Chapter 12

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Orochimaru stood in front the window in his penthouse with a cup of tea in hand. He watched as the sun made the sky it’s can verse, painting it with a bit of orange and a bit of pink and a little touch of red, while the sun slowly dipped behind the tall buildings.

The golden eyed man sighed, he had tried to make Jiraiya sign the divorce papers. But the white haired man refused to sign the papers. Orochimaru looked down at his five months bulging belly and gave it a gentle rub. He had cut all ties with the white haired man and had never told Jiraiya he was pregnant.

Of course his not happy that his still married to the man that claims he loves him. Hell he love the dark eyed man too, but he just couldn’t be around Jiraiya right now. He looked up from his belly and gazed back at the scenery. He turned his head to the sound of little feet racing towards him.

Mitsuki ran over to his mother and hugged his right leg and buried his face into it. Ignoring Anko as she pleaded with him to stop running. The raven haired man smiled at his son. A breathless Anko stood at the entrance of the hallway. Taking big gulps of air. “I’m s-sorry s-sir. H-he just w-won’t l-listen.” She said, trying her best to control her breathing.

Orochimaru giggled and looked down at his son. “Are you giving Anko a hard time again snow flake?” He asked with an amused tone, but frowned when he received no answer and glanced up to an evenly breathing Anko with a questionable look. The purple haired woman shrugged and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Yes she was concerned too, but she knew better than to add her two cents in matters that don’t involve her. Concerned golden eyes turned back to the little boy hugging his leg. “Is something wrong Mitsuki?” He received sniffles for his answer and tinny mumbles he couldn’t make out.

He gently placed his hand on the little boy’s head and gently tilted it back so he could look down into similar golden eyes. “Do you want to talk about it over apple juice?” He asked, his voice soft and gentle as ever.

Mitsuki sniffled, bit his tinny bottom lip and nodded his head slowly. Orochimaru smiled and gave his son a little push towards the living room. “I’ll go get the juice and you go get comfortable on the couch, ok?” He watched his son make his way to the living room and he went to go get two glasses of apple juice for himself and his white haired son.

Once he had said juice, he went to the living room and hand one glass to his son and made himself comfortable beside him and placed a hand on his belly. “Now… are you ready to talk about it?” Mitsuki gave a nod and took a sip of his juice. “Does daddy hate me?”

The little boy asked. The raven haired man blinked. “What brought up that question snow flake?” He curiously looked at his son.

The little boy looked at his lap, a little hesitant to answer. “Sarada was mean to me before home time. She said the only reason daddy is not around is because he hates me. And that if I wasn’t around, you two would still be together.” Orochimaru placed his glass on the coffee table and took a tinny hand into his.

Whipping the tears from eyes identical to his golden eyes. “No, no, no. He doesn’t hate you.” He kissed his son’s forehead and pulled back to look into his eyes. “Your daddy is just a busy man and also a powerful one. His put so many bad guys in jail, they’d want to hurt him when they get out.” This confused the little boy.

“Then why aren’t we with him, protecting him?” He asked.

“Because the only way to hurt your daddy is to hurt us. That’s why we had to go away. Your daddy wants us to be safe and be in a place where the bad guys can’t find us.” The little boy’s golden eyes lit up at that.

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