Maddie's Men Part 15 So Much More

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Maddie could barely contain her excitement. "You are perfect." She said, her eyes shining as she stretched up on her toes to kiss her boyfriend.
Calvin smiled as he kissed her, his hands sliding from her waist to her firm, perky ass. "You're so hot." He told her shyly. "I can't believe this is happening."
Maddie squeezed his love handles, giving him what she hoped were bedroom eyes. "Me neither."

"Should we...?" She gestured to the hallway that led to her boyfriend's bedroom.
"Yeah--yes" Calvin said, and Maddie had to smile at how adorably nervous he was. She grabbed his hand and led him down the hall, trying to look more confident than she felt. She was more than ready for this to finally happen. For the last six weeks she'd been dying to have her way with the pudgy boy, but her own modesty had held her back.

Now, however, nothing was going to stop her. She'd spent the entire day trying to make Cal happy, determined to make it the perfect day. And she was pretty sure she'd succeeded. If the way to a man's heart was through his stomach, she had definitely taken her time to get there, spending most of her day focussed on satisfying his metabolic appetite. And it was not an easy appetite to sate.
My boyfriend can eat. She thought, feeling a little bit of pride over how much Cal could consume. Although Maddie was used to her brothers' big appetites, Cal's seemed almost bottomless. No matter how much food she put in front of him, he managed to get it down. And in Maddie's eyes that meant she was succeeding in seducing him.

Maddie and her best friend, Haley, had thought about this moment a lot. Although neither girl had a lot of experience with bedding men, they had spent a good bit of time that morning picking out the perfect outfit. Although lingerie had obvious appeal, Haley had suggested that for a young, perky girl, nudity was her best option, so Maddie had picked out a simple wrap dress. It was quick and easy to get out of, wouldn't mess up her hair, and wouldn't leave any marks on her body from tight straps. Plus, Haley had told her, you can watch his face while you undress, to see what he's thinking.

Maddie thought it was perfect, although they'd both agreed that going commando, though sexy, was not ideal. Instead Maddie was wearing her sexiest thong and a smile, her long hair in loose waves around her shoulders.
As she pushed Cal into his bedroom, her lips were kissing him everywhere, her hands sliding up under his shirt to feel his delectable skin.
"I want you so bad." Maddie whispered. She tugged on his shirt and he shyly grabbed the hem.

As he pulled his too-tight shirt up the bottom edge caught under his belly, causing it to bounce just a bit as it came free of the fabric, and Maddie smiled. He's so cute. She thought. How did I get so lucky?
Cal had that shy look of his that Maddie couldn't resist, so she smothered him in kisses as her hands explored his exposed flesh.

Trying to be confident, she grabbed the front of his pants, intending to slide her fingers in between his pants and his stomach, to press her body against his. But to her surprise she couldn't squeeze her fingers in anymore, the pants were already biting into the soft flesh of his underbelly. So she tugged on his fly, kissing his neck and jawline as he kissed her. The fly came down easily and Maddie could feel the hot pressure straining against the front of his pants, but she couldn't get the button to pop.

"I've got it." Cal said, his cheeks flushing in the light coming in from the hall. "They're a little tight."
Maddie smiled as he sucked his heavy belly in and then undid the button. Every part of him seemed to swell forward as soon as he wasn't restrained, and Maddie caught her breath in ecstasy. He was so much more than she'd imagined a boyfriend could be. In fact, looking at his swollen belly she realized he really was a lot more than she'd expected--she knew she'd been spoiling him with baked goods and treats but she hadn't realized just how much they'd impacted his body.

Without the layer of fabric that usually covered him she could tell he'd gained a lot of weight. A lot.
That means he likes my cooking. Maddie thought, smiling as she slid her hands over his blubbery midsection.
"What are these?" She asked, her fingers pausing on the soft ridges on his lower belly. She traced her finger over a crimson scar, surprised to see so many of them decorating his delicate skin.

"Oh, it's nothing." Cal said, his face turning bright red. But, seeing her concern, he made himself admit the truth. "They're stretch marks."
Maddie's face softened. She'd seen stretch marks before, of course. Gray had gotten some when he was a teenager from filling out too fast, but his were faded, blending in with his natural skin colour enough that after a while they weren't noticable. But these ones were different. They were a stark red against Cal's soft creamy skin. "They look painful." She observed.
Cal averted his eyes with the embarrassment she found so endearing. "Not really."

"Well, maybe I can make them feel better." Maddie pressed her hands against his soft torso, nudging him towards the bed. Cal sat, his belly filling his lap, manboobs jiggling ever so slightly. As Calvin pulled himself up to the top of the bed, Maddie took a deep breath and tugged at the tie of her dress. She pulled herself up to her full height, willing herself to feel confident, and then she pulled the dress open, slipped it off of her shoulders, and let it drop to the floor.
"Wow." Cal said, his voice awed. "You look--" His eyes made it back to her face and he smiled, his cheeks flushed. "You're gorgeous."

That was exactly the response Maddie was hoping for. Still wearing her thong, she crawled onto the bed and kissed him as she slipped her fingers between the waistband of his boxers and his swollen belly. The elastic gave her just enough room to squeeze her fingers in, and Cal took the hint and removed the tight underwear.
Maddie didn't have a lot of naked bodies to compare Cal's to, but she knew without a doubt that his was perfect. She slipped her hand below his stomach, feeling the amazing contrast of hard and soft, and then she kissed him deeply.

"I'm glad we're doing this." She whispered in his ear, her voice a soft purr. "I've been dying for this day."
Before Cal could stop her she moved down his engorged belly, kissing the overfed blubber and all of his stretch marks before she reached her goal.
She was pretty sure by the way her boyfriend sucked his breath in that she was doing something right. Every part of him was bigger than expected but she managed, her tongue exploring as she moved.

In the back of her mind she recalled things she'd learned about oral sex but it seemed to come natural to her, and before long she was in a rhythm, her mouth and body moving with Cal's as if--
"I'm coming!" Cal blurted out, and Maddie pulled back automatically as a salty taste filled her mouth. She watched, fascinated, as Calvin's chubby face contorted in complete ecstasy.

"Sorry." Maddie said when his body relaxed. "If you'd let me know I'd have been prepared for it."
Cal's cheeks turned pink, despite the smile on his lips. "No, I'm sorry. I should have let you know I was going to--"
"Next time." Maddie said, earning a big smile from her boyfriend. The idea of next time was clearly a good one.

As Cal smiled Maddie saw him relax his body just a little more, his soft belly swelling as he released muscles she hadn't realized he was tightening.
"Why don't you lay down and I'll reciprocate?" Cal suggested, his manboobs wobbling as he sat up.
But Maddie shook her head. "Next time." She insisted, putting her hand on his already hardening member. "It looks like you're already ready to go."

If either of them had had more experience they might have chosen a different position. Cal had spent most of the day eating and it showed in his overflowing stomach. Although he was always a big guy, an overfed belly made him even larger, and made any physical activity challenging.
But since it was the first time for both of them they automatically gravitated towards missionary, a position that required effort on Cal's part.

"Are you sure?" Cal asked, wanting confirmation before they moved on.
"I've never been more turned on." Maddie said honestly. "I need you."
Calvin didn't need any more assurance. They started side by side, hands exploring each other's bodies as they kissed feverishly. At an unspoken point, they looked at each other and knew it was time. Cal moved on top of her, trying to support his weight but still pressing close to her.

He didn't think he did too bad as far as the size of his member, but with his belly hanging down towards Maddie's slim frame, it felt like he had to press very close to her to get where he needed to be. Maddie slipped her hands along the sides of his belly as it sagged towards her, surprised, and a little impressed by just how huge he was.

"Right there." Maddie gasped as he suddenly entered her. She didn't know if it was because of the sudden pressure on her g spot or the sudden weight on top of her, but all of it was amazing.
Three hundred and fifty pounds is a lot of weight, even on a solidly built six foot three inch frame, but Maddie was still shocked by how heavy her boyfriend was.
Even with his arms supporting a great deal of his weight he pressed heavily onto her, seemingly from every direction.

Cal was glad for the pre sex oral because as soon as he slid in he nearly climaxed. Maddie looked so sexy, her hair spread out on the pillow, her firm, supple breasts perky against his own swollen boobs. And beneath his heavy bulk she seemed even slimmer, her gentle curves a perfect contrast to his much bigger ones.
The extra weight on top of Maddie pushed her over the edge and as her boyfriend jiggled on top of her she rode waves of ecstasy from orgasm to orgasm.

"Kiss me." Maddie begged, shaking as much from excitement as from the three hundred and fifty pounds of blubber gyrating on top of her.
As Cal leaned closer Maddie exploded in an even better orgasm, his extra weight pressing down against her, increasing the pressure on her clitoris. As Cal pulled away, he had a confident look on his face for the first time. "Did you--?"
"Yes." Maddie gasped, squeezing one hand around his overflowing moob. "Yes!"

Seeing her excitement was too much for Cal and he climaxed explosively, blubber spilling to either side of her trim figure as he collapsed.
Even as his weight crushed down on her, Maddie felt her body responding, the extra pressure on top increasing the stimulation inside and she clutched his shoulders against her as she climaxed once again.

When Cal finally pulled away, a shy smile on his face, still gasping for breath, Maddie's eyes were dancing. "That was amazing!" She gasped, pressing one hand against his chest. She could feel his heart beating even through the soft layer of fat that covered him.
"It was okay for you?" Cal asked hesitantly. He rolled slightly to one side, relieving some of his weight from her.

"Better than okay." Maddie told him, stroking his swollen belly as it overflowed onto her abs. "I thought sex was supposed to hurt the first time, but--" She blushed, lowering her voice. "I think I was just ready, you know?"
Cal nodded, rolling onto his back. Maddie rolled with him, slipping one leg over his, cuddling against his lush body.
"I didn't know it was going to feel that good." She admitted, resting her head against his cushiony manboob as her hand gently rubbed his belly.

"Me neither." Cal agreed, one hand rubbing her back. "I wasn't too heavy was I?" He asked nervously.
Maddie smiled up at him from his chest. "No, it was amazing." She paused. "I think you being a little bigger made it even better."
"Really?" Cal asked. His voice sounded doubtful, but when Maddie kissed him reassuringly she felt him relaxing his muscles just a bit.

"I'm glad I waited until I fell in love." Maddie said, stretching her arm across his stomach as she hugged him. "I think that made it better too."
She felt and saw Cal's belly jiggle as he shifted. "Love?" He repeated, his eyes surprised and excited. "You love me?"
Maddie laughed, squeezing him tightly. "Of course I do." She said, blushing. She traced a pattern on his swollen belly, averting her eyes. "I mean... You love me too, right?"

"Of course." Cal told her, pulling her against him and putting one chubby hand on the slim one that sat atop his stomach. "I think I've loved you since the first time we met. From our first kiss at the very least. I just didn't know if you...?" He smiled shyly. "I love you, Maddie."
"I love you, Calvin." Maddie said and they both laughed at the awkwardness of the moment. "Oh wait, I brought you something."

Maddie jumped up, still naked, and went out to the living room where she'd left a huge box of chocolates. She grabbed the chocolates and her cell phone, figuring they might need to order take out.
She paused as she entered Cal's bedroom, admiring the view. My boyfriend is the best. She thought, watching him settle against the headboard. He'd grabbed the blanket, modestly tucking it under his growing paunch, and he looked adorable in Maddie's eyes.

I wonder how much weight he's gained since we got together. Maddie thought, smiling at his Buddha belly and moobs. He's so much cuddlier now. My big, snuggly boyfriend.
"I brought chocolates." Maddie said, carrying the box to the bed.
Cal's eyes lit up. "I brought chocolates too." He admitted, grabbing a box from the bedside table.

Maddie laughed and set her chocolates beside him as she settled in front of him, her knees beside his each of hips, his swollen belly between them. "Great minds think alike."
Calvin smiled and leaned forward, kissing her, and Maddie felt giddy as his blubber pressed against her thighs and nether regions. As they whispered sweet nothings to each other they made their way through both boxes of chocolates, almost all of it being eaten by Cal.

With every chocolate Cal got a bit more comfortable, his belly stretching outward as he relaxed his muscles. Maddie found the entire thing adorable.
I'm glad he feels comfortable enough around me to be himself. She thought, feeling his blubber swell into her hand as she fed him a chocolate.
Maddie touched her forehead to Cal's as he cupped his chubby hands on either side of her head, kissing her. "I love you." Maddie repeated, tasting chocolate on his lips.

His belly strained against her slim torso as he relaxed even more, and Maddie nearly climaxed again at the pressure. "I love you too, Maddie."
"Do you want to order some food?" Maddie asked, squeezing one hand on his love handles. "We need to replenish our energy before round two."

Cal's eyes lit up and Maddie smiled. My boyfriend is the cutest. She thought again. A little food and a little sex is all it takes to make him happy. She smiled as she picked up her phone to order.
Maybe a lot of both. She decided, feeling his belly jiggle beneath her fingers. I definitely don't want him to go hungry....


"We're just going to do some yoga, Gray." Maddie said as she led Haley down the stairs.
Gray nodded, watching from the bench. He knew his sister and Haley sometimes did yoga together, but usually at Maddie's house. Haley rarely used his gym.

Our gym. He reminded himself. Haley lives here too. But he was glad his roommate wasn't dressed like his sister. Maddie was wearing leggings and a very tight tank top. Gray didn't concern himself with what Maddie chose to wear, but, against his better judgment, he was very aware of his roommate's clothing. And he was glad the tiny redhead usually chose to dress on the conservative side because he was trying very hard to not find her attractive.

He still thought she looked beautiful in her loose pants and shirt, but at least he couldn't see the curves of her body. He wasn't sure he'd be able to convince himself he wasn't attracted to her if she were in form fitting yoga clothes.
"How are things going with Calvin?" Haley asked as she and Maddie took their places on the mat.

"So good!" Maddie enthused, twisting her hair behind her head. "I can't believe how perfect he is!"
"He's so sweet." Haley agreed, stretching. "You guys are adorable together."
Grayson picked up a dumbbell as the two girls talked. "I'm lucky I found him." Maddie said, grabbing one of her elbows over her head. "Now I just need to find someone special for you."

Haley's eyes darted towards Gray and her cheeks flushed when she realized he could hear them. "I don't know, Maddie." The redhead said, averting her eyes. "You know there are very few men I trust."
"I know." The girls started going through poses and Gray tried to focus on his form as he curled the dumbbell. "You just need to find a trustworthy guy who deserves you."

"Maybe." Haley conceded.
"Too bad you don't like muscles." Maddie said, smiling as she stretched into a new pose. "I know Elliot or Chase would die to date you."
"It's not the muscles." Haley disagreed, causing Gray to pause mid curl. "It's just—the bigger the person you date, the easier they can push you around." Haley turned so she could smile at Gray. "Present company excluded, of course."

Gray smiled, but he wasn't sure if she was excluding him from being someone who would push her around, or from being someone she'd consider dating.
"I just want to find someone I can be comfortable with." Haley said as she took warrior pose. "Someone who treats me with respect, who would never—"

"I know." Maddie said when Haley broke off. "I just want to see you happy."
Haley shook her head. "Well, I don't need a boyfriend to be happy." She pointed out, and Gray had to smile at the way his roommate lifted her chin ever so slightly. He couldn't imagine her dating anyone who would push her around. She was way too stubborn, and way too proud, and Gray loved that about her.

Both girls stretched towards the ground and to Gray's surprise, Haley's loose shirt billowed around her shoulders revealing her impossibly small waist and her sports bra. And even in a sports bra, Gray could see that Haley's breasts were perfect. In her upside down pose her surprisingly full breasts were threatening to escape—Grayson averted his eyes guiltily.

"Ugh." Haley groaned and from the corner of his eye Gray saw her stand upright, pulling her shirt back into place. "Do you have your extra tank top?"
"Yeah, but your boobs are bigger than mine." Maddie complained. "It's going to be tight up top."
"I know, but all of my shirts are so loose they fall off when I do inverted poses."

Gray set his dumbbell down and lay down on the bench, trying to tune out the conversation—and trying to forget Haley's smooth skin and full, luscious breasts. He pressed the barbell, up, down, up, down, trying to get the image out of his head.
Think about sports. He told himself. Think about football. Whatever you do, don't think about the brilliant, beautiful girl you can never have.

Within a few minutes Gray was focused on his reps and adjusting his form, everything else disappearing until it was just him and the weights. He'd never been into weight lifting to bulk up. All of his brothers had lifted weights religiously since primary school, all wanting to be bigger, stronger.

But for Gray it was different. Lifting didn't really seem to make a big difference to him physically—he was doomed to be huge no matter what—but mentally—mentally, lifting weights seemed to lift a weight off of his shoulders. When he was lifting weights, straining his body physically, his anxiety seemed to slip away. He could forget how awkward he was, he could forget about his weaknesses and all of the bad things he'd ever done, and just focus on the physical.

Grayson's eyes flew open when he felt a hand on his chest, and big blue eyes were hovering over him. "Are you okay?" Haley asked, her eyes concerned.
Gray almost dropped the weight he was holding. "Yeah—Yes." He stuttered, putting the barbell back in place. "Of course I am." He insisted, stradling the bench as he sat up.
"It's just—" To Gray's surprise his roommate sat on the bench in front of him, her eyes still on his face. "I've noticed you work out when you're stressed and you've been down here a while."

Gray glanced at the floor mats and noticed his sister was gone.
"She just left." Haley told him. "We finished our stretches and then Maddie had to meet Cal so she left." She paused. "I came down to grab the laundry and saw you were still--" Haley twisted on the bench, crossing her legs as she faced him. "Is anything bothering you?"

Gray shook his head automatically, taking the bottle of water she offered him. "No. I'm okay."
"I'm here for you if you need to talk to someone." Haley told him, smiling.
Gray smiled, and a part of him wished he could talk to her. How awesome would it be to just say, I like you, are you interested?

But it wasn't that easy. She was his roommate, and his friend, and he didn't want to ruin that. Plus she's too young for me, and too small. I'd be better off finding a tall, solidly built girl in her twenties. He thought, trying to not notice the way Haley's breasts were cresting over the top of her tank top. Someone I wouldn't feel like such an oversized freak next to.

And there's that too. Gray thought, following the redhead to the laundry room. Why would Haley be interested in someone like me? I'm so pathetic I can barely handle having a job, much less a girlfriend. Gray grabbed the laundry basket and followed Haley up the stairs.

"I know you're probably not interested in yoga, per se." Haley said as they reached the living room. "But I've been doing some research on anxiety and there are some things we can do to make you feel better, Gray."
Gray smiled at her word choice. We.

"I know right now you don't want to go to a doctor, but maybe we could work up to that." Haley said, picking up a shirt and folding it. "Like, maybe some of the non medical stuff can help you relieve enough anxiety to get you to the point of feeling comfortable enough to see a doctor."
Gray nodded doubtfully as he folded a towel. It was a bit of a paradox. A doctor would likely prescribe something that would help relieve his anxiety, but he was too anxious to go to a doctor.

"But yoga, stretching, meditation, cutting down on alcohol and caffeine, having sex, breathing exercises--"
Haley was still talking but Gray had gotten caught up on one word. Sex. Now that would make me feel better. He thought, averting his eyes from Haley's. It might not help with the anxiety, but I imagine--

"I think it's good that you work out when you're stressed, Gray." Haley said, grabbing another shirt. "You've already found one way to relieve your anxiety."
Gray nodded, setting one of his shirts on his stack of folded clothes.
"Hey, that's my shirt." His roommate said, picking up the jersey. "Number forty nine."

Gray laughed. "I forgot." He said. "From your quarterback days." He smiled. "So you're a student by day, my doctor by night, a quarterback in your spare time... Is there anything you can't do?" He teased.
Haley laughed and rolled her eyes self deprecatingly. "I can't do anything." She complained. "Sometimes I feel like I missed out on everything. Everyone else learned all these skills and all I have are good grades."

Gray shook his head. Haley didn't just have good grades. She had spectacular grades.
"It's true." She insisted, seeing his doubt. "It's all the little things everyone learned along the way that they take for granted." She explained. "I don't know how to swim or ski. I can't dance or drive--"
"Wait." Gray said, interrupting her. "You can't drive?"

Suddenly the redhead averted her eyes. "Well, I never really had access to a car." She admitted. "I lived in a group home at sixteen."
"Oh." Gray was surprised. It was easy to forget that Haley hadn't had the same type of childhood he'd had. Without access to a car or a pool, or even a consistent caregiver, how different would my life have turned out? He wondered, looking at Haley's beautiful face.

"Well, I could teach you." He offered. "I could teach you to swim too, if you wanted."
The thought of Haley in a bathing suit was alluring, but Gray really did want to help her. "No, it's okay." The redhead said, shaking her head. "It's not like I need to drive anyway. I'll learn eventually."

"It could be a trade off." Gray suggested, knowing the redhead hated being dependent on others. "You're helping me with my anxiety and I'm helping you with driving." He paused, imagining Haley by the pool. "And swimming."
Haley folded a pair of pants, her brow knit, deep in thought. "But... You were going to help me with finding my mom." She said softly.

"I can do both." Gray told her, glad to help her out. He smiled as he picked up the laundry basket with its now-folded clothes. "You can do a whole load of underwear in return." He teased, earning a laugh from Haley as he followed her up the stairs.

"How about, I help you with your mom in exchange for helping me with the non medical stuff, and I help you with swimming and driving in exchange for..." Gray swallowed, his palms getting sweaty at the thought of seeing a doctor. "In exchange for coming to the doctor's with me when I'm ready."

Haley turned on the stairs to look at him in surprise because she knew how hard it was for him to suggest that trade off. "Okay." She said after a moment. "But... I want to help you with your anxiety so it feels a bit one sided."
"Well, there's always my underwear...." Gray said, surprising his own self with his playfulness.

Haley laughed again. "I might have to take you up on that." She said, smiling. And then she put one hand on his shoulder and stretched up on her toes, kissing him on the cheek. "I'm so happy we've become friends, Gray." She said, her hand still on his shoulder. "Even if I need to stand on stairs to look you in the eye."
He laughed, still feeling her kiss on his cheek. "Well, almost in the eye." He pointed out, stepping up so he was only one step below her. "Are you even over five feet tall?"

"Yes!" Haley insisted, her eyes wide with mock indignation. She straightened up, lifting her chin. "I'm five feet and one quarter inch." She looked up at him appraisingly. "How tall are you?"
"Six six. And a half." Gray said, one corner of his mouth turning up.
Haley laughed. "Are you really?"

Gray smiled. "I think I might be taller than that." He admitted, surprised at his comfort level when talking to the petite redhead. "I'm taller than my brothers, but they're not that big, so that's not saying much."
Haley laughed again and as she leaned forward Gray could smell her shampoo, her head almost touching his chest, but she just shook her head and smiled at him. "I like that you can joke with me now, Gray." She told him. "Even if you like teasing me."

Gray smiled. Haley was the only person whose size he commented on, and the only person he didn't mind commenting on his size. "Me too." He said, wishing he were brave enough to say what he was really thinking.
She gave him a shy look. "Do you want to look through what I have on my mom so far?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, of course." Gray said honestly. "If you're okay with it."
Haley nodded and followed her to her room. He hesitated in the doorway. It was weird, but ever since she'd moved in he'd felt a little self conscious entering this room, even when she invited him. It didn't help that Haley's perfect ass was in the air as she pulled her computer out from under her bed.

"I don't have a lot to go on, but maybe you'll see something I don't." Haley said, sitting on the bed and opening her laptop.
Feeling self conscious, Gray went over to the bed and sat next to her.
"Oh!" Haley gasped as she tumbled into his lap, his weight pushing the mattress down enough to throw off the slim girl's balance.

"Sorry!" Haley said as she struggled to regain her balance.
"I'm sorry." Gray mumbled, feeling his cheeks heat up. "I didn't mean to—" He pulled his hand away from her back, his other hand clutching the laptop.
"I'm glad you have fast reflexes." Haley said, taking the laptop from him, not noticing his embarrassment. "I would have dropped it."

As Haley started going over the scant information she had on her mom, Gray was only half listening. Haley hadn't moved away from him when she sat up, and since he'd automatically grabbed her when she slipped, she was very close. With his hand now on the bed behind her, Haley's shoulder and arm were touching him lightly, her head close enough that he could smell her shampoo again. Her thigh was against his. He could reach out and touch her smooth cheek, tilt her head back, and kiss her if he wanted—

But it's not what she wants. Gray reminded himself. She doesn't like me like that. She's glad I'm her friend, and nothing else. The only reason she's even this close is because I'm such n oversized freak I create my own gravitational pull. I'm just lucky she counts me as a friend.

When Haley finished talking she looked at him, her blue eyes very close to his brown ones. "What do you think?" She asked hopefully. "Do you think we can figure anything out?"
Gray nodded, partly because he already had some ideas and partly because he'd do anything for her. "Yeah. We're going to find her for you."

Haley smiled and looked at the laptop, her head touching his shoulder gently. "I'm really glad you're helping me with this, Gray." She said after a moment. "You're the only one I've ever felt comfortable talking to about this."
Gray smiled even though she was still looking at the screen, her head against his shoulder. "That's are what friends are for." And if friendship is all I can get, I'll take it.

But part of him knew he wanted so much more.

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