squad meeting / sleepover part 1

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last time on New pack 

There was not so nice teacher coming demanding for the new kids to join his glee club but the new kids refused and Coach Sue schooled him by telling him by that the fact is that the group is offical and that the new kids are in the club. 

after all the drama stiles invites the squad for a squad sleepover slash meeting so that they can get to know each other and come up with some things as a squad. 

Now on New Pack 

Stiles POV

20 minutes later me and my friends arrived home then 20 mintues everyone arrived and knocked at the door we all went to the door and opened it and we see Quinn was at the front with Santana, Brittany and the rest of the squad behind her we let them in.

Once the squad came in side they went to the warmest part of the house since it's winter this time of year and the warmest place in the house was the second living room but stiles calls it the sleep over room slash the hang out room. 

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(this is what the room look like instead of two mattress it's on big mattress that everyone can sit, lay on when having sleepovers and the couch it grey instead of white and there lots of colours pillows and trow ons too)

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(this is what the room look like instead of two mattress it's on big mattress that everyone can sit, lay on when having sleepovers and the couch it grey instead of white and there lots of colours pillows and trow ons too)

Once everyone settled their stuff down stiles and his friends gave them a tour around the house then settled back to the sleepover slash hang out room.

"Ok what do we want to eat before we start our first ever Squad sleepover slash meeting?" Puck asked us and we came up with pizza and ice cream then ordered the pizzas and ice cream "So that's sorted lets get change into our warm Pj's  while we wait for the pizza and ice cream to come" Santana said and we all agreed and went and got change 30 minutes later everyone was back in the room then they heard the front door so they went t the front door it was the pizza guy with the pizza and the ice cream they thanked the guy and bid him goodbye and closed the door and went back to the room and sat on the big mattress while the boys went and got the drinks for everyone. 

10 minutes later everyone was sitting down and eating pizza and talking about there day ect after they ate "Ok guys now that we all eaten where do want to start the meeting off with?" I asks my squad then Brittany piped up "well I wanted to start with the rules first because I thought that can get the rules out of the way first we can focus on other topics that we want to cover what you think Stiles?" what Brittany said was good so we all agreed and and we did the rules first then we worked on the name of the squad we came up with the name of           Rebel Warriors since we are all rebels but also warriors at the same time so we came up with name and we were happy about that after we confirmed the Squads name we went on to the uniforms "umm I was thinking that during the day we can wear our normal clothes but we all have our squads jackets to say that we are on the team and on the back we can have our names that we choose for each on the back with our squad logo and we can add the patch that tell us our position on the team and at our school games and compations we can wear our squad uniform we can get one for winter and one for summer and also can get squads training uniform for when we train so that we don't ruin our uniforms before we need to use them what you guys think" Tina piped up telling the Squad what she came up with and we all looked at each other and was shock that a shy girl came up with an amazing ideas ever so we all agreed to that so Lydia and Tina got the job of designing the uniforms.

Then we move on to other things that we need to do "Umm can we try and get out lockers next to each other and near our squad training room slash change room because I thought that it would be easier that we just have one locker instead of having two lockers each so that there free lockers in the halls for more students to attend McKinley High" Mercedes piped up with the idea about the lockers and we all agreed with that and I wrote that down then I ask for any other ideas and the Squad gave me a small list that they would like change for the squad so I wrote them down and we agreed on that list that will improve and be better for the school aswell after all that talking I told the Squad that they can go and watch movies and chill and I will email Coach what we went over and the squad was asking if I was ok with that and I smiled and said yes because the squad has been so helpful with everything all I got to do type it up and send it to Coach and the squad said ok. 

So I graded my laptop and my headphones to listen to the video clips that Coach wanted me to watch and take notes on I also grabed my capten folder and the teams folder and the usb that has all the videos that Coach wanted me to review after grabbing all the stuff I went back to the room and sat down next to Jacob and snuggled under the blankets next to him and smiled at Jacob and lean in and put my headphones on then Jacob put his arms around me and pulled me closer and I smiled more that it even hurt my face but I could not stop smiling.

Anyways I played the videos and reviewed them and type up what Coach wanted me to type up and put together somethings for the Squad then after was done after that I checked with Lydia and Tina to see if they are done designing the Squad uniform and they were so I took photos of them and upload them to my laptop and attach them to the email that I wrote for Coach but before I send it I asked the squad to have a look at the designs that Lydia and Tina came up with for the Squad once they had a look they were telling Lydia and Tina how much they loved the uniform that they designed for the Squad so agreed with the designs they came up with so that meant that I can send the email to Coach "Ok guys I'm done typing up the email for Coach and upload the photos of the design to the email it's ready to be sent wanna count down for me" I asked my squad and the squad agreed to count down and started to count down "5,4,3,2, 1 and send" after I pressed the send button we all cheered in happiness. 

"Ok now that's of the way I think it's time to catch up the new comers on the school gossip" Quinn said and everyone agreed with what she said so we all got comfy.


Hello my fellow magical readers of all kinds,

I hope you all enjoyed my book so far!

I need to know who you ship please let me know down below 

Stiles x Jacob 

















Who do you ship? please let me know 

I might add new charter soon I hope you look forward to that because I know I am

I hope you all have a wonderful day/night ahead of you 

stay safe, be happy and read lots 

love from me 

your writer 

Storm xoxo

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