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As the Salmon haired boy sucks up Totomaru's flames, the man who loves you glares in distaste at the newcomer. "So, it's you, this isn't to go well for either of us. Plus, she must have known who you are?" he scowls as the other boy just looks downright confused.

"Huh? Who?" Natsu has no clue who the man could be referring to, so is confused as the men start arguing after doing nasty tricks against each other. 

Feeling the canon about to go off you feel the dragon slayers power increase, as you feel the cannon get destroyed. "Shit" you grunt as you move towards the main hall. There is a shudder from the whole building as if it's starting to shift "Fuck this" you groan before starting to run back towards Totomaru. 

"Totomaru. Get out" you start as a yell before you're a whole your mouth your motion sickness starting to kick in. 

"(f/n)!" before you drop to the floor, you feel cold before seeing four members of Fairytail stood there. 

"Totomaru" you growl as he goes flying backwards and the three men turn to you.

"She wasn't here a second ago!" Natsu comments as the white-haired man and black-haired man look at you. 

"I'm....Gonna....Hurl" you groan 'Damn Jose! Could have warned me my poor tummy' you look at the three, as the salmon haired boy is also getting motion sickness. 'Man. I promised but he is the enemy' you moan rolling on your back. "ARIA....COME SAVE ME.... I DOWN....BEING SICK!" you yell hoping the air mage of the elemental four can hear you.

"Is she part of Phantom Lord," the large muscular man with a scar on the right side of his face glanced over. He smelt like Mirajane the mage you met the other day. 

"Clearly, you're smart," you groan as you roll on your front beginning clawing your way towards the door. "I don't want to play at the moment" you moan when you feel it stop moving. "Oh it stopped moving, I'm good but I don't want to play with you" you smirk as you stand up a little uneasy using whatever you can to lift from the floor.

 "Who are you?" Natsu calls over to you this tone isn't unfriendly more inquisitive.

"Oh, you'll find out soon Son OF Igneel" you wink before sensing Aria, grab you and the two of you vanishing within thin air. Before you're fully gone the boy calls out again.

"HEY WAIT UP!" glancing at your eyes that looked like a dark starry night, you blow him a kiss before vanishing like the stars do when the sunrises in the sky.

"Oi flame brain, do you know that girl?" Grey looks at his friend.

"No, but I'm sure she is a dragon slayer," he smelt the air trying to catch your scent. 

"I thought Phantom Lord only had one dragon slayer? This isn't Manly" Elfman cries out before going to fight Sol in order to save his big sister Mirajane. 

At the same time Aria drops you with Jose before he goes back to the Frey, little did you know it was against a certain salmon haired mage. Juvia, however, comes up against the ice maker mage Grey and falls in love with him at first sight before losing. 

"Jose, where is Gajeel? Surely he would want to kick the dragon slayer's ass?" you smile before blushing with an idea to see the pink-haired boy again. "Maybe I can go play with him?" you act all cute trying to persuade your master. 

"You will do no such thing!" he snaps making you pout like a spoilt brat.

 "I'm so bored though!" you whine lying on the floor, as you feel Aria release his power. "Man, everyone gets all the fun," you brood as you feel a new strength of power as the element four are taken out. "Oh my, someone broke your toys master," you smirk vindictively, as you smell Gajeel turn up and then you smell a celestial mage. 

"I can't believe my strongest wizards, the element four were taken out by that Fairytail scum!" Jose start raving in rage as you looked at the blonde girl.

"Guess that makes them even worse than scum huh?" Gajeel comments to your master who hadn't spotted him.

"Gajeel, you've returned baring a gift have you?" your master looks at the blonde girl.

 "Yeh I picked you up a little something whilst I was out!" the dragon slayer smirked as he dropped the girl to the floor you watching from your spot. 

'I don't know why but I know her I think' you stare at her inquisitively.

"Oh very impressive my boy! How did you track her down so quickly?" the Jose seemed surprised as you giggled.

 "You should never underestimate the nose of a dragon slayer." the black-haired man seemed offended before your master continued.

"She is alive right?" Jose concerned since it was a mission from a wealthy paying client. 

"Hmm, I was pretty rough with her" looking to the side before booting the blonde across the room whilst you sat and watched. The blonde start to cough up meaning she definitely was still alive. "Yup she's still alive and kicking" he laughs as you just sit bored as Jose won't let you play. 

"Excellent work Gajeel. I knew I could count on you" your master looks crazy as he says it.

 "Do I get to play yet or what?" you snap standing up.

 "Aww is short stuff bored?" Gajeel teases you. 

"Yeh, I am. I've not been allowed to fight anyone" you pout crossing your arms across your chest "And Toto is knocked out clean" you sigh sitting back down with your head in your hands. 

"Listen! You pathetic Fairytail worms, listen carefully as I will only say this once" Jose calls out over the speakers, that is when Gajeel grabs Lucy's hair making hair scream out loud.

"Gajeel, you're being too rough" you snap as the Fairytail guild hears their comrade screaming, as you start to stride forward to get her out of his hands.

"We've captured your precious, Lucy Heartfilla. Which means our first order of business is out of the way. And that leaves us with just one more thing. My favourite part wiping all of you miserable brats right off the face of the earth" he says making you sad a little. 

After that Erza tells Natsu to channel a power buried with him to surpass her. That's when your senses get overwhelmed  making you drop to your knees "(F/N)?" Gajeel runs over to help you as you lift your head in the air your eyes glowing brilliant white and your body surrounded by starlight as your own power has awakened by finally finding the fire dragon slayer Natsu. Before you fall to your knees gasping for air for what must have been only for before jumping to your feet energised and ready to go. 

Little did you know at the same time Fairytail's Master Makarov had awoken from the spell put on him by Aria, as the King and Queen of the Dragon-slayers powers had finally awoken to signal it was time for them to connect with each other. 

***Thank you for reading***

****Sorry for slow updates****

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