Names and Titles (67)

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"I wish Ron hadn't left so soon," Honey said to Tonks as the two girls sat in the sand. They were at her and Fred's house like they normally were, laying in the sun on the beach their house was on. 

"It was where he was meant to be in the first place," Tonks assured her. 

She watched as Honey built her sandcastle, looking worse than ever. The news that Luna had been captured by death eaters had not sat well with her at all and it was showing in her rapid decline in health. She was paler, thinner, and her eyes were darker from the worrying and lack of sleep. She wished that their was more than she could do to help out but there wasn't. She was dead to everyone, including Luna who had no idea that she was still alive like both Ron and Ginny before they saw her for themselves that Christmas. 

While Fred was at work, which wasn't often, Tonks stayed with her to help ease his mind. She was there helping them most days anyway as she and Honey had become even closer than she was with Mable. Mable had gone into hiding with Cedric and she hadn't heard from either of them in weeks, not that she minded. She knew it was easier for them that way to see her go.  Where some people, like the Weasleys, preferred to be with her every moment that they could, others chose to say their goodbyes early so that they wouldn't have to watch her die. 

"Could I tell Bill at your place?" Tonks asked, pointing at her slightly swollen stomach. She was getting bigger as it had been nearly four months that the baby had been there, and obvious that she wasn't just gaining weight or bloated due to the roundness of her stomach. 

"Sure, why?" Honey asked curiously.

"Well we live together, but it's his house," She said, making Honey raise an eyebrow at her in confusion. "If he wants to be alone he can go home instead of leaving home. Don't give me that look, he might need time to think, and if he does then I can be with you while I cry!"

"As long as you tell him. This has gone on too long, Tonks."

"I know, I know," She said, "You can choose its middle name."

"I think Bill should have a say in that, but I would love too," She said surprised. "Why would you want me too?"

"I can't exactly make you godmother," She answered, making her smile.

The sun had started to set and the two girls decided to head inside. Tonks had to nearly lift Honey up while helping her off the ground because she could hardly do it herself. Before long she wouldn't even be able to go outside, she knew it, which was why she was spending as much time as she could out there while it was still easy.  When they finally made it inside, laughing about a silly name that Honey offered up, they were surprised to see that Bill was already there with Fred and George.

The group was at the table discussing their new radio talk show that they set up as a way of informing people about what was going on around them. It was helpful for those in hiding or those on the run and need to know where the death eater sighting was. It was called Potter watch, a name that Honey had suggested to them. She seemed to have a knack for choosing names. 

She and Tonks decided to make dinner for the group or more, Tonks decided as a way of prolonging giving her news to Bill. They made something simple as the boys weren't hard to please, and it was hard to cook while Honey's cat Tiberius walked right underneath her feet.

Tiberius had become Luna's cat for quite a while as it was easier for her to take care of him. Honey wasn't sure for a while where she was going to stay when Xenophilius kicked her out and figured Luna taking care of him was the best idea. When they moved into the shop, Luna kept him with her as the landlord was fine when it came to explosives, but drew the line at cats as he and many others were allergic making it better for the shop as well. Luna didn't feel comfortable taking him with her to Hogwarts figuring it was unsafe so Honey once again had her cat back and he missed her very much. She missed him as well so didn't mind that he wouldn't leave her side. 

When dinner was over, Bill asked to speak to Tonks alone and the couple went out for a walk. The face she made a Honey was enough for her to know that she was finally going to tell him though they were both curious as to what Bill wanted to speak to her about. It would be very bad if he were planning to break up with her.

"Bill wants to propose," George said, calming her last fear.

"No way!"

"Yeah, he decided that it wasn't too soon and that he was just going to deal with mom if she says yes," Fred explained with a grin. 

"That's convenient," She told him, "Tonks is pregnant."

"YOU'RE GONNA BE UNCLES!" They head Bill yell as he burst through the door with the biggest smile on his face. They must not have gone very far before Tonks gave the news. 

"I told you he would be happy," Honey told Tonks as she showed her the new ring on her finger with a smile of her own.

"I know, I know."

Honey Bee *Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now