Protection from the Sun!

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As Natsu stood there staring as he just did it, as his body moves on its own, but he wanted another and then another, so when you walked away he groaned before feeling an arm wrap around his shoulder.

"Come on kid, let's go fishing!" Gildart's commented as Natsu got excited giving you one last glance before he went with the older man.

"So, you and the flame brain an item, shorty?" Gajeel chuckled as you laughed nervously.

"Not quite, I thought we were going to get to know each other before we did more than hold hands!" you pout making the large man hug you.

"Still as sassy as I remember. Plus, you're more innocent than when you were with Totomaru." His words made you blush like crazy. "Also, I'm intrigued what did you and Laxus get up to...I heard you nearly mated." He wiggled his metal eyebrows at you, your face giving him everything he needs to know.

"So, you finally went all the way!" he smirked as you went pale.

"What? No, we stopped I swear.... I'm not gonna lie we were extremely close to but neither of us could." You sigh as Gajeel laughs before the two of you sit catching up. From time to time you saw him checking out the tiny blue-haired woman Levy, taking a mental note that she was most likely his mate.

For the first time in a long time, you felt like you had found somewhere that you belonged. Like truly belonged and even though you hadn't officially joined yet, as the master was somewhere talking with Erza and no doubt Laxus. It was as if you were making the right decision, as Gajeel, Juvia and yourself caught up like old times.

It was funny as you kept playing with Juvia telling her how hot you thought Grey was since it was obvious that she had a thing for the ice maker mage. It felt nice acting like yourself but a little more toned down since you were trying not to make anyone scared of you like they were at your old guild.

That's when you heard a sound, and a foul smell hit your nostrils.

"What the hell?" standing up you looked to the sky, everyone else a little shocked but Gajeel and Wendy also looked in the same direction.

"It's a dragon!" you called out, just from looking at it you tell that it was bad news. Frozen to the spot you had never been this scared before in your life. It was all a mad rush as Gildarts and the master started to yell for people to run, the two strongest members of Fairytail.

It all seemed to go as you saw Natsu trying to talk to the dragon before being pulled away by Gildarts. That's when Makarov transformed into a giant and began tackling the Dragon known as Acnologia, the destroyer.

Looking at Laxus as you ran, he'd grabbed Natsu as tears filled his eyes, with the knowledge this monster would most likely kill his grandfather. As you ran, you could hear him telling you all to run but it was obvious to everyone their master injured.

'This feels wrong we should be fighting with him not running.' You thought as you kept glancing back at the man, risking his life so that you could all escape. However, he started to crush the master and you couldn't' just watch as you began running back closely followed by Natsu, Erza and Laxus before the whole guild started combining their attacks.

Standing next to the others as a member of their guild you poured all you magically into the creature to destroy it. Even though you knocked it into the water it still got back up. Kneeling on the floor in despair the tears began flowing you, had finally begun to feel like you belonged and now it was being taken away.

"Come on...don't cry!" a large hand was in front of your face, the scent so intoxicating that if you weren't in peril you would have mated on the spot. However, carefully you rose your star-filled eyes to see Natsu's warm grey ones looking deeply into your, before a smile formed on his lips.

"Don't give up, you're not alone and we can get through this.... because we're Fairytail!" as the words left his lips you took in his features, and he was so sure that everything was going to be ok. When in fact, the male in question was terrified but for you, his mate he needed to act brave, to show you he could protect you no matter what.

Nodding, a determined look crosses your and something inside your being stirs. As Natsu wasn't the only one with the need to protect his mate. You were also a dragon slayer and the instincts were written into your very being.

Taking the large hand, you are pulled into his warm embrace, warm than any hug you'd had before. Inhaling a big breath, you push away as you weren't sure why, but you felt a spell locked deep within your memories would help to boost the power of the Tenrou tree. Of course, you were completely unaware that the first master Mavis was currently preparing a spell to protect her guild.

With Natsu to one side of you and Laxus to the other, you smiled at each man. Both of them had been or were going to be a big part of your life and you needed to protect them. Then your eyes began to change colour as you looked over each of the members of Fairytail. Each one of them you wanted to know more about.

Gajeel and Juvia saw your eyes, but then the rest of the guild could feel the power that was radiating off your body. The spell in question was beginning to make your whole-body glow, getting brighter and bright.

"What are you doing?" Natsu could barely look upon you, as the sound of Acnologia's breath weapon was about to be released.

Glancing at the man who would one day be your mate you smiled, as your silver eyes stared into his barely open ones.

"I'm helping the island," You whisper before your head went back as you called into the sky.

"I CALL UPON THE PROTECTION OF THE SUN THE BIGGEST STAR....LEND ME YOUR POWER!" Those were the last words to be called out before everything went black and your consciences faded into a slumber.

From those looking onto Tenrou from the sea, they saw a glowing light before the Island completely vanished from their sights. The only logical explanation was that Acnologia had destroyed the island before he moved on to God only knows where.

To those back at the guildhall they waited and waited, however, days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months before it had been 7 full years and not a single thing had been seen or heard from the members of Fairytail that were on the Island that day.  

***Thank you for Reading***

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