Look from afar!

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The travel to Crocus was good but all the way there you couldn't help but think of seeing that goofy grin on Natsu's face, the idiotic things he said and the way that he was always hungry. The city itself was beautiful, with flowers everywhere as the scent fills your nostrils, as your starlight eyes scanned from stall to stall, the whole town, bustling of excitement.

As you were walking around, people were talking about the different guilds when your ears pricked at the sound of Fairytail. "I heard fail tail is gonna try to complete!"

"What? hahaha you're kiddin' they're the bottom of the barrel!"

"Damn...be good to laugh at them again!"

These were a few of the comments that were instantly dampening your mood, from taking in the sites of the beautiful city around you. 'Tch! We'll show them just how strong Fairytail really is!' clenching your fist, a devious smile that hadn't been on your lips for sometimes crossed your face. One that you use to have when hurting people or tormenting them.

Deciding to make your way to the hotel, Honeybone Inn as you said that you would meet Master Makarov there before you would meet up with Natsu. As you walked in you were surprised to see Laxus, Gajeel, Mira, Juvia and a guy you didn't recognise, which you learned was someone named Jellal but was pretending to be Mystogan due to a strange feeling he got from the games for the last few years you later would find out.

"Great we're all here," Makarov the small man announced as you walked through the door, all eye turning to you. None of them had seen you in months, after Tenrou, you'd gone away to find yourself before fully emerging into guild life and well mating with Natsu.

"Shorty...nice of ya to join us," Gajeel smirked, only to receive a roll of the eyes as you took a seat at the bar. Since you had turned 18 officially whilst away, but technically in the world now you were 24 but due to the 7-year gap you still looked the same. "Oh yeh...forgot your birthday didn't I," Gajeel as you just shrugged, it was clear you were a little nervous about being with some of the strongest mages in Fairytail.

"Beautiful...forget how to speak?" Laxus added as you just rolled your eyes at the lightning mage.

"No, she is just getting used to being around people again.... it's great to see you and happy birthday for when it was. When we get back to the guild...I'll bake a cake," Mira gave you a beaming smile before Makarov cleared his throat.

"Right, no we're all here. I just wanted to inform you that you will be Fairytail Team B members," clearly you all looked confused apart from Jellal who was aware of the rules. "I know we have Natsu and the others competing but there are no rules to state that you can't have more than one team. Just that Master can't participate, so in order to win the jewe...I mean respect then I thought it is best to show them exactly what Fairytail wizards are made of," smiling the guy clearly had a plan, as Jellal filled you all in on the previous years.

By the end of the meeting, you all had a strategy and apparently you were one of the main competitors, but Juvia would be a backup just in case anyone were to get injured. The team was a powerful team, so you were completely honoured to be asked.

"With all that, don't tell the others id you see them but make sure that you five are back at your room before midnight. That was one of the rules," the small added before leaving the bar to go sightseeing.

"What ya been up to the shorty?" Gajeel smirked making you turn to face him.

"Training to get stronger. What 'bout you metalhead?" a smirked plaster on your face as you earned a scowl.

"Tch! Training with Lily of course," a confident smirk adorned on his own face. "Wanna grab a bite to eat?" wrapping an arm around your shoulders, you just chuckled as you were hungry. Part of you was dying to see Natsu, but part of you wanted to surprise him tomorrow with being on the team for the games.

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