Maddie's Men Part 7 Are You Feeling Lucky?

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BHM WG Muscles Size Contrast 

Calvin tugged his shirt down, noticing how tight it was getting. I need to cut back on snacking. He decided, searching his closet for a bigger shirt. As he pulled off the too-tight shirt he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He eyed himself critically, turning first to one side, and then the next, pudgy hands jiggling his substantial belly self consciously. How did I get so fat? He wondered, feeling his cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
His thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell.

Maddie. He thought, quickly pulling the bigger shirt on over his head as he headed to the door. The new shirt was a little tighter than he'd expected, but it was better than the last one, and it was too late to find anything else anyway.
"Hi!" As soon as he opened the door, Maddie's face lit up, and Cal's heart sped up.

"Hi." He said, smiling self consciously. He took the bags she held out to him and then laughed as she immediately wrapped her arms around him. "You look beautiful." He said honestly. While he knew he was decidedly on the chubby side, Maddie was perfectly fit. Although she was average height, she was slim, and her assets perky.
"You look amazing, as always." Maddie told him as he set the bags on the table.

Still feeling a little self conscious he turned back to Maddie. He wanted to kiss her, but he was still a little bashful about showing her affection, although they'd been dating for several weeks. He needn't have worried though, because as soon as he was facing her, Maddie was in his arms, stretching up on her toes to kiss him.

As they kissed Cal felt her hands lightly pushing him towards the couch. Always agreeable, Cal obeyed, sitting down and, in a moment of uncharacteristic bravery, pulling her with him. She straddled his lap, sitting as close as his too-big tummy would allow.
"You are so sexy." Maddie murmured as she kissed his neck, her hands on his lovehandles. Cal let his hands slip down her back, but, too nervous to touch her bottom without express consent, he moved his hands to her slim, shapely thighs and then back to her waist, his lips finding hers.

Cal had never been more excited in his life. Maddie is everything I want in a girl, and so much more. He thought as they made out. And somehow she likes me.
But then, a moment he'd been dreading arrived, and he felt her hands slip under his shirt. Automatically he sucked his belly in, but it was no use. At more than three hundred pounds, there was no way he could hide all of his blubber. He was tall and he had a pretty big build and decent muscles, but he couldn't disguise how fat he was.

"Your skin is so soft." Maddie whispered, her lips against his jawline, her fingers rubbing his swollen lovehandles. Before he could react, the beautiful girl leaned back, biting her lip and looking him in the eye before she pulled her shirt off, looking more self conscious than Cal had ever seen her.
She immediately leaned back in to him, kissing him, but not before Cal got a good look.

She's so out of my league. He thought, amazed that he had somehow landed someone so perfect. Her stomach was taut and tan below round, perky breasts in a sexy bra. She's perfect.
After a few more minutes of kissing he felt her hands sliding up higher under his shirt and he took a deep breath. With hands slightly shaking he gripped the edge of his shirt and pulled it up and over his head. If she's going to be disgusted with my body I may as well find out now. He decided, swallowing as he made himself look at her face.

But Maddie took one look at his big, overflowing stomach, his swollen rolls, and his soft moobs and she laughed self consciously, pulling him closer and kissing him even more intensely. "I want you so badly!" She said softly, pressing herself into him.
Just as quickly, however, she pulled away, eyes serious. "Calvin?" She said, her golden eyes nervous. Calvin was very aware of one of her hands pressed against his chest, just above his left manboob. "I do want you." She admitted. "But I just—I'm not—I mean—" To Cal's surprise her eyes dropped self consciously. "I mean, I do want to have sex, but not today. I just, I've never done that before, and I want it to be special."

Cal nodded, surprised by her confession. "I—me too." He admitted awkwardly, although his lack of experience had more to do with lack of options than he'd like to admit. "But I like everything we're doing so far." He told her, trying to not look at her breasts too much. "I like having you as my... girlfriend." He said, the question obvious in his voice.

Maddie's eyes lit up again and she practically pounced on him, her fingers sinking into his fat as she kissed him. "I like having you as my boyfriend." She said breathlessly when they paused in their kissing. He smiled at the excitement in her voice as she said boyfriend. "Oh, wait, the food's going to get cold."

Maddie hopped up, opening the bags she'd brought in, pulling out several cartons of food. For a second, Cal watched her, still amazed that someone as gorgeous as Maddie would be interested in him—would want to be his girlfriend. As he watched her opening up her packages his hand hovered over his shirt. On the one hand, he suspected that if he put his shirt back on, Maddie would put hers back on, which he didn't want. But on the other hand, Cal was self conscious enough about his body—he definitely didn't want to eat while shirtless in front of her.

Cal stood up, knowing he'd look at least a little thinner without his gut pooling in his lap. "You didn't have to buy us lunch." He said, pulling Maddie closer and pushing her hair behind her ear.
Maddie shrugged, slipping her arms around his waist as she smiled up at him. "I love spending time with you." She admitted. "And I like doing nice things for you."

Calvin smiled. Not only was his girlfriend gorgeous, but she was sweet too. He felt a warmth blossoming in his chest at the word girlfriend. "I like doing nice things for you too."
Maddie beamed. "Perfect, then you better eat all of this food I got for us."
Cal laughed and surveyed the now full table. Well, I better not disappoint my girlfriend. He thought, still excited by the g-word.

But just to be safe I better put my shirt back on. He thought, pulling it over his head. But I'm going to need to get some new ones soon. He realized as he sat down with Maddie. If she keeps doing these 'nice things' for me I'm going to need some bigger shirts.
With that thought in mind, he dug in.


Haley dug her hands into the dryer, pulling out the clothes, loving how warm and soft they felt. Laundry was definitely her favourite out of all of the chores she'd given herself. Even though Gray kept insisting she didn't need to do anything around the house she couldn't stop herself. She felt too guilty about living there so inexpensively.
"Are you doing my laundry again?"

Haley quickly blocked the pile of clean clothes with her body, eyes wide with guilt. "No." She said automatically, turning to face the huge man in the doorway. "These are my clothes."
Gray crossed the laundry room in a few easy strides, reaching beside her and pulling a shirt out of the hamper.
"That's mine." She insisted, smiling at the obvious lie as Gray held up a T-shirt she could probably have camped out in. "I like it roomy."

Gray laughed and folded the shirt. "All of these are yours?" He asked playfully as he reached for another shirt. "Even the football jersey?"
"Yes." Haley lied, folding a pair of men's pants. "I used to be a quarterback."
Gray laughed again and Haley felt elated. Her best friend's oldest brother could be very serious sometimes so Haley loved being able to make him laugh. "A quarterback, huh? What number were you?"

"Forty nine." Haley said, automatically picking her favourite number. "I considered going pro, but you know how it is."
Gray held up the jersey, his eyes as surprised as hers were when she noticed the big four and nine on the shirt.
"You saw it when you put it in the wash." Gray guessed, putting the jersey on a hanger.
"Just a lucky guess." Haley said, matching some socks. "Forty nine is my lucky number."

"Really?" The big man asked, looking curious.
"Yeah. I like that it's a square number made up of two other square numbers, four and nine. It seems lucky." Haley explained. She felt her cheeks heat up. "Although I guess my life probably doesn't seem very lucky to you." She admitted, embarrassed that he had seen her in so many unfortunate situations lately. Before Gray could comment Haley thrust several pairs of boxers at him. "I don't mind doing your laundry but your underwear is all yours."

Gray smiled at the change in tone, but he didn't answer, quietly folding his clothes for several minutes. As Haley folded his last shirt Gray picked up the laundry basket and held it out for her to put the shirt in. He tilted his head towards the stairs and turned to let her take the lead.
"I don't—" Haley turned on the stairs as she heard Grayson's serious tone. "I don't mind you cleaning, but... you don't have to." Gray's eyes were averted, but Haley could tell he had more to say so she waited, watching his face, closer to eye level now that she was up a couple of steps. "I can hire a cleaning person or something if you want."

"Don't do that!" Haley put her hand out as if to physically stop him. She quickly pulled her hand away from his chest, feeling her cheeks heat up. "Please don't." She said more quietly. "I just--I need to do something. I mean, we both know I could never afford to live here if it weren't for you."
"Yeah, but...." Gray shrugged his shoulders, shifting the laundry basket to one side. "This is what friends do, Hay. They help each other out when they need it."

Haley could tell that Grayson believed that. He believed that people helped each other for no reason, without expecting anything in return. He believed people were innately good, that they would help others if they could.
But for Haley that had never been the case. That had never been her experience. People only help you in order to hold it over your head or to use you. She thought, frowning. No one can be as nice as Grayson seems. Not even Grayson can be as nice as he seems.

Even as she thought it, Haley felt guilty. Gray had never been anything but kind to her. Even before they'd really become friends he had always been thoughtful. He was always doing nice things that Haley hadn't even noticed or thought about until she'd gotten to know him better.
Texting Maddie to ask if Haley needed a ride places, intervening when his brothers were making her uncomfortable, automatically moving things to be more accessible to someone petite. All kinds of little things that meant a lot, and probably more that she'd never even noticed.

Even ever since she'd moved in he'd done thoughtful things. A stool had appeared in the kitchen one morning, something she definitely knew her oversized roommate didn't need for himself. Cupboards had suddenly been rearranged so that Haley could reach everything. Throw blankets appeared on couches and chairs. Small things, thoughtful things, things that showed Gray was thinking of her and trying to help her.
And here I am thinking he must have an ulterior motive like everyone else. Haley thought guiltily.

Before she could stop herself she stepped down one step and wrapped her arms around Grayson. "Thank you." She said, her cheek pressed against his unyielding chest. She smiled and pulled away as she felt his entire body tighten up. "I mean it. I appreciate everything you've done for me, Gray." She couldn't resist a playful grin. "As a show of my thanks I promise I won't hug you again."
Gray laughed, visibly relaxing as she stepped up a step, further away from him.

Haley appraised him for a moment, thinking. "I still want to do some stuff around the house to sort of make up for not paying what I should." She told him, tilting her head to one side. "But maybe we could do some of the chores together?"
Gray smiled, nodding and following her up the stairs. "That sounds like a good idea." He agree, setting the laundry basket down. "But your underwear is all yours."

Haley laughed. "Deal." She agreed, but she knew she was still going to try to sneak in a few extra chores.
"Hey, um, I got something for you." Grayson said, grabbing a laptop from the table.
Haley shook her head, eyes wide. "I don't need anything." She pointed out as Gray opened up the laptop. "So please don't order anything for me."
"I'm not." Gray said, smiling as he pressed the on button and turned it toward her. "The laptop is what I have for you."

Haley froze, unsure how to react. Even if Gray really didn't have ulterior motives there was no way she could accept a laptop. "Grayson...."
Gray shook his head and nudged the laptop a little closer to her. "No, it's fine. It's yours."
Haley frowned, watching the laptop boot up. "But mine was broken in the robbery." She pointed out, hating being reminded of that loss. Of all the things that had been destroyed or stolen, that one had hurt the most. It couldn't be replaced, not even with a new laptop.

"I grabbed the pieces." Gray explained, turning the screen towards her. "I got a friend to use whatever pieces were still accessible and he rebuilt it. He said most things were able to be salvaged because... well, whatever part holds you're files, it was in pretty good shape."
Haley's fingers shook as she reached out to the keyboard, not daring to believe it.
"Try it out." Grayson suggested. "See if your papers are there."

With shaking fingers, Haley clicked on one of the icons and found folders with the files she needed. She opened one and felt tears spring to her eyes. "Grayson--" She clicked on another one, and another, finding the files she needed.
The huge man shrugged. "I know how much work you put into school so I figured you might need your old notes and papers."
"Grayson—" Haley looked at him in shock and amazement. "It looks like everything is here." She said, turning her eyes back to the screen, her voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you."

Gray shrugged, suddenly looking embarrassed. "It was no big deal." He told her, taking a step away from the table. "My friend owed me a favour."
Haley didn't say anything for a moment, looking through files she had thought she'd lost forever. Finally she managed to find her voice again. "Now this friend owes you a favour." She said, knowing she'd never be able to repay him. She smiled. "I mean, now I'll have to even wash your underwear for you."

Gray laughed and shrugged again, looking at his feet. "I'm going to make some popcorn. Maybe we can watch a movie?"
Haley nodded, swallowing hard. Grayson disappeared into the kitchen and she turned back to the computer, still in awe that her files had been saved. She opened a few more files and found the information she'd been collecting since she turned eighteen. All of the info she'd collected about her time in foster care... and the mom who had put her there.

When she heard the popcorn popping she closed her laptop and turned the TV on. "Gangs of Wall Street?" She said when Gray came back with a bowl of popcorn and two drinks.
Gray nodded and set their stuff on the coffee table. Haley smiled as he pulled the blanket from the back of the couch for her, noticing that he'd brought her favourite drink.

"Gray?" Haley said suddenly, pausing the movie just before it started. She swallowed, nervous about what she was about to say.
The big man looked at her, his golden eyes as patient and kind as always.
"It—it's not just my school papers and notes." She admitted, pulling the blanket more firmly around her. "It's—" She felt her cheeks warm up, but she made herself continue. "I don't know how much you know, or what Maddie has told you, but, um, I'm trying to find my birth mother."

Grayson, always a good listener, nodded seriously.
"I've been looking for her since I turned eighteen." Haley went on. "It's been really hard trying to track her down, and... all the info I had was—is—on my laptop."
Haley was relieved to see understanding and not judgement on her roommate's face.

"It's all there?" He asked when she stopped. "All of the info you need to find her?"
"Well, I don't have enough to find her." She admitted. "It's been really hard to get the info because my file was sealed."
"Oh, because you had a closed adoption?" Gray asked, trying to understand.

Haley shook her head. "I was never adopted." She admitted, feeling her cheeks burn in shame. "But I keep running into walls when I try to track her down. I'll get a piece of info that seems good, and then it turns out to be false, and--" She shrugged. "Well, it's just been hard, and a lot of dead ends." She paused, her finger hovering over the play button, but she found herself going on. "I just need to go over my notes again to figure out where to go next."

She could tell that Grayson was thinking, his big hand picking at the edge of the blanket.
"I'm glad your files are still there." He said finally. He smiled at her, holding the popcorn out to her. "If you ever need help on it I'm good at figuring things out. Or I could get you a private investigator or something."
Haley shook her head automatically. She'd looked into PIs at one point. They could get expensive fast.

A mischievous look that Haley was getting familiar with crossed Grayson's face. "I wasn't offering to do it for free, Hay." He said, his amber eyes lighting up. "I was going to charge you a load of underwear."
"A load of just underwear?" Haley asked, pretending to be horrified as she held back her laugh. "No deal!"

Gray laughed and took a handful of popcorn. "That's probably the smart option." He told her. He looked at her seriously. "But if you need help, or someone to talk to...." He shrugged and Haley smiled.
"I'll keep that in mind."
Haley sank back into the corner of the couch as she pressed play.

Maybe Grayson really is a nice person. She thought, eyes on the screen. Maybe I lucked out and found the one man who treats people nicely just because.
She snuck a glance at the oversized man occupying the other end of the couch, his handsome profile illuminated by the soft glow of the screen.
Maybe my luck is changing.

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