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As the competition is announced, if you were to come into last then you would get no points and it wasn't long until the first competition was announced and the only thing that was said was the round would be called 'hidden'.

Looking at the competition, you were annoyed and if you stood still for long you were likely to die from rage or boredom. Turning to your team you smirked, "I'll go first," smiling the team agreed as you stepped forward. "I'm the smallest, it makes sense if I go if it comes to hiding," shrugging it was clear to your teammates that you weren't happy about being ignored by your mates.

"Yeh Shorty you go," Gajeel ruffles your hair.

"I know you can do it (f/n)!" Mira-Jane was over excited for you to compete as the others just nodding in acknowledgement. It turned out in the end that Raventail and Sabertooth went all out mostly for Grey from Fairytail team A making them get zero points, but you managed to get a few for your team. For the next few days that is how it continued as Fairytail began to get more points, however, Raventail's member Flare attacked Lucy so brutally cheating by threatening Asuka.

When it ended up being Mira-Jane vs Jenny from Blue Pegasus it turned into a full model off competition, that somehow all the women from the guilds got involved.

One part especially annoyed, as you stood there in a wedding dress, Lisanna walked over to the Natsu stating that they'd said when they were little that they were husband and wife. Natsu being dense then ended up falling on Lucy as you stood there in white, on your own without a groom.

Natsu could sense your upset at being stood up, but he wasn't the only one as two dragon slayers swooped, not sure why they'd actually joined in. "Princess...that mate of yours is useless," the sneaky tone of Sting rang in your ear.

"Yes, it's very rude of him to stand up so a beautiful woman such as yourself." Rogue on your other arm.

"If we were your mate, then we would take care of you like the princess that you are," as the blonde bent and kissed your hand the announcers clocked on.

"If this a union between the twin dragonslayers of Sabertooth, and the mage of Fairytail...very Romeo and Juliet!" the man called out, making everyone stood there eyes turn to the scene, included the onyx eyes, a growl escaping his lips as he pushed Lucy off him.

Sensing his presence you pulled your hand away from the blonde, slapping him around the face, "You shouldn't touch what doesn't belong to you," smirking you turned, jumping onto Natsu, catching him off guard the two of you fell to the floor. No one had seen you use your Dragonslayer magic yet, even in the challenge your taken part in.

As you lay on top of him, his eyes were glaring at the two mages behind you instead of you. Not liking that you growl a little from deep within your throat, his attention coming straight to you. "I'm right here ya know, idiot!" groaning, the pink haired hotty below you smirked before pulling your face to his, the two of you in a passionate kiss before being ripped apart from Laxus and Erza. The audience may have got more of a show than what they'd paid for if the two of you weren't separated.

The events of the day continued, the next fight catching your attention as a white-haired celestial mage caught your attention. Her name was Yukino, the thing that caught your attention the most was the fact that she had the zodiac keys that Lucy didn't have, meaning within Crocus right now was all twelve of the zodiac spirits.

As you watched the fight, your head began to throb, before the pain continued to grow at the magnitude of power that the two celestial mages presence held. Their power alone could feed you for a lifetime, but there was something else that was set deep within your mind.

'Gate....don't let the gate open...stop the gate...close the matter what (f/n) you must close the gate' The words were on loop as the fight between Yukino and her opponent Kagura of Mermaid heel got closer and closer to its climax.

The end result was Yukino losing and at a huge cost of betting her life.

Little did you know, at the time that this was just the next step of your journey. The first was finding the fire dragon, the second was to close the gate if opened. The thing was this was only just coming to mind, it was as if someone knew exactly what would happen.

With the pain in your head growing by the second, you leant against the cold brick wall to hold you up. The clear discomfort on your face to your teammates, "Yo shortie, you right?"Gajeel walked over placing a cool hand on your forehead, it was the opposite of what he'd expected. The smooth skin was ice cold, and as you eyes opened you glanced at the man but you weren't seeing him, you couldn't see anything only a gate, like a vision of what was to come.

To Gajeel your eyes were pure silver, not even a pupil as concerned grew on his face and the only thing he could think was that they needed to warm you up.

"Where is the fire eatin' bastard?" the man growled, catching the dragon slayers in the arena's attention. As all of them looked to the side lines where you stood, your body was practically begin to give off a potent glow only visible to those with dragon senses but also to the those that passed the power of the celestials.

"Natsu...what's wrong with (f/n)?" Lucy glanced to her side to see that the fire dragon was no longer, she'd not seen or sensed him move yet now he was stood with his body wrapped in yours with a tight embrace, as the glow in your body began to fade as his skin warmed you to the core.

"Hey...what happen my little shooting star?" moving a piece of hair from your forehead, the coldness making him shudder slightly, your eyes bleeding back to the midnightnight blue and silver they usually were.

"I don't know...sorry Natsu...I don't feel too great," resting your head against his bare chest, the warmth of his skin instantly filling you with comfort.

"Today's finished. I'll get you back to the inn," picking you up carefully, as if you were a porcelain doll, your guild members made their way back to the guild. Natsu carefully tucked you into his bed, not wanting to leave you but knowing that if he stayed that he wouldn't have been able to control the dragon within him, since he was fighting the instinct to mate with you.

Instead, he went back downstairs only to find out that Yukino had been kicked out of her guild and took it upon himself to attack the Sabertooth guild, only to be sent back with a bad taste in his mouth. To make matters worse was when he got back to his room, you lay still, barely breathing. In a panic, the dragon slayer ran downstairs in a frantic state of despair.

"I need's (f/n) she isn't well," as soon as the words left his mouth, they sent for Porlyusica. It wasn't long until the pink haired woman arrived, and as her red eyes glanced across your body, she had no clue what was wrong with you. The power that was within you was building, not getting weaker meaning that you weren't dying, it was as if you had been put into a deep sleep to charge your body for something.

"She is very much alive...yet I'm unsure what is happening to her. The girl's magical power is charging up, it would be best to keep someone here to watch her or move her to the infirmary so that I can watch over her during the games," glancing over at your guild master, he nodded before Natsu carried you.

Upon getting to the infirmary, he sat on your bed side caressing your hair in such a loving way that everyone left the two of you alone. Once alone, the man lay on his side placing an arm across your stomach stroking you stomach before taking his hand in yours.

"One day, we will mate and I know we will then I'll never leave you again," kissing your forehead, he fell asleep holding your body close to his before eventually it was the next day and the games continued. The doom looming over you, as you listened to those around, not asleep, and not awake, your body in a state of stasis, waiting for something to happen. 

***Thank you for reading!***

***Sorry for the delay. I'm hoping to update a little quicker from now on.***

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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