Squad meeting/sleepover Part 2

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Stiles POV

we all got comfy then Santana was about to start telling us the gossip but got stoped by someone ringing the doorbell , I looked at everyone in a confused expression "expecting someone?" I asked my Squad and they said no that they were not expecting anyone then the bell went off again so I got up and went to the front door and opened it I gasped "what are you doing here did something happened" I rambled to the person that was in front of me "hey hey calm down stiles " the said the voice from the person that is standing in front of me, I sighed after he told me that everything is ok "but I think you might wanna hear this may I come in" he said I frowned and let him in after he came in I close the door and lead him to the sleep over slash hang out room. 

10 minutes later we arrived to the room and I opened the door and everyone snapped there heads to me then I saw friends that came with me eyes go big as they see who is behind me "why are you here is everything ok?" Lydia quick got up and came over to us and hugged the mystery person "yes everything is fine but you guys might wanna hear what I got to say and we might wanna be sitting down for this" he said and I boded my head and we move to where everyone is and sat down "ok what do you have to tell us Peter I thought that you would be coming in a week" I said to him " well I was going to come in a week but I over heard Scott and Derek talking about take you down and that they going to need allis and more members to able to take you down and that's not all that said they were also planing to take your pack mates that followed you here back to bacon hills and make them submit to their orders" Peter told me and I was shocked and angry at the same time "WHATTTT no no they better not come here and try and take my pack from me I would go to hell and back for for my pack no one touches them ever" I ranted madly my pack was trying to calm me down about 20 infuse later I calmed down "umm sorry to interrupt but can you tell us what is going on" Mike ask us, I looked at my pack see if they ok with that and they all nodded yes sighed "well guys your in for a ride" I answered Mike, then I started telling them everything.

An Hour later we just finished telling them every thing everyone what shocked to the say the lest "wow you guys have been through a lot and we don't care that you guys are magical beings" Mercedes told us and I smiled at her response and hugged her then thanked her and the rest of our friends for excepting us for who we are. 

"So Peter what do we do now" I asked Peter "well first we find your mothers tribe by using a locating spell that Deton taught you" he said and I nodded in understanding so I got up and excused my self from everyone and went to my witchy room that I have set up because I'm a spark just like Deton but stronger.

I got to my witchy room and set up everything I graded my map and my crystal scryer and put it on the table then I grabbed a few candles and matches to light the candles then I went back to the table and set everything up and did the spell about half an hour I was done with the spell my crystal landed on Ohio near the open forest and I knew why so I put everything back where the belonged as I turned to leave the room I see everyone sitting there watching me with there mouths open (not my pack they know) I just chuckled "you better close your mouths or you catch fly's" I said to everyone then came out of shock "I know where they are and we can go to them tomorrow as it's late" I said and everyone nodded yes and we all went to bed.

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