Chapter 1: The journey

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We arrived at the train station after a short walk and as always Erza had 100 things with her. Natsu screamed and asked: „Can't we walk Erza? Please you know how bad it is when I am on a train."

"I am terribly sorry Natsu, but we have to take the train if we want to arrive at the right time. You will pull through somehow, you always do. And remember, this might be a good chance to capture Zeref. He is the one who made this demon so I am sure he will be there. Wendy, are you ready? A-are you ok Wendy?"

Wendy looked terrified and stuttered:" Z-zeref? Like the black wizard that made countless death spells? I don't want to fight him!"

Suddenly Romeo pulled her into a hug and whispered:" Shhhhhh. It'll be okay Wendy. I will protect you, no worries." As he spoke these words Wendy and he both blushed, she cracked a smile while he frowned a bit, partly he was scared himself and partly because Natsu had that ' I ship it-look' on his face.

Erza, Natsu, Gray and Lucy all smiled and Lucy whispered:" Isn't it cute? He is scared but still tries to comfort her. I think he really likes her."

After we stood there for a while the train arrived and we went inside. We had six seats. I sat next to Natsu, who was knocked out by Erza, and Gray. On the other side the other three sat next to each other. Wendy had fallen asleep in Romeos lap and he was blushing. For a while we sat there in silence until Gray smirked at Romeo:" It is pretty hot in here don't you think Romeo?"

We all laughed at that, except for Romeo. He blushed even more and hissed at Gray: " Sh-shut up Gray. You would blush too. And it isn't my fault she fell asleep. She kinda looks cute when she is asleep though." Romeo smiled as he looked down at Wendy. His face was less red now and all he did was smile at her. Natsu still laid knocked out on Lucy's lap. „Believe me, over time I got used to it. Erza knocks Natsu out on every journey and he always lays on my lap. Anyways, wake your girlfriend up, we are here", Lucy chuckled. Romeo started laughing: „Well, how about you wake your boyfriend then?" They shared a brief laughter and everyone left the train. Wendy rubbed her eyes, still a bit sleepy and yawned:" You know? I haven't slept this well since we came back from our trip to Tenrou Island."

"I wonder why that is", Lucy winked to Romeo as she spoke those words.

He moved his lips without a sound and they formed the words: „Tell her and I will set you on fire." Lucy burst into laughter and answered:" Don't worry Romeo, I won't tell."

Wendy's curiosity was peaked:" Won't tell what? We are a team so we shouldn't keep secrets." "It's nothing, really", Romeo replied a little nervous.

They walked through the station until they found a store where they bought a map of the city, showing them how to get to the museum. After a few hours of walking they finally arrived. When they came to the museum, Erza took the map and ripped it to shreds saying:" That was a waste", and walked slowly inside. Everybody looked at her and had to laugh when they heard Erza's stomach growl. She really looked forward to the all-you-can-eat-cake-buffet it seemed. Though after the 7 hours train ride and the 2 hours walk, all of them were hungry and tired. Lucy leaned against Natsu and took a breather:"Jeez that was exhausting." As always, I flew close to Lucy and said: „You LOVE him.", but strangely enough, she didn't reply today. She didn't even hit me. Did that mean I was right?

We all went inside and the client told us all about the monster. The tension was so high when we heard that, you could almost cut it with a butter knife.

Erza was the first to speak up: „Believe me, we will slay that beast. You have Fairy Tail's best team standing in front of you." The eyes of the museum's owner got back a glimpse of hope: „Can you really do it? It is very strong and destroyed half the museum with one single blow."

Shivers ran down the girl's spine and we heard a scream out of Wendy's backpack. We had a blind passenger with us: Carla, Wendy's exceed and good friend. "You will not do this child!" she lectured Wendy, but Wendy replied:" Yes I will. I am strong enough and besides, I have Romeo with me, what could happen?" Romeo's face became a light shade of red and Karla just stood speechless in front of Wendy. "OK then. Tomcat, will you bring me to the room we will sleep in tonight?" she politely asked me so I took her to our room. Wendy still seemed pretty mad, because she told Karla to stay behind at the guild. I came back afterwards and the mood was pretty down in the dumps. But most of all, Wendy was mad. I swear at that moment she could have slain a dragon, just like her title implied. „I can't believe her. I am with you guys and she still doesn't trust me enough to leave me alone. "the blue haired girl groaned. Lucy nodded: „You may have a habit of overdoing it sometimes, but she should still trust you." Romeo hugged her comforting: „Don't worry, she just cares for you. And even if she doesn't, I believe you can fight that beast this evening."

She forced a poor excuse of a fake smile: „Thank you Romeo. I guess I should get ready for this evening, this is still a party so we have to dress like it." She went to their room and winked: „I will take a bath now and put on my dress. Remember boys, no peeking." and with those words she closed the door. The others ate something and slept a bit in the lounge. Lucy went upstairs to take a bath too, Wendy didn't seem to have a problem with that, and when they came down, we all held our breath. Both of them looked gorgeous and I am sure that I saw a little heart in Natsu's pupils. After that, the guys got ready and Erza simply got ready by reequipping. When they all were ready, the party was about to start. Everybody moved to their spots and we acted like normal guests. Upstairs, Wendy and Romeo were talking and while they looked at the party, Romeo grasped Wendy's hand, without either of them noticing. After some time they noticed and quickly turned in different directions. For some reasons they didn't want to let go of each other. But they did not mentioned it, nor did they know why that was. But when I saw it, I knew exactly why it was, but I decided not to talk about it with them, not for now anyways. For once, I would love just let take its course. It was for the best. And I am glad I didn't push them, because it would have cracked them. I really enjoyed the party and the evening was uneventful. The party went on for another 4 days, so we didn't know when Zeref would strike. All we knew was that he would strike. Natsu left his post and talked to Lucy. They laughed and joked around for a while, until Lucy got tired and left the party to go to our room. Natsu was a real gentleman to her and in the end she gave him a kiss on the cheek. You wouldn't believe how red his face turned when he chuckled nervously. Gray was dancing with other people. Erza was eating cake all evening and I found Wendy and Romeo after the Party. They had fallen asleep next to each other. Wendy leaned at Romeo's shoulder and both of them smiled. I flew them to bed and when our team was asleep, I sighed. With every day we knew the event that was impossible to stop was coming closer. But only the first day had passed, and we promised to stay here all the 5 days. But even though Wendy was so sure, would we all survive that attack? I thought about it and I already saw the funeral of my friends in front of me. I shook my head and got rid of that thought. Not long after I fell asleep too. But just before that, I noticed that Natsu was hugging Lucy in his sleep. That was simply adorable.

A/N Guys, It's me, hope you enjoywed it so far. Have a nice day!

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