7 Years of Slumber!

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Sunlight began to fill your vision through your eyelids, the sun kissing against the exposed parts of your skin. The last thing you'd remembered was holding Natsu and Laxus's hand as your released one of your largest spells to assist with someone else's spell, someone you'd not met but they almost felt like a part of you now.

Blinking a few times, your body still ached from the fight against Hades and the terror still fueling your system of losing the family you'd finally found after all these years. 'I'm cursed to never be happy' you though to yourself as you lay flat on your back, on the sand of beach with the feeling that you were alone.

Tears began to fill your eyes, had you been the only one to survive what Acnologia had brought down on you and the other members of Fairytail. The guild you'd only just joined in your eyes, not knowing that for the last 7 years you had been sealed away in a protection spell cast by the first master of Fairytail, Mavis. The master your magic had assisted to boost their spell to hide the island from the black dragon of destruction.

Lying on your back you began to sob as the pain of being alone resurfaced but then, a scent caught your nostrils. One of comfort and belonging!

That's when you realised you weren't alone as you sat up straight, fighting back to aches and pains that were screaming at you to stay still and wait to be healed. Scrambling to your feet, you began sniffing the air for the direction that would take you directly to the arms of your true mate.

They began to move on their own without thinking, as did Natsu's sensing that you were distraught and in pain. Every fibre of his being telling him that he needed to find you, to comfort you in any way that you needed.

All the other members that had been present on that day began to wake from their slumber, as members left behind for the last 7 years had finally found their lost guildmates, with the help of the Blue Pegasus Guild. The spell that Master Mavis had cast 7 years to the day finally dropping so that you could all go back to Magnolia.

However, for you, nothing else matters at that moment more than finding Natsu and allowing him to comfort and melt the despair you were feeling away by his embrace. Happy was unsure why Natsu had begun to run frantically through the part of the forest they'd woken up in, getting closer to the shore and to the sea.

The sound of waves lapping against the sand getting closer by the second. Natsu's dragon hearing picking up of the elevated beat of your heart, your scent filling his nostril with need and the desire to hold your body close to his.

"Ermm Natsu...Why are we running?" the little blue cat's voice called out in a panic, making Natsu glance back to his best friend for barely a glance.

"(f/n) is alone!" was what left his lips, the words strained and almost primal. A tone that was uncommon for coming out of the boy's lips. Happy didn't need to be told twice, if his best friend was worried then it was his duty to help.

Unfurling his magical feathered wings Happy grabbed Natsu's top and began soaring through the trees, at a speed of urgency and ignoring any fellow guildmates they may have passed on the route. At the same time, your feet were carrying you with such speed from the part of the beach you were at to the entrance of the forest.

Before you could cross the threshold of the forest, you froze as the pinkette's body collided with yours. The two of you rolling onto the sand, as Happy's grip broke sending him in the opposite direction to the two of you.

The aches and pains of your body began to groan louder at you with the collision you'd just been in as you sighed in agony. However, it wasn't long-lived as the comforting scent of smoke and fire, manliness began to fill your nostrils as Natsu's body pinned you to the sand below him.

To Natsu, you smelt like fresh air mixed with fire it was a strange scent to anyone else but to him, it was the only thing that he could smell within the second. It was as if your bodies were catching up with the seven years of slumber, and the numerous dragon mating seasons you no doubt missed.

The two of you didn't even speak as you grabbed his pink locks, pulling his lips to yours with such force that his body was completely pressed against you. Like two jigsaw piece that fit together slowly being put into place.

The world around you both was white noise as at that moment your bodies were telling you to mate. To mark each other as your one and only for the rest of your lives. Large hands moved down your body to your thighs pulling them further apart, as the excitement built at your core as his manhood was pressed against you.

The two of your animal instincts fully kicked in that you were barely acting human within the moment, forgetting that Happy was most likely within viewing range, let alone any other guildmates.

Since the two of you had woken up, you'd not said a word to each other, your bodies were doing the talking. Telling you that they needed to mate, to become one as Natsu began biting at your neck looking for that spot to mark you as forever his before you return the favour with your own mark to mark his as forever yours.

Lost in your own World, not hearing the calling out from the forest for any other survivors. Happy was slowly coming to, after feeling a little dizzy from the sudden impact with the beach. Quickly the blue cat looked around before his eyes laid upon the almost explicit scene that was moments away from happening.

However, just as Natsu reached the waistline of his trousers, the two of you were brought to your senses as ice-cold water dropped upon the two of you.

"ARGHH...COLD!" Natsu cried out as you began to shiver from the coldness, before realising the position the two of you were in.

"Yes...well, I told Grey and Juvia to give you both a cold shower." Erza's stern words were practically above you, and they sounded disappointed as if you'd been doing something wrong. To the two of you it had only felt natural, but now being a little more clear-minded you realised that something wasn't right.

"And you call me a perv, ya god damn flame brain," Grey called out to Natsu how growled, quickly kissing your lips before jumping up and fighting with the ice mage.

"Let me help you up." Mira's handed lowered towards you, making you smile before taking the hand.

"Thanks Mira. I don't know what came over me." your cheeks rosy with the embarrassment of everyone seeing you in such a compromised position. That's when you noticed, a woman with long green hair wearing a red cowboy hat, stood there smiling and a guy with short black hair with blue earrings, who was also smiling from ear to ear.

"Bisca...Alzack. What you guys doin' here?" Natsu commented, looking confused, just as did all the others that had been here that fateful day that the Black Dragon of destruction had paid Tenrou Island a visit. 

***Thank you for reading***

Dragon from the Stars! (Natsu Dragneel x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon