Moving on (part one)

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Once we got to the car pack downstairs I got to my car I just started crying because it hurts so much I thought that Scott was my brother I guess not I started to hit the car Lydia and Erica were hugging me to stop me from hurt myself and try to calm me down eventually I calmed down and I hugged the back I told them to meet me at my house then we got in the cars and left.

Lydia POV ( I bet you didn't see that coming)
Once we left the loft me and Erica had to make sure that stiles was ok after he was betrayed by a person who thought he was his brother.
When we saw him start braking down and hitting his car me and Erica looked at each other and ran to him and hugged him so that he doesn't hurt himself and tried to calm him down after a few minutes he calmed down he hugged us back and told us to meet him at his house then he got into his car and left.
We all got into our cars and headed to stiles place when we arrived to stiles place I saw a black hammer Jeep.

(picture below )

we all got out of our cars then stiles just pulled up in his car behind us then he got out of his car as he was walking towards us then he spotted the black Jeep he stoped in his tracks he started mumbling under his breath then he ran his hand thr...

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we all got out of our cars then stiles just pulled up in his car behind us then he got out of his car as he was walking towards us then he spotted the black Jeep he stoped in his tracks he started mumbling under his breath then he ran his hand through his hair then he looked Angry then he stomped into his house.
We all followed him into the house.

Stiles POV

when we arrived to my place we got out of our cars when I was walking towards lyds and cat women (lydia and Erica) I notice the black jeep in the driveway then I notice whos black jeep it belonged to a guy that hurt me lot when he said that I was a nobody and among other things  and this happened before any of this supernatural turn of events he's the reason I train with my staff and trained to fight also he the reason I am different today but when I saw his car in my driveway I got mad because he was meant to be gone out of my life forever because he hurt me so bad that I was way way beyond repair.

I went into my house mad as hell for him turning up like this as I get into the living room I see him standing there trying to talk to my dad and I see that dad is mad at him I took a big breath in a started to talk

me: "Hey dad what's going on here and why is he here?" saying with a hint of venum in his voice

other person:"Sti I'm so sorry for hurting you please listen to me" I stoped him as I spoke
me:"No I don't have to listen to you, you need to leave or I make you leave you have done enough already"
Other person :"Place Sti I'm sorry please hear me out"
Me: "I said NO Jai you need to leave before I lose my stuff on you and my family won't hold me back trust me you don't want to get on my bad side Jai"
"He said No and asked you to leave so if I were you I would leave right now and don't come back ever and if you don't leave you got me to deal with got it" I heard a voice from behind I turn around and I see the person is stand in front of met with a duffel bag in one hand and a leather jacket in the other I gasped and my eyes went big I realised who is standing in front of me so I ran and yelled "JACOB!!!!" And I jumped on him snuggling into his neck as I cry because I really miss Jacob and forks Jacob calms me down as soon I calmed down I got off him and asked him "What are you doing here" I asked him "Your dad called my dad to ask him if I could come up for the weekend and he said yess so I drove up here and here I am" I giggled at that then I herd jai "Who is this Sti" he said in a angry voice "why are you still here Jai I asked you to leave twice so I'm going to ask you to leave now" then Jacob stoped me and said "I told you to leave and never come back"
" You can't tell me what to do I don't even know so I'm staying right here and I'm not going anywhere" Jai answers back as he crosses his arms and stood there "Well we asked you more then once to leave so I'm going have to put matters in my own hands" Jacob said

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