Maddie's Men Part 4 Fast Food

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Calvin smiled as Maddie slid into the back seat with him. He felt a little bad about how happy he was, seeing as Maddie's best friend had just been robbed, but he was pretty sure Maddie has been flirting with him all morning. She blushed every time she looked at him and she kept finding reasons to touch him. 

She'd invited him out to breakfast that morning as a 'thank you' for Calvin forgiving her brother, but she'd obviously not wanted the breakfast to end, ordering extra sides and two desserts for him, insisting that she owed him.

For his part, Cal had been too distracted by the beautiful girl to realize how much he'd eaten until his stomach was pressing painfully against the edge of the table. That wasn't too unusual for Cal. He was undeniably fat with a heavy round belly and a big appetite. But he felt a little self conscious about having eaten so much in front of the girl he had a thing for. But Maddie hadn't seemed to notice. Or at least she hadn't seemed to mind, casually sliding large portions of all of her food onto his plate as she asked him a million questions.

When they'd left she'd slipped her arm through his, walking close to him as she chatted.
Does she like me back? Calvin wondered as the pretty girl slipped a little closer to him in the back seat.
"Gray, can we grab some food?" Maddie asked, one hand brushing against Cal's swollen gut as she leaned towards her brother in the front seat. "I'm starving."

The biggest of Maddie's brothers nodded and pulled into the next fast food place. Cal wasn't surprised that Maddie was hungry. Most of her breakfast had gone onto Cal's plate and then into Cal's bottomless gut. But he was surprised at the small growl his belly betrayed him with, quiet enough that the two in the front seat didn't hear, but Maddie turned to him with a playful smile, one hand giving him a quick little rub just below where his pecs met. Although, in Cal's case he knew it was more like where his manboobs met. "Sounds like you're ready for a snack too." She observed softly, her eyes showing no judgement.

Cal laughed self deprecatingly, too embarrassed to respond, but then they were getting out of the car and the moment passed.
"Why don't you guys go save us a table and we'll order?" Maddie suggested to Gray and Calvin, taking the credit card her brother offered. Calvin and Haley started to protest, but Maddie waved them off, and then grabbed Haley's hand to pull her up to the cash register. 

Calvin somewhat reluctantly followed Gray towards the back of the restaurant, a bit nervous about being alone with the intimidating man. Although his brothers and sister had all gone out of their way to make Cal feel welcome, Gray hadn't even really spoken to him yet.
"So... what kind of ball were you guys going to play?" Cal asked awkwardly, hoping he didn't sound stupid.

Gray looked at Cal and for a moment Cal thought he'd sounded every bit as stupid as he feared, but then Gray smiled, averting his eyes. "Football." He answered, sitting down.
"Oh. That sounds fun." Cal said, feeling his cheeks heat up. You're fat, Cal. He reminded himself. No one is ever going to believe you'd find football fun.

Gray nodded seriously. "Sometimes it is."
"Well, I mean, obviously I don't play." Cal admitted, feeling self conscious.
Gray looked at him seriously for a moment, his eyes flicking across the younger man's decidedly overweight body, and Cal regretted mentioning sports. Gray shrugged, smiling slightly. "Lots of guys your size play football." He averted his eyes. "I'm going to grab some napkins. You need anything?"

Cal shook his head, watching the huge man move silently across the room.
"Can you grab the drinks?" Maddie asked as she came over with two huge bags of food. "We couldn't carry everything."

"Oh, yeah, of course." Cal said agreeably, heading up to the counter. "Wow. How much did you guys order?" Cal asked as he passed by Haley staggering under the weight of two more huge bags.
"Oh, I think it's habit for Maddie." Haley explained with a smile. "Her brothers can eat a lot."

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