Maddie's Men Part 10 All About Haley

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Grayson took a swig of his drink, wishing his throat didn't feel so dry. Next to him, Haley was watching the screen, her right hand resting on the mattress, no longer reaching for popcorn. I shouldn't have grabbed her hand. Gray thought, cursing himself. I should have been careful to only grab popcorn when she wasn't. Now she probably thinks I was trying to make a move on her.

He felt his cheeks heat up at the thought. It wasn't as if he didn't think about things like that, because he did. He was pretty sure he thought about women as much as any other hetero male, but he didn't act on those thoughts.

And especially not with Haley. He told himself. She deserves so much better. Grayson had seen the way the tiny redhead reacted to his brothers flirting with her, and she'd made it clear that she had no interest in any of them. But Gray couldn't stop himself from developing a crush on the pretty redhead.

And it wasn't just her appearance. True, Haley was undeniably beautiful. Although she was decidedly petite, she was a knock out. Fair and slim with red hair and wide blue eyes, she stood out in a crowd despite being only five feet tall. But better than that, she was smart and funny, knowing exactly how to make Gray laugh--not an easy feat.

But best of all, in Grayson's mind, was that she seemed to get him. She could be gentle and patient with him when he struggled to express himself, but she seemed to know exactly how much to push him to get him to come out of his shell.
It was rare for Gray to feel as if someone was actually listening to him, actually hearing him, because he often let his brothers and Maddie speak for him.

Even in the first few days of living together Haley had seemed to be able to pick up on how he was feeling, and anticipate his needs. It was almost as if she could read his mind, she was that good at reading his facial expressions and body language.

It seemed inevitable that Gray would develop a crush on her.
But I shouldn't look at her like that. Grayson reminded himself. Haley is my roommate. She's Maddie best friend. That's it. That's all she is to me. That's all she can be to me. Gray closed his eyes for a second, going over the many reasons he shouldn't be—couldn't be—interested in her.

She's barely nineteen. He reminded himself. I'm almost twenty four. Four and a half years is a big age difference to a teenager. She's made it clear that she has no interest in dating, and definitely not in dating me. He thought. She's going to be a doctor, and doctors don't date people like me. He opened his eyes, glancing down at the hand still resting on the mattress, small and thin, with long delicate fingers. Next to it, his own hand looked monstrous. And even if she were interested, he thought. We're not physically compatible.

Gray tried to force himself to pay attention to the rest of the movie, but he was too distracted by his thoughts about what Haley must be thinking about him. Before he knew it, the credits were rolling and Haley was turning toward him, a concerned look on her face.
"I'm sorry." She whispered, her voice worried. "I didn't mean to grab your hand."

Gray didn't say anything for a moment, watching the credits as he tried to think of what to say. "It's okay." He said finally, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. "I'm the one who grabbed your hand."

Haley smiled, and he could feel her relief. "I was trying to be careful." She explained, tucking her hair behind her ear. "I know you hate being touched."
Gray shrugged, watching the credits for a moment. "Actually—" He paused, uncertain. "Actually, I don't mind being touched. I just don't like touching people."

"Oh." Haley said, sounding surprised. "I didn't know that."
Grayson opened his mouth to explain, because he knew it sounded stupid, but he didn't know how to explain it so it wouldn't sound insane.

Neither of them spoke while the credits petered out. Gray felt his cheeks burning because he knew Haley must think he was crazy. A part of him felt like he was crazy.
"So, can I touch you?" Haley asked suddenly, turning to look at him. Her eyes widened. "I mean, not like that. Not that that would be bad, but--I just meant, if I did touch you, it wouldn't bug you? I don't—"

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