(chpt. 10)

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The next morning, I woke up. No creepy dream where there was a creepy todoroki, no dream where I was included. Just, darkness.

I check the time on my phone, pretty late considering I usually wake up around 8am. (It was currently 10am). I get up, stretching a bit. Not bothering to change since I'm too comfortable.

I walk out of my room, phone in hand, and walk down to the kitchen. Todoroki wasn't there, 'strange' I thought to myself. Flopping in the couch. I go on my phone for a bit.

An hour passes, todoroki still hasn't sworn up. 'His shoes are still here. So he didnt leave. Doesn't seem like he even came down here during the time I was asleep.' I got up, walking to his room. I knocked on the door, no answer. I knocked again, a bit harder. Still no answer. "Todoroki? You okay?" I ask, opening the door. He was there. Passed out. I didnt bother him any further. I close the door quietly and walk back down to the kitchen.

"What to make" I muttered, as I open the fridge door. Finding some eggs, I decide to make an omelet. I grab some tomatoes, some basil and start chopping it up. I scramble the eggs, then mixing in the other stuff. Adding some salt, and then putting butter on the pan. Turning on the stove, not knowing how to properly work it. "Time to not try to burn my own hand off or burn the house done. I'm so fucked." (Me everytime I try to cook food) I mutter.

Slowly pouring in the egg mix, I let the eggs cook on one side, then the other. Then folding it in half and cooking it like that. "THIS IS WHY I NEVER USE OIL. HAHA, YOU DIDNT BURN ME THIS TIME, BITCH." I yell, forgetting that todoroki is still asleep, I place the omelet on a place. Cutting it in half due to the fact that it's to big. I save the other half for todoroki, so he doesnt have to make anything.

A few moment later. Todoroki walks down. "You look....awful." I respond to him as he walks in.

"Thanks" Todoroki replied. "Had a hard time sleep. Sorry about yelling at you yesterday, I wasn't in the best mood..." todoroki grabs the other half of the omelet, "is it okay if I eat this?" He asks, I nod in response.

"So, what kept you up?" I ask, no response. "Maybe talking it out would help?" I ask again. No reply. "Maybe lying down, or just laying on the couch would help. If you need me, I'll be next to you." I recommend, Todoroki nodded. Putting his, now empty, plate in the sink and flopping on the couch. I sit next to him. "If it help, you could put you head on my lap. I know these pillows aren't the best quality for comfort. Not that laying your head on my la-" before I could continue, todoroki lied his head on my lap. Slowly dozing off.

"You must really be tired to actually sleep here" I whisper.

"Mhm..." todoroki hummed, obviously not wanting to talk to much.

I stroke his hair, trying to get him to sleep faster. Quicker than I thought, he actually fell asleep. I go on my phone, looking through my notifications.

I heard todoroki mutter something, I try to calm him down. Doesnt seem to work, I try waking him up, that seemed to calm him down. I slowly fall asleep as well.

I was in a field, a field with many flowers. Blues, reds, oranges, pinks, purples, all of them. Everyone was calm. I lied back in the flower. Nothing bad was happening, soon the flowers started to wilt. The scene changed to a forest, with orange, red, and browns. Leaves falling down, covering the yellow colored grass, and the gray, stone pathway.
As snow fell to the ground, so did the setting. Slowly, I was being moved to a frozen lake. With snow-covered trees and icicles hanging off the branches. The fresh snow covering all of the ground around me.
Soon, the snow started to melt and the grass was turning green again. Flowers blooming, leaves growing, the basic spring stuff. What I didnt notice was the fact that, as each season went by. Someone in the distance came closer and closer, but I was the one who was moving. Each season, they were either looking at the sky or their surroundings. The closer I got, the more clearer who the person was. It was todoroki.
At some point of the dream, he turned and saw me, smiling a little. Walking towards me.

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