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Brook William POV 

I sit defeated and deflated on my office chair, my head in my hands. What the hell am I going to do? Someone knows my secret and is blackmailing me and Harry is not here. 

Who could do such a thing? And what does this person want? 

"Mrs Willams..." A student's voice brings me out of my thought and I damn nearly jump out of my seat. 

"Yes, um...?" I rack my brains for a second. "What was your name again?" 

"Lucas," he replies and seems to sink into himself even further. "Can I speak to you please?"

Lucas' hair seemed to move in every which direction. His uniform was almost comedic too baggy for him and hung off his skeleton-like body like a scarecrow with rags. He had a slight lean in his stapure, his balance taking toward his right side and he kept avoiding eye contact. 

There was something about this boy that brought out my motherly instincts.  

"What is it, Lucas?"

"I... I know."  

"You know what?"

He doesn't respond, figitting nervously with the hem of his shirt. Then it dawns on me. It's him. He's the one that's blackmailing me! But how and more importantly. Why. 

"Wait..." I need to be caustious about this. "What exactly do you know?" 

He looks at me with a more determined look in his eye. "About you and...him. Harry. How you've been sneaking around with him after school hours." 

I'm flabbergasted. Lucas had said the words so calmly and yet they hit like a punch in the stomach. To hear everything I'd done recited back in such an eloquent manner seriously took something out of me. I couldn't believe what was happen. 

I stumble back, short of breath. Who was this kid? Lucas, the quiet kid who sat at the back of the class and hardly said anything to anyone, the kid with the fiery red hair that was going to ruin everything! The devil himself. 

"H-how did you find out?" Had he seen us? Caught us in the act? And for how long has he known? Does everyone in the school know? 

A smirk pulls itself on the side of Luca's pasty white face. "How do you think I found out? He told me."

My heart stops. Harry? Luca's grin grows. 

"What? You didn't know he liked it up the bum?" Lucas chuckles. "He tells me everything when I've got him right where I want him-" 

"What do you want!" I yell but almost slur. I honestly feel as if I'm about to pass out right now.

"I'm glad you asked. Y'see, I'm about sick and tired of sharing Harry."

 Lucas stalks forward until he's standing over me. "Stay away from him, or else I will tell everyone you're dirty little secret." 

I don't know if staying away from Harry is physically possible for me, however on the other hand I can't stand for my secret to get out. I could end up in jail! 

I gulp and silently agree with a nod. 

"Good." Lucas chimes while taking a few steps back. I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding. 

"And another thing Miss Willams," Lucas continues, "don't mention this to Harry." 

"...okay." I reply in a meek sounding voice. I feel like someone has sucked all the life out of me, that someone being Lucas. 

There's a thump and both Lucas and I turn our heads to the classroom door. Harry is there, peering in through the window. After realizing he has my attention, he offers a wink and I try hard not to blush. 

This is not the right situation for Harry to be flirting with me right now. I'm so embarrassed I don't even notice that Lucas has now become suspiciously close and his arm was snaking around my waist. 

"It appears that we are being watched," Lucas claims before turning me around in his arms and pulling me close. "Kiss me." 

"Excuse me?" 

Lucas rolls his eyes. His grip on me tightens as he plants a hot passionate kiss on my lips. The kiss felt violent like he was fighting against me; which in fact he was as I was trying to push him off me. His hands removed themselves from my waist and instead on was used to take hold of both of my hand while the other was used to hold the back of my neck to keep my head in place. 

The kiss continued, this time with Lucas having full accessed to my lips. He shoved his tongue past my lips to deepen the kiss. After a while I became fed up of resisting him and fell into the kissing, moving my head and matching his rhythm. 

Now the kiss felt more sensual as our heads moved in sync. Not only that, it actually felt desperate almost as if he were trying to prove something to someone.  I caress my tongue against his lower lip, tasting him. 

He tasted sweet yet spicy like peppermint. It was a turn on and I found myself moaning, pressing closer into him. But then that taste of peppermint is taken away as Luca's arms disappear from around me. 

I open my eyes and see Lucas hunching over a desk, cradling his bleeding nose. Beside him was Harry whose  knuckles were red and blistered. 

His eyes were bloodshot and pissed. 


Wow. Lucas and Brook share a kiss and Harry seems well jealous. Do you think Harry has a right to be jealous despite Brook and him not being in an actual relationship or do you think Brook owes him some loyalty. 

Carry on the conversation in the comments.

Text copyright © used2care ™ 

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