visters and birthday suprise (sneak peak)

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As we were leaving Quinn came up to me "Hey Stiles I have a question" she asked me. "ok shoot" I replyed "Am I moving in to your place soon and can I stay at your place tonight?" Quinn asked me "off course no need to asking me if want to crash at my place and" then my phone rings and I pick it up " Hello this is Stiles speaking" I spoke into the phone "Hello, this is Jane from Child Protection Services, I was calling in regards to Quinn about her living with you, do you mind we can arrange a visit to your home to aprove the living condtions for quinn and for the rest for the teens that want to live with you is that ok?" Jane said over the phone


"Yes that would be fine I'm free this afternoon to do the routine check do you mind if the other teens come this afternoon so that you can talk to them ect ? " I asked Jane over the phone "yes offcourse that would be great and we will be there this afternoon see you soon" Jane repied to me after we said our goodbyes I turn to Quinn "Jane is comeig over to do the house check for you guys able live with me, right now I'm texting everyone to let them know whats happening" I tell Quinn what's happening while sending a quick text to everyone "Ok i just need to grab some things my locker then we can go we might bump into some of them on the way"  Quinn tells me I nooded yes in responce and we started to head to her locker.

As we were walking to her locker we bumped in to Rachel and Finn they saw us and Rachel spoke "Quinn why are you with him hes a nothing and he will ruin you, you need to come back to glee you belong with us not them they are nothing compaired to us" Rachel was about to say more she got inturputed by Santanna and the others who had join us "Your right we are nothing like you guys just let me tell you somthing Rachel have you really taken the time to get to know us on friendship base ok let me ask you what do you know about me lets say what are my likes and dislikes?" Santanna asked Rachel "ummmm well you like ummmmmm" rachel started to say "That's what I thought you have no clue about us you never made the time to get to know us as your friends all you wanted was to be the star of glee in every way possible but let me tell somthing glee is about family and reaching for there goals in life with suport of each other and learning life values and helping eachother get back up again if we fall and we are about music not being the star of everything so think real hard on what you are about to say next" Santanna says to Rachel "No your wrong Santanna I've been busy with things so I didnt have time to get to know all of you but he's takeing that chance and he is brain washing you to hate me" Rachel replies "hahaha that the best you got listen here shortie I'm not brain washing anyone they make there own choices and infact they are way way way mature then you and your little friends behind you so excuse me we have to leave" I say  too Rachel and then walked pass Rachel with the rest of the gang following behind me. 

Once outside after getting their things "ok who is going with? " I asked everyone "I think I'll go with Lydia and Erica" Mercades said "And I'll go with Puck,Jackson and boyed plus we will be late we are going to get drinks for everyone so that might take awhile" Artie said, I  replyed "sure do you know everyones oders? ohh and im going to oder pizza for everyone tonight after our vister leaves is everyone ok with that?" "yes I know everyones oders no worries" Arite replyed and everyone agreed with the pizza after the agreed everyone finished sort who is going with who in whos car ect. 


Everyone arrived to the mansion and got out of the cars and went inside everyone went up stairs got change and came back down into the living room I heard the honk so I  grabed Jacob and went outside and help them woth the drinks once they got the drinks and Artie into his wheelchair they went inside to the living room once we got there, we handed out the drinks once the drinks was handed out I heard the door bell ring so I went to the front door and opened it for the lady " Hello, Jane welcome to our home everyones in the livingroom with their  drinks from the local cafe" Stiles spoke the lady came in "Thank you Stiles for allowing this to happen so fast" the lady replyed to stiles "Its not problem the fastster this happens the faster they out of the abuseive place they staying at the moment ,Please follow me to the living room" as he headed to the living room the lady following not far behind takeing notice of the house ect "Hey everyone this is Jane from child proective servies please be as honest as you can be and if you need any of us dont haste to ask for that suport"......

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