- You're Not Leaving - Chapter 17

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-Todoroki PoV-

I glare at Agni, "why do you bring everyone into this. It's only between you and me. No one else." Flames seem to crawling through my hair, seeping down onto my arm.

"You wont be able to do jackshit," Agni laughed. "All of your quirk comes from me anyways! So dony even try and beat me." His eyes started to glow, I knew I was fucked.

"Not all of my quirk, only some of it. I'm still the one incontrol here, I can do whatever I want." I reply, keeping my cool tone.

Agni gives out a chuckle, "oh, I know. But you're so fun to mess with," he sighs, still keeping that smile. "If only you weren't as arrogant, I would've liked you. But here we are!"

I roll my eyes, acting as if I'm not on guard. Agni falls for my trap, trying to blast me with fire, I block with ice and managed to fire back at him.

A couple hours pass, the same charade kept going on. He fires, I block. I fire, he fires back. I fire he blocks, and so on. I started to get warn out.

"Getting tired all ready? I told you, you could never beat me. God, do you know when to just give up. No one cares if you die here. No one fucking likes you. Just give up and stop trying." His words rung in my ears, filling the empty void that him and I were in.

I continued as if I didnt hear him, he continued to laugh. "I dont care," I spoke, gasping for air, "I dont care if no one cares if I die. I dont give a shit if no ones cares about me in general. All I need to do, is protect the ones I love. Even if it means they dont love me, or if I die." I looked a bit at him, continuing to glare at him. He seemed to look panicked for a moment, than go back to smirking.

"Oh, you pathetic piece of shit. Letting yourself go, even if it means that no one will know? How sad is that? Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with you. In the end, we all know I'll be the one standing while you're on your knees, begging for your forgiveness." He started to laugh.

I didnt say anything to him, knowing the fact that he may be right. 'No, someone does care for me. I know it. I know someone does, I cant give up yet.'  I mutter. Sighing, "you may be right, but I'm not going down without a fight."

Agni started to get pissed off, firing more harshly at me. "You're so annoying! When. Do. You. Learn. To. Stay. Down!" He fired after every word, I managed to block him. Running out of stamina each time.

Burn marks appearing on me after each hit. I take every last amount of stamina I have left and fire at Agni, knowing I cant beat him. Not being able to carry my own weight from that, I just collapse on the ground.

"Finally give up?" He smirks, walking closer to me.

I dont respond, just sitting on my knees as I pant, trying to catch my breath. Agni starts to laugh, repeating the same words over and over again, 'weak. Useless. Helpless. Pathetic.' Chanting it over and over again.

I began to feel more hopeless than before, thinking there is no way out. I'll be trapped here.

"Look how the tables have turned, isnt this nostalgic? The first time you met someone, wasnt her name Yaoyorozu? Oh, deary me. I forgot, you called her Momo. Didnt you? I got her stuck in this mess, you tried to protect her but failed. You somehow managed to reach out of my grasp and escape. But look where we are, I'll make sure you cant escape. I'll make you watch as he slowly dies off, whole you cant do anything but sit there and watch." He continued to speak to me, explaining everything he would make me do. Continuing to mentally abuse me while he stays up and smirks at me.

I dont say anything, knowing there is nothing to say. After all, he was right. I put everyone in danger, trying to protect the one I didnt want to get involved. But ending up getting him more involved than be needed to be. But I did what I said I was gonna do, keep him trapped here. As long as I'm in here, he cant leave. I smile to myself, knowing that Izuku will be safe.

"What the fuck are smiling for? Was this your plan all along? To lose? How pathetic!" Agni fired one of his quirks at me. I felt the heat crawling around me, leaving a mark.


It's short, but I kinda need to cut it short. You'll see why next chapter.

(Look at that, we reached 23k reads, thank you ^^)


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