Chapter Sixteen.

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-A sigh flitted from the boundaries of the heiress's soft lips, indisputably portraying her frustration as her slender but delicate fingers worked the buttons of the keyboard. One more day went extinct and it remained yet another failed attempt on her behalf in establishing a com-link contact with Vegeta's spaceship. She'd even tried to tamper through its system to force communications but the distance from earth and space complicated matters.

This was it.

Bulma convinced herself that today would be her last strive and since the said saiya-jin didn't wished to be approached, she would simply act accordingly. Being who she was as the heiress to the richest company across the world, pleading or begging for a man's attention didn't constitute her character traits.
And all she'd hoped to accomplish was to actually introduce the tyrant to his new born son.

Two days after his departure, she delivered Trunks with considerate impediment. As much as her son procured her with happiness, the absence of the child's father frustrated her. Finally, she'd concluded she wasn't going to be sad because of him.


With the birth of Trunks, she'd promised she'd be stronger for the both of them. Slamming her fist on the shut down button, the operating device went off and with this, concluded the day's trial. Perhaps, she should just head for her baby's nursery room instead.

One and a half week, it had been since he left without warning. Her parents tried numerous tactics to sooth her, to guide her through her sorrows, to reassure her but at this point, no one could understand or even fix her broken heart.

     'Not even Yamcha!' Had she thought.
Compare to the agony she'd experience with Yamcha's cheating habits, her current situation with Vegeta was the worst. She found herself questioning her relationship with the saiyan prince and eventually gave up, well aware of the fact that Trunks would've never happened if this relationship hadn't contrived between them; but then, was there really a relationship? She doubted it, considering how he left without a single word. The last expression on his face when he was headed for space would forever plagued her. Leaning against the back of her chair, she massaged her temple. The headache was as overwhelming as the stinging sensation in her heart.

      "Damn you Vegeta! I hate you!" Bulma murmured morosely to no one in particular. Not that her curses was ever going to bring him back anyway.

          He skillfully maneuvered the spaceship's control panel and successfully manage a soft landing. The lights at the house was off and he could only conclude they were all asleep. The circumstances would've been appealing to him to sneak in the house and spend his whole day napping away his exhaustion, had he not been injured from his life-threatening training on that foreign planet which had been on the brink of destruction when he landed; but currently found himself seeking and craving for her solace instead.

Vegeta knew he could find peace within the confinement of her embrace; a life he'd strangely grown accustomed to recently, and he knew for a fact that his attitude to that earth woman differed drastically from what could be expected of a saiyan. His ancestors undoubtedly must have been fighting in their grave at such a disgraceful act on his part; especially coming from a royal. What did he even think when he'd granted her permission to keep a half-breed saiyan as his son? But then, Kakarot's son was a half-breed too and it wasn't like there were any saiyan female left to prolonged the longevity and perpetuity of his race or bloodline either.

Exhaustion seared through him as he trotted clumsily out of the spaceship, wanting nothing more but the warmth of his bed shared with his woman and a goodnight rest. Beforehand, he needed to find her out and ask her for her help. He willed himself to use every ounce of the energy he had left so as to locate her ki and when he did, he was particularly surprise to feel her in her lab at such an hour. The weirdest part was that her ki felt different, it felt more like her. Could it mean that...

Intriguing Endearment [Vegeta x Bulma] Dragon Ball Z FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now