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After you left the Fairytail guild hall you decided to travel and pick up work in the towns you stopped in. Even passing a few guilds that you could smell had dragon slayers in, but you didn't stop by any of them. From the fear that Natsu or as others knew him Salamander found you. 

Rumour was that after what had happened with Phantom Lord, Laxus Dreyer an S-Class wizard of Fairytail along with his team the Thunderlegion attacked Magnolia. Testing those within the guild to see who was worthy of being able to call themselves a member of the guild. Rumour was that Gajeel and Natsu worked together to defeat the Lightening wizard. It was also mentioned on the grapevine that Laxus was a dragon slayer, as a dragon lacrama was placed within him, giving him the power of a lightning dragon slayer. 

After his gramps, the master of Fairytail, was better as apparently he had a nasty turn during the battle. Unable to participate, since Freed, a dark rune mage and member of the Thunder Legion had put an enchantment trapping him in. The same spell locking Natsu and Gajeel in there, until it was unravelled by the same blue-haired mage yourself and Gajeel had attacked. So, when awoken Laxus was expelled from the guild. 

The rumours you'd heard was that the Thunder Legion stayed in the guild making up for the trouble they had caused but missed their leader. After that nothing, much happened for a while as you continued to travel. Eventually, you decided to settle for a bit longer in Hargeon Town getting a job in a bar as you had now turned eighteen, having the loneliest eighteenth birthday to yourself. A cupcake with one candle, whilst you looked out to sea wondering if this is what your life was now. 

It was a month after that, and you were working in the bar 'Suneater' as usual on the late shift. It was your favourite as nothing made you happier than working back to your temporary home underneath the starry skies, without a care in the world. 

Stood behind the bar the door opened, a smell hitting your nostrils. It wasn't unpleasant it was more comforting than anything, as you looked over to the large figure wearing a brown cloak that was soaking wet through. Glancing out the window you hadn't even noticed it was raining so badly. 

The figure removed his cloak, before sitting at the bar placing his bag to the side and staring at you for a second. "Whiskey," his voice was manly and booming, but so commanding it made your cheeks blush at just the very tone. The man in question could sense how he made you feel from just his words, as your scent was comforting to him. As if you were an old friend once lost but now found. 

"Coming right up!" you smiled brightly snapping out of your trance, getting his drink before turning to place it on the bar, to see he was staring you up and down. It was as if he was undressing you with his eyes making your cheeks go rosy. "500 Jewels," you comment making him look back up from your busty chest to your eyes that sparkled in the dim lighting of the bar. 

Without a thank you or anything he placed the money on the bar before he grabbed the glass, necking the brown liquid. Placing the empty glass back on the bar he pushed it back towards you for another. Shaking your head you grabbed the bottle pouring another, as he placed another 500 jewels, but this time he nursed it as if contemplating something. 

Placing the bottle back you took the money, before moving on to another customer. There weren't too many since the storm was getting worse. The blonde didn't speak much as you would notice him staring at you from time to time. Blue eyes wondering down your body, his left eyes holding a lightning bolt scar, and short stylish blonde hair. The guy was attractive and was very obviously all muscles from working out. 

By the time it was getting closer to home time he was the last one in the bar, your boss sighing at the storm outside sighing. "(f/n), you get home it's a bad one out there" the oldish man commented making you look at him. 

"You sure? The storm doesn't bother me." You smile sweetly, the man sat at the bar listening to every word you were saying. "Plus, we still have a customer." you glance at the guy who looked straight at you raising an eyebrow that you had actually acknowledge he was there. It was pretty obvious after a bit that the guy was used to women throwing themselves at him. However, you were not one of those girls, however, even you wouldn't deny he was good looking. 

"It's fine. Come on, get home! Make sure you don't catch a cold." your manager commented making you laugh, as it was rare that you would ever get ill from a measly cold. 

"No worries. I'll be in same time tomorrow don't you worry about that." you giggle, the feeling of blue eyes on your body as you walked from behind the bar. However, back in Phantom Lord, you would have teased him. Now though you just wanted to be left alone in your pity party for one, still holding the regrets of what you had done to the Fairytail guild. 

Grabbing your belongings from the back you came back out, noticing that the man at the bar had left making you shrug. To you, he wasn't a threat since you knew you could kick most peoples ass in a fight. Stepping outside the storm was really coming in as the breeze hit your skin, the smell of the sea on the air. 'Well, I'm sleepy!' you yawned to yourself heading to your house, with the faint whiff of the man from the bar following you. 

"I can't be arsed with this tonight!" you mumbled to yourself, however, you were unaware that the man following heard your comment making him smirk before he stopped, heading to his own hotel for the night. Getting into your little flat, you stripped your wet uniform off, placing straight in the washing so that it could be washed and dried for work tomorrow. 

After a quick hot shower, you got into bed and as you did every night you dreamt of the pink-haired dragon slayer that you missed with every breath you took. Even though you had never really known him, it was if he was a part of you, sometimes you swore he was calling out for you to come back to him. 

Little did you know that Natsu would have the exact same dream every night, but it was you he would see, your sweet voice calling to him like a siren called sailors to them. It was something he bared alone, not discussing it with any of his friends. Deep down they all could see it whenever they went to a new town or place he would smell the air. Sometimes whispering under his breath to say 'She's been here' but he was never there at the right time, like two ships passing in the night never destined to meet.  

The next few days went by the same as the night before the storm never letting up, meaning tips were low from the lack of customers that the bar was getting. The lightning coming from the night sky sensed almost magical to your dragon nose. There was one customer each night though that would order the same drink, not speaking much, his eyes would speak a thousand words. 

The same words that your eyes held...'Loneliness'

***I hope you enjoyed it and apologies for anyone that has been waiting as I realise I haven't updated in a while on this story, but I promise to bring you more now that I have more time.*** 

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