On the road

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The gang hit the road after they got there stuff from stiles home.
—Jacob POV —
"Can we stop by the Rez because I want to explain so things that are going on" I ask everyone, everyone agreed to stop by the Rez. (They are useing commutation system so that the gang can talk to each other on the road and not miss out on the conversations they have on the road )

A few hours later we got to the Rez and I see Bella pulling up at my dads place I got angry but stiles calmed me down enough to able to see clearly then we all got out of our cars I saw my dad rolling out of the house and I see the pack coming out as well I quickly went over to my dad with out Bella seeing me, I hugged my dad and said hello the pack that was behind my dad.
I explained everything on what's happening and that we are going to hit the road and see we end up because we going to find stiles mums family after I explained everything dad eye got big as he realise something dad looks up at me and tells me " You much go to Ohio if you want to find anything about what your looking for" I looked at my dad and realised that he was hinting me with something so I hugged him goodbye and said bye to the la push pack and as we were heading to our cars Bella tried to stop us from leaving.
Bella stoped in front of us " Where have you been Jacob and don't you lie to me I had enough of this I want to know what is happening now." Bella yelled at me I ignore her and went past her but she had just have to grab my arm to try stop me from leaving again.

——— STILES POV ———
This chick yelled at Jacob and is trying to stop Jacob from leaving, I was so mad at this chick so I grabbed her arm that was holding onto Jacob and pulled her off him
"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM, IF HE WANTS TO LEAVE HE CAN BECAUSE GUESS WHAT HUNI HE IS A MATURE TEENAGER THAT CAN MAKE HIS OWN CHOICES IN HIS LIFE IF IT BRAKE HIM OR MAKE HIM BECAUSE HUNI HE WILL GO MUCH MUCH FURTHER THEN YOU EVER WILL OHHH AND I WOULDN'T UNDERESTIMATED ME AT ALL SO LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK" I yelled at her because I was mad at her behaviour towards Jacob , so after I push her away we went to our cars I gave Jacob a quick kiss and we drove out of la push and hit the road to Ohio while the the road stoped by many food places and while we were on the road we talk through the commutator that we have in our cars we listened to music and talked on the road.


Hello my fellow readers of all kind of magical beings,
I'm glad that I'm able to write more chapters as I have more ideas for this book I'm excited to give you guys more to read while we are all in isolation due the virus that has been going around.
I hope you all enjoy please let me know what you think I would appreciate the feed back as I would love to improve the story line.
From your writer
P.S I'm sorry for the short story in the next chapter will be longer.

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