Know your place!

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"You're a dragon slayer?" the black-haired man seemed confused as you glared at the two of them.

"Yeh and what of it, asshole?" glaring at them, the twin dragon slayers seemed attracted to the fire in your eyes.

"Well, seems you don't have a mate. Means we could make you ours," Sting commented, making you raise an eyebrow in disgust.

"You'd really mate with someone you just met? Just because they're a dragonslayer?" tilting your head to the side, the two men looked a little confused. They never knew about you, no one did. The lost dragonslayer, of Phantom Lord, lost because no one apart from Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail knew of your existence.

"Sweetheart, you're begging to be our mate. We're strong, we'll protect you better than anyone else could," Sting was all front, whereas Rogue watched on from the side analysing your reaction, but the emotionless eyes gave them nothing. Pulling a shawl around your guild mark, hiding it from their vision you smirked.

'These will be fun to torment when I kick their ass in the games,' fluttering your eyelashes a few times, and biting your lip, it was clear you'd get at least a free meal. "Well, you see I'm too innocent. I prefer to get to know you a little better first," twiddling a loose bit of hair between your fingers, giving the guys your best soft eyes, they were hooked as the stared at the shimmering night sky of your eyes.

Rogue held an arm out for you, "Let's take you for food. Our accommodation has the best restaurant," a blush on his cheeks, a smile formed on your lips briefly before you gasped.

"Aren't you the sweetest, Let's go!" smiling brightly, your plan was to infiltrate the competition, but also it was the long con, since you were confident that your team would be getting through to the Grand Magic Games.

As you walked along, arm in arm with the two dragon slayers Laxus happened to catch your scent whilst he was with the Thunder Legion. Looking your way, it shocked him as odd that you were happily being escorted along by two dragonslayers he'd never seen before, especially since he knew that your actually intended mate was within distance.

As his grey eyes glanced, over he noticed you ever so briefly look over and when he looked at you, your lips formed a smirk. The motion alone made him aware that you were in some way messing with the two men whose company you were currently in. 'That tease,' he thought before giving the briefest nod and continuing on his way towards the closest shop that Evergreen and Freed.

"So, princess what's your name?" Sting finally breaking the silence between the three of you as the two exceeds were walking ahead chatting.

"It's (f/n) (l/n) ...what's yours?" they'd not actually introduced themselves yet, even if you'd heard their names earlier, you played the game.

"I'm Sting Eucliffe, that's Rogue Cheney...that's Lector and Frosch," the blonde pointed to all the group, the exceeds turning to face you and smiling before continuing on with their conversation.

"What kind of dragon slayer are you?" Rogue comments, his red eye glancing at you briefly as you turned to smile.

"I'm the star dragon vanished on July 7 x777. Did your dragons as well?" of course you'd heard they killed their dragons. Both guys looked at each other, before looking ahead of them, trying to hide the emotion in their voices.

"We killed them," Sting said bluntly, more emotion in his voice than when he bragged about it with Natsu earlier.

"Yeh Sting's the best...he killed his dragon!" Lector commented, he cleared admired the blonde, but you knew there was more to why the duo killed the dragons than they actually wanted to admit.

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