walking to the counter where a mountain of food is ready. "HOLY SHIT! HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU HAVE. MY GOD." I yelled, seeing him laugh in response.

"Just shut up and eat." He responded, picking up some pizza, which was one of the countless items he ordered.

I take a slice of pizza, muttering under my breath, "look at me, I'm so cool. I'm super rich and could do anything I want" and so one. Todoroki just laughed a bit and continued eating.

"How about 21 questions?" Todoroki blurred out.

"Huh? What's that?" I questioned, looking on my phone.

"Well, we go back and forth, asking each other questions, if you don't want to respond to one you have to pay the consequence, and that would be.... taking a shot." (This is not really how it works, but I wanna make it fun >:3) todoroki responded.

"Sure, why the fuck not." I put my phone down, glance up at where he was. He seemed to get up, I looked around and saw him reaching the cabinet over fridge, taking out a bottle of vodka (why the fuck not), placing it down in front of me, leaning over the counter.

"Should I ask first or you?" He questioned.

I pointed at him, signaling he should go first, while looking at my phone.

"Why you on your phone so much, like... typing" He asked.

'Fuck' I thought, I instantly grab pour the alcohol into the shot glass, before I could even chug it he says, "really? This early on? Come on, you at least have to answer this one. The others are gonna get much......worse" winking as he finished.

I sigh, placing down the shot class, "fine." I spoke in defeat, "I'll tell you. There's this asshat who keeps texting me shit like, 'why didn't you die yet' and shit like that." I rolled my eyes, deepening my voice to mimic the guys voice.

"Oh." He rolls his eyes, hopping up on the counter to sit down on it. "Well, ask me the question."

"Why you so obnoxious?" I ask, not looking away from my phone.

"Ouch. I wouldn't say obnoxious, more of stubborn, carefree guy who has father issues." He responds, shrugging (temped to type daddy issues). "Out of all the questions you could've asked, like how I got my burn, you asked that one?"

"Oh, that question is on my list." I respond, "your question, go."

"Why does your mom hate you?"

"I have no quirk, I don't listen to her, and I'm the reason my father left us. Do I need more 'cause I got lots more." I reply, looking him dead in the eyes. Then going back down on my phone.

"No need, I have the same-ish problem." He responds.

"..........lemme think of a question.... OH! I GOT ONE! Have you ever got fucked by anyone?" I asked, trying to not laugh.

"I was not the one getting fucked, I was doing the fucking." He laughed a bit, but serious at the same time. "Who'd you lose you virginity too?" He ask, slyly smirking.

I instantly pick up the shot glass and chugged it down. I heard todoroki whine a bit, muttering something under his breath.

A few questions later, and a few shots too. We migrated to the couch. I was sitting upside down with my legs hanging over the back to the couch and my head against the front of the couch.

"Okaaayy, okay, okay okay....one more question maaahh dduuuudddeee" I slurred my words together, while flailing my arms around a bit, "hooowwd you get that scaaaaarrrrrr, I feel a little woozzzy."

Todoroki has token many shots, but he didn't seem affected. Like at all. Kinda scary actually. "My dad drove my mom to insanity and she paired boiling water over the side that remained her of him." He shrugged.

"Does it not.....you know..... like, bother you?.????? God I'm tired" I respond, my eyes starting to droop a little.

Todoroki's PoV

"Then go to sleep" I look over to see him already asleep. I pick him up and lay him down so air could actually get to his head, put a pillow under his head and a blanket over him. I clean up a bit, putting the food into the fridge and the alcohol into the cabinet above it. Turning off the lights, whispering "good night Midoriya" and walking to my own room.

I changed, looked at my self, "I almost did it again.... I need to keep my temper down..." I signed quietly before laying in bed, turning off the light and going to sleep.


Sorry if it's short, people who read the old version (before I deleted the old chapters to rewrite them so they make sense) should get what I'm talking about. See you soon my stars!


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