Stormy Night!

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The storm had been going a week, people were starting to get worried that something bad was coming. However, for some reason, you felt there was more to it than that as if the person causing it didn't really know it was their fault. Or, if they did they didn't really know how to stop it from happening. 

Not being the sharpest tool in the shed you couldn't link the timings and really didn't care either way, as you continue with your daily routines. Getting to the bar it was empty and the owner was beginning to worry, that if the storm didn't end soon it could be bad for business since his shipments were most likely delayed due to the choppy seas. 

Looking at the time, the door opened just as predicted the large figure with the lonely eyes walked in gracing you with a nod. Without a thought you poured him a drink, placing it on the bar at the same seat he occupied for a week. "(f/n), I'm going to go check with the dockmaster to see if there is any sign of the shipments coming in. Will you be alright on your own?" the oldish man commented as you nodded. 

"Sure thing, be careful the storm is bad." smiling kindly at your boss who looked down at your tiny self. 

"You're a sweetie!" he commented as you laughed, watching the owner leave into the storm to find an answer on the beers and wines he'd ordered, leaving you and the wanderer alone for the first time. 

"So...muscluar mysterious man, why were you following me the first night you were here?" it was the first time you'd questioned the guy on it, as you did want your boss to be alarmed. To your boss, you advised you were a basic magic-user. The man had a cock smirk on his lips, as he slides his empty glass to you. 

"Get yourself one beautiful, on me!" it was the first thing he had said since ordering a whiskey the day he arrived at the bar a week ago. Raising an eyebrow you got yourself a glass, since there weren't any other customers, your boss could do with the orders. Pouring two glass you slide his back to him, before resting on the bar, your cleavage in your uniform catching the blue eyes of the man in front of you. 

" can say more than just whiskey," your comment was full of sass pushing all of the right buttons for the man in front of you. "So, do you have a name or do I just get to call you muscles? Plus, I know you're avoiding my question," voice dripping with sex appeal. 

"You're not like other women are you? I can tell and I like what I see," he smirked still avoiding the questions you asked. "How about when your boss comes back, I walk you back home and then we can get better acquainted?" taking a sip of his drink as you placed your own glass at your lips. 

The colour of your cheeks was rosy from the comments and the tension between the two of you. "Well, Muscle, you are right! I'm not like any other woman you've been with...meaning that shit doesn't fly with me." you shrug necking back your drink, trying to not let him see the burning of the liquid show on your face.  

"My you're feisty!" a roughish smile on his face as he necked his drink slamming the glass on the counter, not enough to smash it be it was loud at the same time a large angry bolt of lightning lit up the sky. "I'll cut the crap then. You're a dragon slayer right and from the looks of it, you don't have a mate." that made you look away pouring him a new drink, as well as yourself one. 

It was your silence that told him everything he needed to know since he also knew who his mate was but could most likely never see her again. "Hit the nail on the head?" he had a smug look on his face trying to hide his own anguish, as you eyed him furiously at him clearly working out your situation. 

"It's none of your concern." your voice sounding on the brink of anger mixed with despair as you chucked the drink down your throat. This time you allowed him to see that you weren't used to drinking, since who would you drink with. No family, no friend, not even a pet to keep you company. All you did was sleep, eat, work and then move onto the next place. Never staying in one place too long, should Natsu ever come to town. 

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