Positive (65)

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Faking her death was a lot more complicated than Honey thought it would be.  She was right about all the paperwork that Fred would have to go through, it was Christmas time and that put a big damper on all their moods for the season. They didn't have a funeral for her because they knew that when they would need to have a real one, they wouldn't want to go through it all again. Honey thought that it was a good time to mention that she had already planned it, much to everyone's dismay.

"What do you mean that your real funeral is already planned?"Sirius asked her as they sat around the table at the Burrow.

"I mean I planned it," She said softly, "Ages ago. I didn't want you guys to have to worry about anything."

"Ages?" Fred asked her curiously.

"When Mr. Diggle's funeral was being planned I spent some time with Maria, the woman who put his together," She answered quietly still. She couldn't raise her voice very high those days.  "Everything is ready to go."

Everyone was a little relieved that she had done that. Secretly, they had all been worried about doing it when the time came. Funerals weren't something that you could postpone for a day when everyone was feeling better, but none of them could bring themselves to even bring it up much less plan early. The more time that went on the easier it got, yet it wasn't hard for any of them to pretend like she was dead because time was ticking, to begin with. 

After the faking of her death was over with, she was content with staying with the family as they waited for Ginny to come home from school for break. Everyone had heard what was going on at Hogwarts and none of them wanted Ginny to be there any longer. On top of that, they had no way of contacting Ginny about how she or any of them were doing. 

While everyone sat in the kitchen talking about things that concerned the order, Honey and Tonks laid comfortably in the living room. Over the past few weeks that she had been in hiding, she and Tonks had become very close to each other. Though Fred had taken time off of work, in the beginning, to help keep up the rouse, he eventually went back and Tonks stayed with her during the days. 

Tonks kept Honey entertained by keeping her updated on the budding relationship between her and Bill. Honey found out very quickly about their relationship after jokingly asking Tonks if she took anyone home from the wedding. Her denial was instantly detected as a lie which prompted Honey to continue to ask questions until she told her about how she and Bill ended up spending the night together.

They had started a relationship quickly after that and everything was going great for them, though they didn't want to mention it to anyone yet. That was mainly because Bill found it amusing when his mother tried to push them together and didn't want to give her the satisfaction that she had helped sooner than he had too. Honey understood why they didn't want to tell anyone, after all, she and Fred had kept their relationship private in the beginning. It was because they weren't entirely sure that it would work out and they didn't want to give everyone the hope that it would.

"Will you come with me to the bathroom?" Tonks asked suddenly, turning to Honey. The room was beginning to fill back up as people came to sit from the kitchen, and the boys looked at them curiously.

"Sure," Honey said instantly. She didn't know any more than the boys did as to why she was invited along but could tell there was a reason for it. If she questioned her then, then everyone would know that something was up so her first instinct was to agree.

"Girls are weird," Bill said, watching as they walked. 

"Don't talk about my wife like that,"  Fred said jokingly, pointing a finger a Bill threateningly.

"Or what?" He asked back. Fred didn't hesitate to lunge at him playfully and Tonks and Honey laughed as they heard a bang right as they shut the bathroom door.

As soon as the two girls were alone, Tonks's calm face turned into one that was full of nerves. She began pacing back and forth in the small bathroom as Honey took a seat on the edge of the bathtub waiting for her to say what she was thinking. Tonks stopped suddenly and turned to Honey, holding something out to her which she took instantly.

"I think I'm pregnant," She blurted, as Honey looked at the packaged pregnancy test in her hands.

"Take the test then," Honey said, holding it back out to her. The sight of it made her feel a bit sad because she would never get to feel what Tonks was feeling but she ignored it because she had to be there for her friend. 

"What if it's just stress? Stress can make you late, and gain weight, and throw up. Right?" She asked, her voice shaking a little.

"How late are you?" She asked curiously.

"Two or three," Tonks answered, stopping her movement.

"Could be stress," Honey confirmed.

"Months," She clarified. That made Honey smile.

"Take the test."

She held the test out to her again and when she didn't take it, she took it upon her to open the packaging and hold it out to her again. That time she took it from her knowing that the test would go bad if she didn't because the package couldn't be resealed. Her hands were shaking so bad she could hardly hold it.

"What's the worst that could happen?" Honey asked her softly after reading out the instructions.

"I could be pregnant," She answered instantly.

"Would that be so bad?" She asked curiously. She tried to keep the jealousy out of her voice and knew she had failed miserably. Her tone was one of wanting because she did want that for she and Fred but knew that it would never be. "It's not like Bill will be disappointed."

"This world is no place for a child, not in the state that its in," She replied softly.

"Potter better hurry up and fix it then," Honey said, pointing to the test that Tonks had taken and put onto the counter. It read positive. 

So sorry for the wait, I've been on vacation and only just getting my mojo back.

Honey Bee *Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now