Maddie's Men Part 12 After the Football Game

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BHM Muscle BBW Mutual Weight Gain Size Contrast

Calvin couldn't believe he'd agreed to play football with Maddie's brothers and their friends. At first it had seemed like a good idea. Because he was hanging around with them a lot, he'd gotten into the habit of eating like them, and they could eat. They were like bottomless pits. The difference was that all of the brothers were athletic, active, and predisposed towards muscle, whereas Cal was not. Although he was tall with a decent amount of muscle, he was far from an athlete, he was decidedly inactive, and he definitely leaned more towards a predisposition for fat.

Eating like the brothers had wreaked havoc on Cal's waistline, although it didn't help that Maddie, Cal's girlfriend, was constantly bringing him treats.
When Chase, Maddie's second youngest brother, had suggested Cal join them for a friendly game of football, it had sounded like a great idea. Maybe, Cal had reasoned, if I get active and start working out like Maddie's brothers I can be like them. I can turn some of this fat into muscle, and be the man Maddie deserves.

It was a good plan in theory. But in execution.... Cal was exhausted after five minutes, and even in a friendly game Maddie's brothers were rough. They thought nothing of shoving each other, tackling each other, and doling out playful punches that seemed likely to leave bruises. Cal could tell they were taking it easy on him, but he couldn't figure out why anyone would do this for fun.

At least Gray keeps his hands to himself. Cal thought, watching the biggest of his girlfriend's brothers take a playful punch to the ribs. Gray laughed and then Chase, the roughest of Maddie's brothers, slung his arm around the big man's neck and they walked over to Cal.
"You okay?" Chase asked, grinning at Cal.

"Yeah." Cal wheezed. "Fine."
Gray was watching his face. "Do you want to sit out for a bit?"
Cal shook his head, trying to catch his breath. "No. I'm okay. Just... a little winded."
Chase laughed, dumping his bottle of water over his head. "It's okay to need a break." Chase told him. "You're not used to playing."

Cal frowned, averting his eyes from Chase's glistening torso, desperately trying to not feel inadequate next to him. "I should play more sports."
Chase tossed his bottle on the ground with his bag, rubbing his head with one hand. "You can work up to it if you want to play more sports." He suggested. "We're used to this. We play all the time."

Cal nodded. He knew Chase was trying to give him a way out, but he was still embarrassed. Three of Maddie's brothers played college ball, and he had no doubt Gray had played before he graduated too. All four of them were tall, bronzed gods, while Cal was a pale, fat blob of blubber who could barely run twenty yards without getting winded. Three of the brothers were shirtless, their muscled bodies on proud display, but there was no way Cal would take his shirt off in public. The idea of taking his shirt off in front of the brothers was almost as embarrassing as the idea of taking his shirt off in front of Maddie.

But she'll make me take my shirt off tonight. He thought automatically. But we'll turn the lights off, right?
He felt his cheeks warming up at the thought, half with embarrassment, half with excitement. Because that was the night he and Maddie were finally planning on doing it: they were going to have sex. And for both of them it was going to be the first time.

"I'm gonna grab more water." Chase said, his impressive muscles flexing as he handed the football to Cal. "Don't stress about playing. We're going to kick Elliot and Oliver's asses anyway."
With that the twenty one year old started jogging across the field towards the little ice cream cart.

Cal took a deep breath, looking at the football in his hands, his belly pushing the ball outwards as he breathed. How could Maddie possibly find me attractive? Cal wondered. He glanced at his girlfriend's oldest brother. "Did you play in college too?" He asked conversationally.
Gray smiled his unreadable smile and then nodded.

"I figured." Cal said glumly, glancing at the field. Besides the four brothers there were a dozen college guys playing, all of them strong and fast. "I'm pretty bad, huh?"
Gray shook his head. "Chase is right. We're going to win."
"No thanks to me." Cal pointed out.

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