The curiosity of a family!

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Barely able to open one of your eyes from swelling, you began hobbling towards the fight. It was buried deep within your soul, the fact that you didn't know when to give up. It also wasn't something you'd done. This was an unusual situation, that someone in the room, is stronger than you, that you needed to fight.

"(f/n), stay back!" Laxus called out as he noticed you now back on your feet.

"Looks like I didn't finish you!" Hades laughed manically "Why do you even have no one...the lost dragonslayer of Phantom Lord!" cackling at your pitiful state, as you clench your fists walking forward practically dragging your leg behind you.

"I never knew the pain I had cause people...I never felt pain before today....and now I know that I have so much to learn!" your words were loud for all to hear as tears of rage from your starey eyes. "I'll do whatever I can and even if I lose my life, I swear I will take you with me!" growling as you lift your face, the colour of your eyes changing to the glittering silver of a star.

"Tch! Just a fly!" the man commented as you raise your arms to the heavens, all your magic power channelling into the stars in the daylight sky.

"Star Dragon Secret Art: Starfall!" It was taking everything you had left as you called out. Dropping to your knees a the area above the man starts to glow and floating balls of gas rain down on the man. "That's all I had left!" you smirk as the room is filled with a brilliant white, making everyone hold their eyes closed for a second.

However, upon reopening them they see that man still stood there a few scratches on him as you barely hold yourself up. "All that potential wasted on a brat like you...with no family or friends...not even a guild would want you!" the man turns fed up with this fight as tears begin to flow from your eyes.

"Oh yeah, old man...I'll think you'll find that she is my family!" Laxus calls out as you glistening eyes turn to the man who you'd spent the last month or so with. "And you hurt my I'm going to hurt you!" it was all a flash of lights that your mind couldn't comprehend what was happen until you saw Laxus on his knees, and a large black ball of magic sailing towards him.

The adrenaline pushed through your body, seeing the man that said you were his family about to capture. Your body moving before you even thought about it. Hearing his old guildmates and your mate Natsu call out to the muscular blonde man's name, knowing he had grown up with a lot of the people in the room.

"LAXUSSSSSSSS!" you called out as he glanced at you before he felt you grab him to push him out of the way of the blast that hit you square in the back, catching the blondes leg. The sound of Hades rejoicing. Then he noticed Laxus there with you lying barely consciously in his arms, pure rage in his eyes as sparks of lightning came off him.

"Idiot, take a nap whilst I sort this yeh?" he looked down at you as you couldn't respond, the feeling of being drained of magic in your body. It was the weakest you had ever felt in your life but yet you felt strong. 

You'd had protected someone you cared for. Leaning down the man kissed your head, as Natsu saw this, pain and jealously ran through his body but he knew this wasn't the time or the place to discuss what you were to Laxus.

As you were placed carefully on the floor the world went black, a dreamless sleep taking over your being. If you have stayed awake you'd have seen Laxus give his power to Natsu to create the lightening flame dragon but unfortunately you didn't know that Fairytail had been successful.

When it was over Laxus picked you up putting you in his lap "Stop sleeping...I know you're awake!" his rough voice called out as you opened an eye.

"Got any food?" you smirk as he chuckles at you. Sitting up hugging him, not realising that Natsu was staring straight at you as he rejoiced with his guildmates.

Dragon from the Stars! (Natsu Dragneel x reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat