Untitled Part 9 Best Seats in the House

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Haley slipped off her shoes and crawled to the top of the truck bed, sinking down on all the pillows. "This is so comfy!" She announced, curling up next to her roommate, but being careful to not get too close to him.

Gray smiled and handed her a blanket and Haley pulled it over her slim body, revelling in the comfort. Somehow Grayson had turned a mattress in the back of a truck into the best place to watch a movie from. He'd piled couch cushions and pillows up against the cab and there were blankets and snacks....it was actually nicer than some of the rooms Haley had stayed in over the years. Not that she intended on bringing that up.

"This is perfect." Haley said, sighing happily. Grayson held out a bag of the popcorn they'd made before leaving the house and she eagerly took it. "Now this is perfect."
"This sucks." Chase complained, leaning against the truck as he looked in the bed of the truck. "All I've got is a stupid chair."
"And snacks." Haley pointed out, sitting up to look at Chase questioningly. "Wait, I thought you went to the snack shack." She said, noticing his empty hands.

The broad shouldered man shrugged, not answering.
Grayson grabbed another bag of popcorn and held it out to his brother. "Heeey." Chase said, looking in the bag appreciatively. "Nice. Thanks."
"Did you bring us any?" Oliver asked, leaning against the truck on the other side, pulling his new girlfriend against him.
"We already got stuff from inside." Dian pointed out.

"Yeah, but he brought stuff for Haley and Chase." Oliver pointed out, stroking her wide hips. "It's not fair." He joked.
"Life's not fair." Haley informed him. She smiled. "But I'll gladly share with Dian for having to put up with you."
Dian and Chase laughed and Oliver pretended to give Haley a scowl. "Don't think that just because you're in the truck I won't come up there and get you."

"Dian and I are on Haley's side." Grayson said, and Haley laughed, because she loved when Gray stuck up for her.
"I'm your brother. You're always supposed to have my back." Oliver reminded him. He pulled Dian closer, smiling down at her. "And you're my girlfriend." He added, tickling her pudgy sides playfully. "You definitely have to take my side."
Dian laughed and tried to pull away but Oliver held her tightly, grinning. "I do take your side." Dian told him. "But not when it comes to snacks."

Oliver laughed and kissed her. "Fair enough." He looked up as the movie screen came on. "Okay, we'll see you guys after the first movie."
Haley smiled as Oliver and Dian headed to Oliver's car and Chase went back to the extra chair Elliot had brought. "Thank you for setting this up." She said to Grayson, patting the mattress. "This is amazing, but it must have been hard to get the mattress in here."
Grayson shrugged. "I had an extra mattress in the basement so it was easy."

Haley turned away, hiding her smile. Only Gray would think it was easy to carry a mattress up the stairs and into his truck by himself. "Hey, where's your popcorn?"
Gray shrugged again. "That's the one I gave to Chase."

"Why?" Haley asked, surprised. "You love popcorn. We made it together." Although Haley had agreed to let Gray pay her way into the drive in, she'd balked at letting him buy them snacks. Instead she insisted that they make their own popcorn and bring their own drinks because she didn't like him paying for things and she struggled to make ends meet.

Gray shrugged, his signature move. "Yeah, but he's my little brother."
Haley couldn't hide her smile this time at hearing Chase, a six foot six inch behemoth, referred to as little. "Well, we can share mine." She said, putting her bag between them.

Gray shook his head. "No, that's yours."
Haley slipped the bag closer to him. "We made the popcorn together." She reminded him. "Besides, I can't eat this much. I'm not a big eater."
She could tell by Gray's smile that he was resisting commenting on her tiny stature. Among their friends, Haley knew she was a bit of an anomaly. Grayson and his brothers were all tall and well muscled, and Maddie's boyfriend was tall and carrying more than his fair share of fat.

And Oliver's new girl, Dian, is on the heavier side too. Haley thought, glancing over the edge of the truck at Oliver's car. So I really am the odd one out. Maddie and I. But as the movie started, that thought slipped from Haley's mind, and she watched the screen, snug in her little nest of blankets.
The first movie was funny, and Haley was careful to only take popcorn when she knew Gray wasn't reaching for some, not wanting to make him uncomfortable with accidental touching.

I wonder why he doesn't like to be touched. Haley thought, glancing at his profile in the glow of the screen. I wonder what he's like when he dates someone. Does he touch them? Does he let them touch him?
She'd seen his dad and his brothers and sister touch him, of course. They were an affectionate and playful family, so even though they obviously tried to hold back there were still the occasional hugs and back pats for Gray to endure.

I hope it's easier for him when he's dating. Haley thought, reaching for a piece of popcorn. He's such a nice guy. He deserves to be happy.
She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she reached out for a piece of popcorn just as Gray did. She felt his hand freeze and she quickly pulled her hand back in her lap. Gray pulled his hand away too.

Neither of them reached for popcorn for the rest of the first movie, each of them too afraid of repeating their awkward moment.
Haley frowned, glancing at Gray as the credits rolled, hating that she'd made him feel uncomfortable. Everything about Gray's body evoked strength, from his strong jaw to his powerful chest, from his huge biceps to his well muscled legs. But there was something so vulnerable about him.
I wonder what he's afraid of....


"This is perfect." Maddie kissed her boyfriend passionately, her hands eagerly exploring his swollen body. "I never knew how much fun a drive in could be." She said playfully as she paused for breath.
Calvin laughed, his chubby cheeks dimpling. "Me neither." He admitted.
"It's too bad my brothers are here." She complained, slipping her hand up his thigh, surprised at how quickly she reached the heavy belly that filled his lap.

After only forty or fifty days of dating, she was still learning the topography of his body, but even as she explored, she knew that he had gained a bit of weight. Quite a lot of weight, actually. Already a pretty big guy when they started dating, Calvin looked as if he'd gained about a pound a day since their first date, a fact that surprised, but didn't bother Maddie. On the contrary, she found his swelling belly adorable, and his appetite endearing. She loved being able to make him happy, and she'd realized even before they'd started dating that the way to the pudgy boy's heart was definitely through his already thick stomach.

Besides, she thought it was sweet how he'd obediently eat anything she put in front of him. The fact that it made him gain weight was, in her opinion, an unintended, but cute consequence, and she figured his weight would plateau before long.
Maddie missed almost the entire first movie. They made out for most of the film, and when they ocassionally stopped for breath, Maddie whispered sweet nothings in his ear while he blushed and made his way through their snacks.

"I think this is my new favourite movie." Maddie giggled as she pulled away. "I just wish this console wasn't in the way." She said, tapping the centre console that limited her access to Calvin's body.
"It's definitely my favourite movie too." Cal admitted, his cheeks flushed. "But my next car is going to have to have bench seats."

Maddie laughed, pulling her eyes away from Cal's face long enough to take note of their empty snack bag and to glance in the back seat. "Okay, so here's an idea." She said, biting her lip as she looked in his eyes. "How about I go inside to replenish our snacks while you go to the bathroom?"
"I don't need to—"
Maddie smiled, leaning closer so that their faces were only inches apart. "When you come back, get into the back seat."

"Oh." Calvin said, his eyes widening. "But your brothers—"
"The windows are tinted back there." Maddie explained, her cheeks burning. "But, um, we don't have to do anything too, you know." Her last words carried extra meaning. Although Maddie knew lots of people had sex as soon as they were dating someone, and even before, neither she nor Cal had ever had sex before. Although Maddie had to admit, lately she was sure she was ready. But not at the drive in, and definitely not with her brothers in such close proximity. "I just—I'd like us to be a little closer...."

Maddie smiled as Calvin's eyes lit up, and before she knew it, she was crossing the drive in lot toward the snack shack, a little extra bounce in her step. Since the first movie was still playing, it was dark. Maddie was still imagining her boyfriend's soft skin under her fingers, so she wasn't paying close attention to where she was going until—
"Oops! Sorry!" Maddie automatically reached out to steady herself, her hands sinking into soft, swollen flesh, and her eyes widening. "Oh!"

Maddie was shocked by the sheer size of the woman she'd collided with. This woman was young, pretty... and enormous.
"Sorry." The woman said, her cheeks flushing as she leaned her jiggling body back onto her car. "I should have been watching where I was going."
"No, it was my fault." Maddie admitted, pulling her hands away as she realized her fingers were still deep in the woman's blubbery sides. "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"I was in the way." The fat girl admitted, resting one hand on the huge belly that threatened to topple her over. "It's a bad habit of mine."
Maddie, still enthralled by her feelings towards Calvin, felt her heart melt at the way the girl's cheeks flushed. "It's fine, I swear." She insisted, wanting to make her feel better. "Are you going up the snack shack?"

It didn't seem possible, but the girl's cheeks turned even redder so Maddie went on, trying alleviate her embarrassment. "I'm headed up there too. Maybe we can beat the rush." She said, slipping her arm through the girl's as if they were old friends.
The girl hesitated but then she turned with Maddie towards the snack shack, her upper arm overflowing onto Maddie's slim fingers.
"I'm Maddie, by the way." Maddie told her, matching her gait to the obese girl's heavy, plodding steps.

"I'm Sam." The hefty woman told her between breaths.
"You look familiar." Maddie observed, feeling Sam's ample rolls spilling into her with every step. "Where did you go to school?"
"Ryerson." Sam said, her heavy rolls swelling into Maddie as they walked.

"Me too!" Maddie told her, excited by the connection. "How old are you?"
"Oh, I'm twenty one, but I left school a year early." Sam told her, her cheeks pink.
The younger woman looked thoughtful. "I'm nineteen, so you would have left when I was in grade nine." She shook her head. "I probably remember you from back then."

Sam nodded, her chins jiggling. "That must be it."
Maddie paused by a garbage can while Sam dropped a bag of empty snack wrappers into the bin.
"Hey." Maddie said, noticing how out of breath her companion was. "Why don't I go in and grab our snacks for us, and I'll bring them out to your car?"
Sam started to protest, her cheeks blazing, but Maddie smiled and squeezed her blubbery arm. "Don't be silly, Sam. I can run in and have your snacks back to you in no time."

"I guess." Sam said reluctantly, reaching one fat hand towards her bag.
Maddie stopped her. "My treat. One old school friend to another." She insisted, giving her one last squeeze before dashing into the snack shack.
The snack shack was empty so Maddie went right up to the counter, still riding the high of falling for Calvin.
"What can I get for you?" The boy behind the counter asked.

Maddie frowned, realizing she hadn't asked Sam what she wanted. But, Sam had had a huge bag of empty snack packages, and Maddie wanted to make Calvin happy, so....
"Can I get two nachos, two hotdogs, two large popcorns...." Maddie ordered a little bit of everything and had the boy put it into two separate bags.

I should have made one of my brothers help me carry these. Maddie thought as she hefted the two bags up and headed to Sam's car.
"Hi." She said, smiling as Sam was squeezing herself behind the wheel of her car. She set her bags down and reached out to push on Sam's swollen saddle bags. "The bucket seats are a nightmare." She observed, seeing Sam's embarrassment.
"I'm sorry." Sam told her, wedging herself behind the wheel. "It's a little tighter than I expected."

Maddie shrugged, and smiled. "Don't worry." She examined the way Sam's body was still bulging beyond her car, blocking the possibility of shutting the door. "If you put the window down I think I can reach through and we can...?"
Sam somehow looked equal parts embarrassed and relieved.

When the window was down Maddie started to shut the door, reaching through and gently grabbing one of the heavy rolls that spilled over Sam's swollen thigh.
"On the counter of three." Maddie said, which for some reason made Sam smile. At three they both heaved and strained, and finally Maddie got the door shut. "Perfect!"

"Thank you." Sam said, averting her eyes. "I'm really embarrassed, but... thank you."
Maddie picked up one of the bags of food and handed it to Sam. "Don't be embarrassed." She said kindly. "I'm glad I could help." She smiled and touched Sam's shoulder. "Maybe I'll see you around."
She leaned down and picked up the other bag. "Enjoy the movie."

She heard Sam calling out another thanks so she twisted around and waved before heading back to her car.
Pausing by the car she glanced at Gray's truck but her oldest brother's face was aimed at the screen, his head tipped towards Haley's. In front of his truck and slightly off to one side, Elliot was putting away an insane amount of food while Chase was making him laugh, and next to them Maddie saw Oliver in his car, entirely focussed on Dian.

So before any of them could look up, she slipped into the backseat and felt her heart skip a beat.
"You're back." And Maddie was pretty sure her face looked the same way Cal's did, eyes lit up, mouth beaming.
And then she slid next to him, her mouth finding his, her hands sliding against his waist. As she kissed him she slid her hands up under his shirt, pulling his body towards her.

"You're so hot." She murmured against his lips. She slid her hand down his bloated gut, and then, nervously, slid under it, pausing as she reached the bulge in his pants. "You are big everywhere." She observed, although she really didn't have a lot of experience.
"Sorry." Cal said, pulling his face away just enough to look at her.
Maddie laughed, her fingers sliding back to his middle self consciously. "Why are you sorry? Don't girls usually like that?"

Cal's face turned red in the faint glow from the screen. "Um, yeah. I mean, yes, I think people generally think girls like a big... package." Calvin averted his eyes shyly. "But, um, I mean... I'm sorry that I'm big everywhere else too."
Maddie shook her head. "You know, I was kind of happy Elliot gave me an excuse to talk to you that first day." She admitted, her hands on his love handles. "I thought you were the cutest boy I'd ever seen." She pulled herself closer.

Calvin smiled, but even in the low light she could see she hadn't convinced him. "You thought I was cute despite--" He shrugged self deprecatingly and Maddie's heart melted.
"No, I thought your chubby little middle was cute too." She said, giving his love handles a playful squeeze.
Calvin didn't say anything for a moment. "I'm not just chubby though." He said quietly. "You deserve someone whose in shape and I'm just—I'm fat."

Maddie widened her eyes in surprise. "You're perfect." She insisted, moving so close that her body squished into his, her arms around him. "I never really thought about my type before, and maybe I don't have a type." She said thoughtfully. "But you—I—if we—" She had a feeling her cheeks were as red as his were. She swallowed and looked him right in the eye. "I've never felt about anyone else the way I feel about you, Calvin." She bit her lip. "If my brothers weren't just a couple dozen feet away from us, I don't think I'd be able to resist you." She slipped her fingers under his shirt, sliding her hands around to the belly that filled his lap. "This is just more of you to enjoy."

"A lot more." Cal pointed out, sliding his fingers under her shirt.
"Maybe... maybe I could stay at your house tonight and enjoy all of you." Maddie said, hoping she didn't sound as stupid as she thought. She smiled at the surprised look on her boyfriend's face. "I think I'm ready."

Cal leaned forward to kiss her and before she knew it, Maddie was on top of him, feeling things she'd never felt.
"What was that?" Maddie asked, sitting up on Calvin's lap. She smiled as Calvin sat up too, his full tummy spilling across her thighs. "Did you hear that?" She tried to calm her libido as she stared through the steamed up windows, but it wasn't easy when her hands were squished into his blubbery sides. She jumped as she heard another noise, a voice she recognized all too well. "That's—"

Her words were cut off as the car suddenly jolted and Maddie bumped her head into Cal's, her fingers squeezing a handful of fat as she struggled to keep her balance.
"Oh no." Her soft voice belied the seriousness of her tone, because Maddie knew something bad was about to happen, and she was right in the middle of it.

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