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Lucas POV 

Was Harry really going to expose Miss Williams in front of the whole class? The room was busying with enthusiasm at the sudden diversion from the mundane classroom lesson. People loved a catfight and I couldn't promise fists wouldn't have been swung if I hadn't stepped in to deescalate the situation. 

I raise out of my chair a little too quickly then I'd have hoped as my chair falls back from behind me. The sound of the chair slapping against the ground catches everyone's attention. The whole class turns to face me. 

"Ohhh shy boy is angry!" cackles a girl nearby. 

"Is gingerbread gonna throw some punches?" another person mocks. 

I stand frozen in motion, not quite sure what my next actions will be. It seems to be the optimum for my life; neither here or there but somewhere stuck in the middle. 

Finally, Harry speaks"You got something to add?" A devilish glint twinkled in his eye. 

Something within me moved into motion. "Don't fucking talk to Miss Williams that way." I blurted out. A series of 'ooohs' and hisses spread across my fellow pupils. I'm not sure where that sudden outburst came from

Harry's eyes widened in amusement and he took a step towards me. "Oh yeah?" 

"Yeah," I stated and my voice sounded firmer than it ever could be. I can't believe I'm talking to Harry like this. I've glorified and deified this man for so long, earned for the day he would see me. And now he's finally seeing me and in it took this whole situation for it to happen. 

"So it's like that." Harry looks between me and Miss Williams and chuckles. "You two tag-teaming me now? Even after our special moment yesterday? I'm hurt." 

"Oh, you mean that moment where your girl let me eat her out?" 

There's a pause. Harry hesitates. "I beg your fucking pardon?" His tone dropped dangerously low. 

I sunk back into myself. "Nothing." 

"Nah you said it now, speak up big man!" 

At that very moment, and to my relief, the school bell rings. I've never run so quickly in my life. I'm out of the classroom in less than a second flat. 

"Oi come back here!" Harry's voice bellows after me as I pace it down the hall. I turn a sharp corner, my feet hitting the ground in hard slaps. Once I'm finally outside, I slow down to a stop. Then the panic sits in. What have I done? I ruined whatever chance I had with Harry. 

I'm so caught up in my own thoughts that I don't realise when someone bumps into me. I stumble back, losing my bearings for a second. The person who bumped into me scurries off, leaving a crumpled up piece of paper in their place. 

Curiously, I reach down and pick it up. I look at it and almost throw up in my mouth. I look to see if anyone else had seen then shove the picture into my blazer pocket. Whoever had bumped into me had done it on purpose, they'd wanted me to see this picture. 


I'm back from my long hiatus! Finally finished with my uni work and other obligations. Also, a side note, this story was actually flagged due to 'inappropriate media'. Apparently the picture on chapter 16 demonstrating Harry and Sarah's *cough cough* position didn't meet Wattpad's strict guidelines. Whoopsi! Honestly, I've had Wattpad since I was thirteen (so for basically seven years) I'm not used to this new censored and monetised Wattpad. I remember when people posted novel picture books dedicated to NSFW media. Those were the damn days when you could find the loophole in the internet's child lock. I guess things have changed now... 

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