Maddie's Men Part 11 Second Hand Fat

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BBWs SSBBW Muscle Size Contrast BHM

Sam sighed, exhausted from loading the groceries into the fridge. I shouldn't have gone out last night. She told herself. I wouldn't be feeling so tired if I had just stayed in. That wasn't exactly true, but Sam let herself believe it for a moment.
The truth was, at Sam's size, any activity was exhausting. But at Sam's size, going to the Drive In was one of the few activities she could engage in that let her remain anonymous. Going anywhere else was practically an invitation for other people to stare. But alone in her car, watching a movie, Sam could sneak under the radar and enjoy being a normal person, at least for a couple of hours. .

Until Chase showed up and ruined my night. She thought, frowning as she stuck a pair of huge lasagnas in the oven. If he hadn't shown up it would have been a perfect night out.
That too was a lie, because even going to the Drive In was becoming a challenge.
"Hey, the Chinese I ordered should be here soon." Kit said as she wandered into the kitchen. "And your mom was craving a burger so they'll be here soon too."

Sam nodded and forced herself to smile at her mom's girlfriend. "Thanks, Kit. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Kit smiled and grabbed four of the two litres of Coke from the floor. "You'd probably waste away." She predicted playfully. "You'd never have time to take care of yourself." She paused in the doorway. "I'm glad you're filling out a bit, sweetie."

Sam stared at the doorway where Kit had disappeared. Those words would have been cutting from anyone else, but from Kit....
Sam sighed. Filling out was a nice way of putting it, but the reality was Sam was obese.
The pretty girl picked up a bag of chips, feeling gravity pulling against her as she lifted it into the cupboard. The roll that usually spilled over her wrist tipped backwards towards her overflowing upper arm and Sam barely got the chips in before she had to lower her arm.
"Coming, mom."

Sam picked up a stack of snack cake boxes and waddled to the door, turning sideways to fit her jiggling hips through. It wasn't far, but Sam was out of breath when she reached her mom and Kit's bedroom.
"There's my little Sugar Baby." Leah Beckett smiled from the bed. "Back already?" Sam nodded, settling her bulk in her chair. "I hope you're hungry." Leah said. "I don't want any leftovers to go to waste."

Sam had to smile. There were never any leftovers in the Beckett household. Sam doubted there ever had been, because between her mom, her brother, and herself, Sam was the thinnest person, by far.
She could hear the heavy footfalls of her younger brother making his way from the living room.

"Oh, thank you, Kit." Leah said, kissing her girlfriend as she handed her an oversized soft drink. "I'm so lucky to have you." She smiled as her son began the challenge of squeezing his bulk through the door. "Look at you, Jack." Leah complained. "My poor little boy, wasting precious calories when you should have a girlfriend to feed you up to your potential."

Sam snagged a Twinkie while Kit went to answer the door. "Some day." Jackson predicted, collapsing on the loveseat. His blubbery belly took several minutes to stop jiggling.
Although Sam was just over five hundred pounds, her nineteen year old brother surpassed her by about three hundred rippling pounds of pure lard.
Their mom was even heavier, weighing, at last count, slightly less than her two children put together.

The difference between Sam and the rest of her family, however, was that they absolutely loved their size, and Sam.... Well, Sam struggled with her size. And not just physically. The emotional toll of dealing with being five hundred pounds at twenty one was as staggering as the challenge of trying to fit into ordinary movie seats. It was essentially impossible for her.

"Eat up, Sugar Baby." Her mom said, seeing Sam slowing down on her third snack cake. "You need the calories."
Sam obeyed but she had doubts that she needed the extra calories.

Leah Beckett was a proud gainer and a bottomless feedee. A SSBBW of epic proportions, she saw nothing wrong with being super morbidly obese, and she actively encouraged her children to follow in her... well, it had been a long time since Leah had left any footsteps, but she wanted her children to be just like her.

And Jack did want to be like her. Or even bigger. He dreamed of some day breaking world records--and a whole lot of furniture along the way.
But unlike Leah, who had a supportive and loving relationship with someone who helped keep her growing belly full, Jackson was single.
He'd been nearly six hundred pounds by the time he graduated primary school when it was decided that he was too fat to attend high school. Without classes to attend, his weight had soared, but his weight gain had slowed down in the past year as the effort to move his immense body burned more calories than he would have liked.

Sam watched Kit dole out Chinese food, frowning. Jackson wasn't the only one who was single in their family. Sam had never dated anyone, feeder or not. For a long time she'd tried to get her weight under control in an effort to find a boyfriend, but it was to no avail. She had remained obese her entire life, and she'd never had a boyfriend, and she feared she never would.
In fact, at twenty one, she'd only ever been kissed once, and that had been a disaster.

Thinking about that kiss, Sam felt sick and she pushed her second container of Chinese food back on the TV table.
"Are you okay, honey?" Kit asked, noticing Sam's relative lack of appetite.
Sam shook her head, not sure what she was feeling. "I think I'm going to pass on burgers." She said, struggling to get to her feet. "There's lasagna in the oven. I'm going to go to the park." She noticed her mother's disapproving look. "I need some ice cream."

Leah nodded and accepted a fourth plate of Chinese. "Good. Don't overwork yourself, sweetie."
Sam smiled at Kit's concerned look, but before Sam had made it to the door Kit had already turned back to her girlfriend, her thin hands sending ripples through Leah's titanic belly as she rubbed the fullness out of her engorged stomach. "Have fun." Her tone of voice changed as she spoke to her girlfriend. "Okay, big girl. I know you've got more room in this belly."

Sam waddled out of the bedroom and wedged herself through the front door. It was embarassing and awkward, but she had gotten so large she actually had to physically lift her overinflated breasts over her belly in order to get out, and she worried that she wasn't far from getting too big to fit at all.
Already Jackson couldn't fit through the front door and he'd outgrown the kitchen doorway only recently, much to his delight.

Sam wished she too could get excited for those little inconveniences, but they just worried her. What will happen if I get top big to take care of myself? It's already a full time job for Kit to take care of mom, and between her and I we can barely handle Jack's growing needs. What would happen if I let myself go?
The idea was equal parts exciting and terrifying, so Sam struggled to keep her mobility. It wasn't easy though with the hefty apron of fat that spilled across her thighs.

Maybe I should get a scooter. Sam thought as she took slow, lumbering steps towards the park. It was close to her house, but already she was getting out of breath.
Exhausted from the walk and her busy morning, Sam collapsed onto a nearby bench, hearing it creak under her poundage.
I hope the ice cream guy comes this way. Sam thought, watching the children running across the grass, and a handful of men playing an impromptu football game.

There was a pair of picnickers nearby, and Sam's stomach rumbled at the sight of their cheese and crackers and surreptitious bottle of wine.
She didn't know what made her more jealous. The snacks they were sharing or the romance between them. Both seemed enjoyable.
I'll never have that. Sam thoughts watching the man take the woman's slim hand as he whispered something in her ear.
I should just forget about that. Romance is not in the cards for me.

Despite her thoughts, however, her eyes were drawn to the men playing football. They were shirtless, their tan muscles glistening with sweat and sex appeal, their bodies flexing as they moved. And for a moment, Sam craved their bodies more than she craved the ice cream that was coming closer to her.
Ice cream. She thought, forcing herself to look away from the men. Think about ice cream. Ice cream always treats you well. Ice cream never makes you feel bad.

Just as the ice cream man was approaching her, one of the men broke away from the others, jogging towards them. Sam could barely tear her eyes away from his well muscled torso. He was built like a god--tall and tan with big, solid muscles, and Sam couldn't help but feel aroused. But then she glanced at his face and--
"Hi, do you sell bottled water?" Sam felt the blood drain from her face because it was exactly the worst person she could have seen. Chase Scott.

Sam willed herself to be as small as she felt, hoping that her handsome former classmate wouldn't see her. Don't look this way. She begged internally as he purchased some water and a popsicle. Don't look this way.
Sam stayed perfectly still, watching as the ice cream man took his precious ice cream away, and Chase took a big bite of his popsicle, pressing his water to his forehead, eyes closed as he enjoyed the refreshing taste. Sam could practical taste it herself, the icy cherry heaven on a hot day. She imagined it felt nice on the lip he'd split the night before.

Just go back to your friends. Sam thought. Please don't see me. Please don't humiliate me any more than you already have.
But fate was not cooperating with her. As Chase finished his popsicle and looked around for a garbage can he noticed her. And then Sam saw a smile she was all too familiar with, and suddenly she was transported back to high school.


"Nice touchdown last night, Chase."
"You looked amazing."
"Hey, are you going to the party tonight?"
"Of course you're going. Everyone is."

Everyone did not include Sam, but she was used to that. Parties were for her classmates, people like Zoey Michaels, Chase Scott, and Tyler Broderick. Popular people. People who made high school look easy.
Sam was not one of those people. Not even close.
For Sam, the field trip that day had been the most socializing she'd done in a week, and even then it was only because her classmates had been forced to interact with her. Otherwise she was sure they would have ignored her just as they usually did.

Sam stared out the bus window, knowing no one wanted her there. Knowing no one was even thinking about the nearly four hundred pound girl in the back corner.
"Hey, when are you two going to hook up?"
Sam was surprised when someone sat beside her. She'd chosen the back seat while everyone else was chatting outside, hoping to endure the bus ride unnoticed.
She glanced at her seatmate and felt sick. It was Chase Scott, easily the most popular guy in her grade, and definitely the best looking.

He wasn't, however, talking to Sam. He was leaning forward, talking to Zoey and Jay, two other popular kids who, Sam knew, had recently started dating. Or hooking up. Sam didn't know the lingo.
Sam's entire body felt on fire. Normally no one sat with her. She took up more than her fair share of every seat, and she was far from popular, so people usually gave her the wide berth that she required.

Chase, however, was wedged in next to her. He was big in his own way, tall and strong and solid, and he too took up more space than most people. He was so broad across the chest and shoulders that even with half of his body in the aisle, his left side was pressed against Sam.

And it had lit every one of her nerves on fire.
"None of your business, Chase." Zoe said, giggling flirtatiously.
"Everything is my business." Chase disagreed, his confidence somehow as appealing as his big lean body. He leaned one beefy arm on the back of Jay and Zoey's seat. "I just don't see why you guys aren't already banging. Everyone likes sex."
Sam saw Jay's cheeks turn a bit pink, but he grinned. "We're taking it slow, Chase. Not everyone needs to jump into bed on the first date."

"Maybe they should." Chase countered, leaning back in his seat. "Have you guys even kissed?"
"Of course we have." Zoey said, turning so she could make eyes at the big athlete.
A couple of other students cat called and Tino Patel laughed. "Come on, don't be such a prude."
"I'm not a prude." Zoey protested, and from the look she shot Chase, Sam was pretty sure he knew that first hand.

As other students protested, their voices playful, Jay shook his head. "Jesus." He grumbled, his cheeks flaming. He leaned over and gave Zoey a quick peck on the lips. "Satisfied?"
The back of the bus erupted in cat calls and cheering, but Chase just laughed. "Come on, that was embarassing, Jay." He insisted, his charisma intoxicating. "You call that a kiss?"

And suddenly, his arm was around Sam and his lips were pressed against hers, his mouth slightly open. His lips tasted like cherry, his breath was like mint leaves, his cheeks surprisingly stubbly for a sixteen year old, his strong arm pulling her tightly against him.
"That's how you kiss a girl." Chase announced as the other kids went crazy.
Sam felt every eye on her and her cheeks heated up, and she felt sick, but... her pulse was racing, and she was suddenly feeling things she'd never felt before.
Someone whooped loudly and Tyler Broderick leaned across the aisle, a nasty look on his face. "Ooh, kissing the fat girl."

Chase laughed, his arm still heavy on her shoulders. "Maybe I like fat girls." He said, giving Sam a lecherous wink before he removed his arm, grinning for his adoring fans. "I like all types of girls."
"You can kiss me like that, any time." Trina Chan told Chase from beside Tyler.
"Ugh, get him to rinse his mouth first." Tyler said meanly. "You don't want to catch second hand fat."
Everyone on the bus went wild with laughter, and Sam wished she could die.

Why would he do that to me? She thought, staring down at the huge breasts that were blocking her view of her feet, her cheeks burning. Everyone is laughing at me.
Chase didn't hear her thoughts, however. Instead he gave her his familiar charismatic smile and turned to joke with Tyler.
But in one quick kiss he had made Sam the butt of all their jokes. It had been bad enough before, but now.... Sam didn't know if she could handle it anymore.
How could he do that to me? She wondered. But there were no answers. There was only humiliation.


"Sam!" Chase's face lit up as he saw her, and he made a beeline for her. "What are the chances of running into you two days in a row?"
Sam felt sick. She'd been wondering the same thing. "I must have been a terrible person in a past life." She said before she could reconsider it.
Chase laughed, sitting next to her, assuming she'd just been joking. "Did you like the movies last night?" He asked, his face still annoyingly handsome despite the beating he'd taken the night before.

Sam stared at him blankly for a second, debating whether she should just play along in the hopes he'd get bored of teasing her.
No. I'm not going to let him push me around. Sam decided. This isn't high school. I don't care if he thinks he's better than I am. He's an asshole and I'm not putting up with it any more.
"What do you want, Chase?" She asked an unfamiliar cold edge to her voice.

"I was wondering if I could take you out some time." Chase said, not hearing her iciness. "I know I was supposed to wait for you to call, but we're both here, so...." He smiled, putting one arm along the back of the bench behind her.
"I have no plans to call you." Sam said, trying to keep her voice even.
"Text then." Chase said, not getting the hint.
"I'm not going to text you either." She said.

"But--" Sam almost smiled at the surprised look on his face. He seemed genuinely shocked that she'd turn him down, and it was downright comical. "But I want to fix things between us."
"There is no us, Chase." Sam snapped. "I'm not falling for whatever mean spirited plan you and your friends have cooked up." She wished tears weren't prickling at her eyes. "You're an asshole, you've always been an asshole, and I will never forgive you."

"What are you talking about?" He asked, his handsome face confused. "I don't have anything planned. My friends don't even know I'm here."
"Oh, really?" Sam challenged, getting angry. "Not even your girlfriend?" She demanded, happy to have caught him in a lie.
"My girlfriend?" Chase repeated, looking confused. "What girlfriend?"

"I saw you with her at the movies." Sam lifted her chins. "The pretty, skinny little redhead you got in a fight over."
"Haley's my friend." Chase told her. "I'm going to defend her when someone is mean to her."
His voice sounded so reasonable that Sam almost fell for it.
He had no issue with being mean to me. She reminded herself.

"I saw you carrying her to your car." Sam reminded him. "She was all snuggled up to you. Looked pretty cozy." She hoped she didn't sound as inexplicably jealous as she felt. "I'm sure she wouldn't be happy to know you're asking someone else out." She paused. "Even as a joke."
Chase laughed. "Actually, I bet Haley would love knowing I was asking someone else out instead of her." He looked thoughtful. "I don't think she has any interest in dating anyone. But, I mean... you do, right?"

Sam gritted her teeth. The hot redhead isn't as desperate as you assume I am? Is that it? She thought angrily. She measured her words carefully. "I would rather date anyone else on the planet than date you, Chase."
Sam meant to storm off, leaving him in awe of her strength and resolve.
But her body had other ideas. "Uhhh." Sam felt her cheeks burning as the groan escaped her lips, but despite her best efforts, she wasn't able to heft her body up. Instead she rocked back down, the bench creaking ominously beneath her bulk.

Chase was watching her in shock, but there wasn't much Sam could do, so she spread her legs to get the weight of her heavy apron of fat off of them. She leaned back as far as she could and then rocked forward, pushing off with fat arms and—with a heavy thump she landed back onto her overflowing ass on the bench.
Without a word Chase got up, but instead of walking away he held his arms out to her, offering his help.

Sam scowled, ignoring his hands as she tried once more to get to her feet, but gravity was against her that morning, and this time the bench sounded like it really might give out as her jiggling flesh crashed down on it.
"It's okay." Chase said, barely lifting his gaze to meet hers. "On the count of three."
Humiliated, Sam grabbed his arms and when he got to three she pulled on him with all of her considerable weight. She almost hoped he'd fail, that his prideful strength would fail them both so he could share in her shame, but Chase had always been strong, and with one big heft she was on her feet, her overfed belly swelling into his waiting arms.

Sam barely muttered a thanks before pushing him to the side. She was already out of breath, but she waddled away as stormily as she could. She was making good progress too. Maybe if I had to storm away from Chase every day I'd be thin like his girlfriend. Sam thought bitterly. Then maybe I could land someone like Chase too.
Her cheeks heated up at the thought. Not that I'd want to date someone like him. She corrected herself.

About halfway home Sam had to stop for breath. She lifted her low hanging apron of fat and rested it on a low wall that bordered the Jenson's property, breathing deeply. Although she hadn't moved as fast as a normal person, she felt like she'd run a marathon.
This is what happens when you let yourself get so fat you can barely move. She thought. She wasn't sure who made her angrier: Chase of trying to make her the butt of his jokes again, or herself for letting him upset her. Both made her so angry she could—

Oh god, he's back. Sam thought, tensing up at the sound of Chase's voice. He's back and I don't have the energy to lift all this blubber up, much less walk away. She turned her head towards her former classmate, leaving her belly resting on the wall.
"Look, I know you were always pretty dumb, Chase, but I can't make this any clearer for you." Sam snapped with uncharacteristic venom. She saw his perfect face wince, and for a second she felt bad. She swallowed that feeling down, scowling up at him. "I'm not interested."

"I just... I got you a banana milkshake." Chase said, setting down the oversized cup he was carrying. He had averted his eyes, his voice suddenly hesitant. "I thought you might be thirsty, and I remember you used to like them in high school."
Sam opened her mouth to say something, but she didn't know what. How did he know that that was my favourite? She wondered, at a loss. And suddenly she felt that same warm feeling she'd had so long ago when he kissed her, and she wondered if his lips still tasted like cherries, his breath like mint....

"Look, I know I'm not... smart." Sam could hear it in his voice. She'd struck a nerve with that comment. "I can take a hint though. I won't bug you any more." He pushed the drink closer to her hefty belly, still resting on the wall. "Feel free to ignore the number on the milkshake. It's stupid." He shook his head, taking a step backwards. "I'm stupid. Just forget it." He met her gaze for a split second before dropping his gaze. "I just... I mean, maybe I wasn't kidding back then when I said... when I said I liked you."
His cheeks turned an adorable pink and then he was moving across the park, his long legs propelling him faster than Sam had been able to move in years.

Sam turned her head to watch him, sure he'd return to his friends to laugh about the fat girl, but instead he headed to the other end of the park, head ducked, broad shoulders hunched. Away from his friends, away from Sam, and suddenly she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. And not the sinking feeling that came from a belly that hung to your thighs.
Did he...? Sam didn't let herself finish that thought. She took a deep, cleansing breath and leaned forward slightly to snag the milkshake.

As much as she hated Chase, she didn't think he would have done anything to the milkshake, so she took a hesitant sip.
Oh, it was so good. Sam turned to where Chase had gone, but he had already disappeared. I don't really hate him. She thought suddenly, sipping the milkshake. I mean, it was five years ago, and he's done two nice things for me in the last two days. Maybe he really has changed. Maybe he really does want to make it up to me.
She didn't let herself think about his other comment. The one about liking her. Because that just wasn't possible. Guys like Chase Scott don't fall for girls like me. She told herself.

She looked at the cup in her pudgy hand. There was a phone number scrawled on one side in big, uneven printing. Sam had ripped the number from the bag of concessions the other night and had shredded it in anger, but she knew it was the same number. Chase's number. Without intending to she'd memorized it before shredding it, and it was the same number.
She glanced at the far end of the field where Chase's friends were still playing football. It was easy to pick his brothers out of the group, their strong, solid bodies so similar to Chase's. So different from hers.

As Sam watched, a slow, fat player made his way off the field, his red cheeks visible even from afar. He made his way to two slim women, and from across the field Sam could tell that the taller of the two girls was in love, every movement of her perfect body radiating her excitement at being close to the hefty football player.
Sometimes fat men land attractive, thin partners. Sam thought, watching the taller woman wrap herself around the chubby player. Maybe sometimes fat women can....?

Sam frowned, forcing that thought from her mind. Just forget it, Sam. Forget all about Chase Scott. The Chase Scotts if the world end up with pretty, perky, petite girls, and the fat girls like me just get to watch from the sidelines.
She finished the milkshake and started to waddle home, trying to put Chase out of her mind. But when she passed a garbage can she didn't throw out her trash. Instead she clutched the empty extra large milkshake cup in one hand, a million thoughts running through her head.

Chase Scott. She thought, biting her lip. Chase Scott.

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