Maddie's Men Part 1 Meeting Calvin

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BHM Muscle Size Difference

Calvin moved across the courtyard with a purpose, his thoughts on his homework.
I'll finish that paper for English first. He decided. Then I'll tackle the math.
Just as he passed a group of cheerleaders, however, he heard a voice.
"Betcha he's in a hurry to get to the cafeteria." Someone laughed to his left.

"Maybe we should race him there before he eats it all." Another male voice made pig noises.
Calvin felt his cheeks heat up, instinctively knowing they were referring to him. At a couple inches over six feet tall, with broad shoulders and decent muscles, Cal knew he was a big guy. He'd always been larger than his classmates, even now that his classes were so much bigger than when he was in high school. He knew his size often drew people's attention. But he also knew it wasn't his height or shoulders that the guys were referring to.

Cal was fat. And not just a little fat. Hovering somewhere in the low three hundreds, Cal knew he was obese, and it made him an easy target for bullies.
"Hey, fatty, where are you going to so quickly?" 

Suddenly Cal found himself surrounded by five or six men wearing football jerseys, all with mean grins on their faces.
"I was—I'm going to the library."

It had surprised Cal at first. Bullying seemed so juvenile; something he'd leave behind in high school. But sure enough, even in those first bright eyed days of college he'd been on the receiving end of some pretty serious harassment.

"Are you sure you're not headed to the cafeteria?" One of the football players asked, a big 16 printed across his chest, blocking Cal's way.
"No, I—I just want to get by." Cal protested, hating himself for the way his pulse was accelerating.

 It was stupid. It was broad daylight, on a crowded campus. Cal knew nothing was going to happen, but he still felt himself breaking out in a cold sweat as they surrounded him. The guy blocking his way wasn't much smaller than Cal himself, although he looked to be all muscle. Normally Cal could count on his size to keep him safe from the more physical bullying, but this guy looked like he could do some serious damage.

"Just let me through." Cal said, hoping his voice sounded confident as he looked up at Sixteen.
"We just want to talk." A slightly smaller guy insisted, his nasty smile belying his true intent.
"Why are you in such a hurry?" A red headed football player asked, stepping closer to hem him in.
"Yeah, why don't you hang out for a bit?" Sixteen asked, planting a meaty hand in the middle of Cal's chest.

Before Cal could decide what to do, a female voice could be heard behind Sixteen. "Elliot Scott, what do you think you are doing?"
Sixteen's hand immediately dropped from Cal's chest and the mean grin on his face disappeared as he turned. "Nothing, Maddie." He said, his voice suddenly contrite. "I was just... talking."

"We were just hanging out." The redheaded guy said, dropping his head in embarrassment along with the rest of the football players.

Cal twisted to see around Sixteen - Elliot - curious as to who could make all of them drop their macho act so quickly, and he felt a strange tightening behind his belly button. 

Standing just a few feet away from Elliot was the most beautiful girl Cal had ever seen, her eyes flashing, her hands on her hips.
"It looked like you were picking on him, Elliot." The girl said, scowling up at him, her cheeks flushing with anger. "You know better than that." She turned to the redheaded guy. "So do you, Sam. What happened to the sweet boy who used to rescue frogs with me?"

The redheaded guy's cheeks turned as red as his hair as he mumbled some sort of excuse.
"And you, Jake." The girl said, looking at another one of the football players. "Does Cayley know you talk to people like this?"
Cal stared in shock as each of the players mumbled some sort of excuse or apology and then hightailed it, leaving Elliot behind.

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