Damage control

434 11 10

last on new pack 

 "You think we are pest that needs to be put down well well lets see about that" I said as I turned around "Lyds the phone please" I asked Lydia then Lydia walked over to me and passed the phone then I diled a nunmber that I know off by heart then pressed call and waited untill it picked up which was not long "Hey boss you might wanna head over to Lima sooner then planed we got some damage contoll to do" 

now on new pack 

 "You think we are pest that needs to be put down well well lets see about that" I said as I turned around "Lyds the phone please" I asked Lydia then Lydia walked over to me and passed the phone then I diled a nunmber that I know off by heart then pressed call and waited untill it picked up which was not long "Hey boss you might wanna head over to Lima sooner then planed we got some damage contoll to do" said over the phone " ok Sti I will be there within an hour because I'm two towns over just keep it contantedok Sti" the person told me over the phone "Got it boss" I answered and hang up knowing that he on his way here.

I turned around and faced Ali hold jace down "Well he will be here in a hour so lets take him somewhere that he can't leave" I said and Ali looked up on me and nodded her head and pulled Jace up and i was on the other side of jace holding his other arm and we took him to a spare room and we tied him to a chair and left the room and I felt my magic sealing off the room so that Jace can't leave as we leave the room. 

an hour later 

There was a knock on the door and i answer and welcomed the person in know who it is "Where is the damage that needs to be controlled" he asked me "Follow me boss he in a spare room tied up to a chair and my magic sealed the room so that he can't leave" telling him as I closed the door behined him and walked down the hall to the room that he is in and  stoped in front of the door where Jace is in "He's in here just know that he got mouth on him" I told him "Thanks Sti i will handle this or to want to help" he asked I just shook my head "No it's ok  boss, it's all your boss i got to talk to the rest of the tribe but call out if you need anything" I told him and boos nodded in responce and he went into the room to deal with him and i left to go the living room where everyone is, I walked into the living room I sat down next to Alison "Ali your dad is here and he dealing the poblem" I told Alison and she nodded in response. 

"So what do we do? this had not happen in a long time " a female elder asked me "Well after we deal with jace and we see from there you the kids go to school or are they home schooled?" I asked the elders "The children are home school because Jace said that it was a good idea so stay home" the female elder replyed "Ok well I will  come back tomorrow to talk to all the adults in the tribe so that we can work out what the best thing for the tribe and the children" I told everyone and they nodded in response then we just chated among our selves and I was talking to the little girl that looked confused before and when I was talking to her I notice that she seems to lose the converstion and easly distracted so I put that on file in my mind for tomorrow to talk to elders of the tribe. 

An hour later 

Alison dad came into the living room "Well he sure did have big plans for the tribe" he told us as he sat down next to Alison "What type of plans are we talking about boss" I asked him "Two words  sti world domnation" he said and my eyes went wide open and my mouth hung open from the shock then I shook it off "Well what do we do boss?" I ask him with a hint of worry  "Don't worry Sti he been handled by the hunters way and it's been clean up so don't worry that and the room is sealed off so no one can go in there even me ok Sti"  he told me and I sighed in relief and nodded in responce then i felt someone familier hugging me from behind and i looke up to see that it was Jacob and I sighed happliy and then Jacob let go of me and cam around and pick me up and sat down then sat me down in his lap and i smiled at his antics and snuggled into him knowing that we are ok for now and and we all just chilled and chatted untill it was time for us to go home for the night. 


Hello my fellow magical readers of all kinds,

I hope that you are all staying safe that you all doing well.

so this chapter is a short chapter because I been trying to find a way to get the story they way i had it in my head and it's hard when you have so many ideas in your head that you just don't know what to do with it so I took some time to think and write what type of chapter that i will upload in the future and I hope that i upload more the I useally do. 

i hope that you enjoy this small chapter 

stay safe everyone 

and have a very magical day 

from your writer



NEW PACK   ( teenwolf x glee x twilight crossover)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora