Maddie's Men Part 16 The Right Person

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BHM Muscle Size Contrast

Elliot snagged a brownie off of the plate as his sister eyed the contents of the fridge. "Do you think we should do a butter cream frosting for the cupcakes?" She asked, glancing at him over her shoulder.
Elliot nodded. "Definitely." He told her, taking a bite of his brownie. "Although she's not going to eat any of this." He pointed out. "I've tried buying her desserts before. She never accepts them."

Maddie sighed, nudging the fridge closed with her foot. "Haley doesn't like people buying her things." She pointed out. "She doesn't like feeling like she owes people things."
Elliot shrugged. "That's what friends do though."

He saw his sister hesitate before responding. "But Haley isn't like that." She said. "She was never given anything growing up. She never feels like she deserves things." Maddie smiled. "But if it's something you make she's better at accepting things. She just doesn't like people buying things for her."

Elliot frowned because that seemed silly. Maddie had to buy the ingredients. Why would it make a difference if she bought the cupcakes or bought the ingredients? "Didn't her foster parents buy her things?" He asked, starting the frosting.

His twin shrugged. "I don't know. She moved a lot. I think her birthday just got forgotten most of the time."
"I wish we'd known her back then." Elliot said, grabbing the mixer. "Hopefully she'll like the brownies and cupcakes."
"I think she will." Maddie said, beaming and she rearranged the brownies on the platter. "I know Calvin will."

Elliot smiled. "Yeah, he definitely will." He paused. "So, is that your type, Mads?" He asked, genuinely curious. "Big guys?"
Maddie's cheeks flushed. "I don't know." She admitted. "I like Cal the way he is, but I don't think it's because of that." She put a bowl in the dish washer, looking thoughtful. "I think I'd like Cal no matter what his body looked like, but because he's chubby I like that he's chubby."

Elliot smiled at the familiar look that came over his sister's face. That giddy, in love look she got whenever she talked about her boyfriend.
"He's just perfect, you know?" She asked, looking at her twin. "I can't believe how amazing it feels to be with someone so--" She sighed happily. "So smart and funny, and thoughtful, and cuddly, and cute, and--"

"I get it." Elliot said, laughing. But he was happy for her. Maddie deserved someone she was over the moon for. And Calvin was obviously crazy about her too.
Maddie laughed too, wrinkling her nose self deprecatingly. "He just makes me so happy, Elliot." She told him. "It doesn't matter his size. He's perfect exactly the way he is."

Elliot peeled off the wrapped of one of the cupcakes, trying to cover up his amusement. Because exactly the way Cal was was about sixty pounds heavier than he was when he'd started dating Maddie, but she was every bit as crazy about him now as then.
"I'm glad, Mads." He told her, licking a bit of the frosting. "You deserve someone awesome."

Maddie beamed, wiping the counter. "So do you."
"Yeah, but--" He frowned. "You know Haley doesn't like me."
Maddie reached out and grabbed his pinky. "There are lots of girls out there, Elliot."
He nodded. "Yeah, I know, but--" He raised his eyebrows. "She makes me happy, you know? What if she's the one?"

Maddie nodded. "Yes, but--" She smiled. "You know, she told me the other day that she doesn't actually mind muscles. She just doesn't like guys who are intimidating."
Elliot was surprised. He'd never thought of himself as intimidating before. Even when he tried to be tough he felt like everyone could see through it. They could tell that he was the youngest, smallest, weakest of the brothers and that it was all bravado.

"So do you think I have a chance?" Elliot asked hopefully.
Maddie nodded. "I think so. I think the longer she knows you, the more likely she is to fall for you." She pinched his cheek. "How could she not?"
Elliot wrinkled his nose as he bit his cupcake. He didn't know if it was a twin thing, but Maddie always saw the best in him, even when he didn't. And even when certain beautiful redheads didn't.

"Does she, uh, share your interest in big guys?" Elliot asked, trying to be casual as he put the eggs away.
Maddie shrugged. "I don't know." She looked at him appraisingly, taking in his recently swelling midsection. Elliot tried to not feel self conscious, but Maddie always seemed to know what he was thinking.

"I could see Haley liking a little bit of chubbiness." Maddie admitted. "A little bit of fat makes you look softer, less intimidating." She pointed out. Elliot smiled. "And cuddlier." Maddie told him, raising her eyebrows. "And Haley loves cuddling."
"Girls actually do that?" He asked, surprised. "Girls cuddle each other?" The idea was intriguing.

Maddie shrugged, putting a lid on the cupcakes. "Some girls do, I guess." She paused, her pretty eyes growing cloudy. "I don't think she really got that as a kid. I don't think she got hugged or cuddled enough in foster care, so now—" Maddie frowned, thoughtful. "I think she'd really like a cuddly guy who will show her affection, you know?"

Elliot nodded. He'd never really thought of himself as being particularly cuddly. His parents had always been affectionate, and his brothers had always been very physical, but he wasn't sure if any of that made him cuddly.
But if that's what Haley wants I can be cuddly. Elliot thought, munching on another brownie. I'll be the cuddliest guy she ever met.


Haley wandered into the living room casually, trying to look natural, but as soon as she saw Gray she couldn't help but laugh. "What?" She asked, trying to swallow her laugh. "Is something wrong?" She put her hands on her hips, letting the fabric of her oversized jersey slip down one shoulder.

Gray laughed. "No, nothing's wrong." He said, pretending he think there was anything wrong with her outfit. "I see you're wearing number 49 from your quarterback days."
Haley shrugged, laughing as she pretended to strike a pose. "Oh, this old thing?"
Gray laughed and Haley's heart leapt. Making Gray laugh was her favourite thing to do, and he definitely didn't do it enough.

Haley sat down on the couch beside him, beaming. "You know, in movies and tv shows girls always look so cute in boy's clothes." She shook her head as she looked at the baggy shirt completely enveloping her frame. "Somehow I don't think it works for me."
"No, you look perfect--" Gray's cheeks turned pink and he averted his eyes so he didn't see her smile.

"That's why it's my lucky shirt." Haley joked, cuddling the fabric around her slim body. Although she knew the shirt really didn't look good on her, she kind of liked it. It was completely shapeless on her, but it was warm and soft and made her think of Gray. And it makes him laugh. She reminded herself, smiling as she inclined herself towards her roommate. "So, do you have plans for today?"

Gray shook his head, looking away. "Not really. I'm going to swing by the school to drop off some stuff."
"Oh." Haley said, feeling strangely let down. "That'll be nice." She looked at him curiously. "You know, you seem more like a player than a coach." She observed.
Grayson shrugged. "I used to play."

Haley nodded, but she could tell he didn't want to talk about it. "Well, I'm meeting Maddie at the park, so I guess I'll see you later?" She said hopefully, pulling off the jersey to reveal her t shirt and capris.
Gray nodded and Haley hesitated. "Maybe we could do something later?" She asked, clutching the jersey to her chest.

Gray picked up his phone and started texting someone. "Maybe." He said noncommittally.
Haley set the jersey on the table, waiting for Gray to finish texting. She wanted to tell him something. It's my birthday. She thought, watching him. It's my birthday, and I want to spend it with you.

But Gray kept typing and then he stood up. "I'm heading out." He said, not looking up from his phone as he headed to the garage.
Haley felt her heart sink. It was silly, and she knew it. Gray doesn't owe me anything. She told herself. And he doesn't even know it's my birthday.

But that kind of made it worse. Haley had never been one to celebrate her birthday. Shuffled from one home to another, Haley hadn't even known when her birthday was when she was little. It has never occurred to her to ask, and her foster families either didn't know, or were simply grateful she hadn't asked them to do anything for her birthday, so they'd never mentioned it.

Even after she'd discovered when her birthday was, it hadn't seemed important. She had no family, and no close friends to want to celebrate with, so it was just another day.
Maddie was the only one she'd ever really mentioned her birthday to, and that was ten months earlier when Maddie had just randomly asked. Haley was sure her friend had forgotten.

For some reason, Haley wanted Gray to know. Over the past couple of months Haley had gotten a lot closer to the huge man, and somehow she needed him to know, needed to hear him acknowledge that he was glad she was around.
Maybe I'll tell him later. Haley thought, hearing his car pull out. I guess it doesn't really matter.

But a part of her felt unsettled. He's just busy. She told herself. He's had a lot on his mind lately.
In a dark corner of her mind a tiny voice whispered: he's been 'busy' ever since you told him about your mom.
Haley shook her head. She didn't want to think about it, but somewhere in the back of her mind she was worried that learning about her past had made her roommate look at her differently.

What if he sees what everyone else sees? She thought, feeling sick. What if there's just something fundamentally wrong with me, and Grayson finally sees it?
Haley closed her eyes, feeling a pit of ice forming in her stomach. Maybe telling Gray about my mom and my past made him see how horrible and unlovable I am. She thought.

She didn't want to think her roommate would judge her so quickly, but it was hard to not notice the change in him since she'd shared what she knew about her mom. He'd spent a great deal more time in his room on his computer. He'd made several calls he'd clearly not wanted her to hear. And now he could hardly get away from her fast enough.
I'm unlovable. The voice was just a whisper, but every time she heard it it broke her a little bit more.

Haley tilted her head back slightly, her eyes wide, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to betray her. It wasn't as if that voice was new, but sometimes it seemed sharper than usual.
Nothing has changed. She reminded herself. Gray doesn't owe me anything, and he doesn't even know it's my birthday. I can't get my hopes up every time someone is nice to me for five minutes. It's just too hard when things end.

Haley took a deep breath and grabbed her keys, reminding herself of everything she should be grateful for. I have a roof over my head, I have food every day. I don't need to rely on people because they always let you down.
Haley locked the door behind her and headed to the park, deep in thought.

When her phone rang she almost jumped.
"Haley, are you on your way?"
"Yes, Sorry. I got distracted." Haley apologized. My one friend in the world and I am probably holding her back from going to see her boyfriend. Haley thought guiltily. "I'll be there in just a minute."

Haley sped up as she entered the park, but halfway across she suddenly jolted to a stop.
"Haley!" The redhead's eyes widened as she took in the scene before her. A couple of dozen people were crowded around several picnic tables, all watching her with big smiles on their faces.
"Happy birthday!" An uneven chorus of voices assailed her as people noticed she'd arrived.

"What--?" Haley took a half step backwards as people suddenly crowded around her. "What are you doing?" She asked, laughing as people started hugging her.
"Why didn't you tell us it was your birthday?" Chase demanded, laughing as he grabbed her up in an aggressive hug.

"I didn't--" Haley shook her head as he set her down again, ribs aching. "It's not a big deal." But even as she was saying it she was searching for one particular face.
"Of course it's a big deal." Oliver said, clamping one big hand on her shoulder as one of her friends from school wished her a happy birthday.

Haley shook her head, but Maddie grabbed her hand and pulled her over to one of the tables. "Elliot and I made the food." She explained, gesturing to the overflowing table. "And I know you don't like people to give you things, but it's your birthday, so...."
Haley's eyes widened as she saw the next table over. "Maddie, I can't--"

"Of course you can." Maddie disagreed quietly, touching one of the gifts on the picnic table. "Everyone gets gifts on their birthday." Haley met Maddie's gaze a silent conversation took place between them. Maddie slipped her arm around her shoulders. "Don't worry about it, Haley."
The redhead nodded, uncertain.

Haley felt the gentlest touch on her arm and she turned, a huge smile on her face. "Did you know about this?" She asked, feeling warmth blossoming in her chest as she looked at the enormous man beside her.
"It was so hard to not tell you." Gray said, smiling at Haley as Maddie went to get her boyfriend a plate of food. "I couldn't even look at you this morning."

Haley laughed, smacking his arm. "You should have told me about this!" She chastised.
Gray laughed. "You should have told me it was your birthday." He pointed out.
Haley made a face. "I don't usually...." She shrugged as she broke off. "I don't know."
She watched as everyone started grabbing food, jokes and playful punches flying as everyone mingled.

"Happy birthday." Haley smiled as Elliot approached, a gift in hand. "Open mine first."
"Oh. Okay." She said, accepting the big rectangular box awkwardly. "Thank you."
"Open it." Elliot insisted, stepping closer to her.
Haley smiled as Gray angled himself so that Elliot wouldn't be likely to step closer. She pulled at one end of the wrapping, feeling strange. Accepting gifts was such a foreign concept.

"Maddie helped me pick it out." Elliot explained as Haley stroked the very soft hunter green blanket. "I know you like to be warm and I thought this would look good with your hair." Elliot's fingers touched a lock of her hair before he dropped his hand to his side.
"Thank you." Haley said, surprised that he'd put so much thought into his gift. "I love it."

Elliot smiled so big that Haley almost forgot about how often he'd made her uncomfortable. On impulse she wrapped her arms around him, her head against his chest. "Thanks, Elliot." She said sincerely.
She felt strong arms wrap around her, a nice contrast to his slowly softening belly, and for the first time since she'd met him, Haley felt comforted by his presence.

As Haley pulled out of the hug Elliot smiled, one hand still at her waist. "I bet it'll be nice to cuddle under the blanket when you watch movies." He said.
Haley touching his arm gently, hearing the hope in his voice, grateful that he wasn't invading her space for once. "I'm sure it will be."
Almost against her will, her eyes darted towards Gray, thinking about all the movies they'd watched together.

Elliot took a step back. "You should try the cupcakes." He suggested, giving her her space. "We made butter cream frosting."
Haley nodded and then Tara, her lab partner was by her side, holding up a small gift.
"I thought I was smart to partner up with you because you're smart." Tara teased, handing Haley the gift. "But now I'm thinking it was smart because of the arm candy. Who was that guy? He's gorgeous!"

Haley laughed, looking to where Elliot had wandered off, a football now in his hands. "That's Elliot. He's my best friend Maddie's brother."
Tara smiled. "No, he's cute, but I mean the other one."
Haley followed her gaze towards Gray, feeling her cheeks heat up. "Oh. That's my roommate." She admitted, embarrassed for some reason. "He's another one of Maddie's brothers."

"I want to scale him like a mountain." Tara said and then they both laughed at her cheesy line. "How is he such a beefcake? What does he eat for breakfast? Body builders?" She asked, staring in awe at Gray's broad shouldered frame.
"Cereal." Haley said, answering Tara's rhetorical question in order to cover up her embarrassment.

"Well, milk does a body good, apparently." Tara said, tearing her eyes away from him to smile at the redhead. "I don't think I could handle living with someone like that and not ripping their clothes off."
Haley opened her mouth to answer but nothing came out. "Um, this is really thoughtful." She said, holding up the small set of beaker shaped glasses Tara had given her. "Thank you."

For the better part of an hour people kept coming up to Haley and wishing her a happy birthday, thrusting gifts and snacks into her arms, and Haley felt dizzy with gratitude. Most of the gifts were small, but for Haley they were amazing. She hardly knew what you say to express her gratitude, but she tried.

As far as parties go, it was a pretty low key one. Maddie knew her friend well enough to know that a big elaborate party wasn't her style. Although Haley was grateful that Maddie had arranged it, she was just as grateful that people weren't focussed on her, and as a big group of them started to organize a football game Haley felt herself relax.

"I got you some ice cream."
Haley smiled as her roommate came over with two bowls. "I don't need ice cream." She protested. "You shouldn't buy me things."
Gray shrugged and sat on the bench next to her. "It's raspberry." He told her.
"Raspberry?" Hairy asked, intrigued despite her reluctance to let him buy her things.

"I figured you love ice cream and you love raspberries." He held the bowl out to her and Haley took it, smiling that he knew her so well.
"I can't eat this much!" Haley protested, seeing three huge scoops of red ice cream.

"Well, I know you hate when I buy you things, and three scoops was the best value so I figured you'd prefer three." Gray smiled at his logic, but Haley made a face.
"That's not how this works." She insisted, but the ice cream was pretty delicious. "Hey." She said, looking behind Gray. "Is that guy picking on Elliot?"

Ever the protective older brother, Grayson whipped his head around to see Elliot arguing with Chase on the field.
Gray turned back, smiling. "Well, he's with Chase, so, yeah, he's probably picking on him." Gray started to put his spoon in his vanilla ice cream again when he noticed a big scoop of raspberry in his bowl.

"Really?" He asked, but Haley gave him an innocent look.
"What?" She asked, laughing. "Come on. You're twice my size. You should have twice as much ice cream."
"Twice?" Gray asked, raising one eyebrow as he took a bite of vanilla and raspberry.

Haley laughed. "Well, I was trying to exaggerate." She admitted. "But I guess that was kind of an understatement." She smiled mischievously. "You can have another scoop if you'd like."
Gray shook his head. "No, but you have to try this." He said, holding up his spoon with vanilla and raspberry mixed on it.

Haley leaned forward and took a bite, smiling as the taste combination spread through her mouth. "Mmm. That really is good." She admitted. "Here, try some without the vanilla."
Haley smiled as he tried some of hers, his surprisingly sensual lips a nice contrast to his strong jaw and the hint of stubble on his cheeks.

"That is good." Gray acknowledged. "But I think I like the vanilla better."
"What? You're crazy." Haley said, smiling as she took another spoonful and held it out to him. "Vanilla is so boring. Taste the raspberry again and I guarantee you'll change your mind."
Gray leaned away, laughing. "You're just trying to trick me into eating your ice cream."

"No, try it." Haley insisted, smiling as she moved closer to him.
"I don't want it," Gray insisted, both of them laughing. He held one arm up between them, but Haley just slipped her arm around his and pulled herself closer, spoon held towards his mouth.
Gray tried to move away, but as he shifted he inadvertently pulled Haley closer and she laughed as she accidentally got some ice cream on his nose.

"I'm sorry." She said, giggling as she set her bowl beside her on the bench.
"You're such a bully, Haley." Grayson teased, wiping the tip of his nose.
Haley smiled, suddenly very aware of how close they were. "I get told that a lot." She joked, feeling her heart beating faster for some reason. She wiped off a tiny smudge of ice cream on his nose, her arm still wrapped around his.

"Do I still have ice cream on my face?" Gray asked, wrinkling his nose cutely.
Haley shook her head. "No. You look perfect." She told him, feeling her cheeks heat up. She reached her free hand out and pressed it to his chest, feeling his heart beating just as fast as hers.
"Grayson, I--"

"Where is Haley?"
Haley's eyes widened as Oliver's voice boomed from just a few feet away.
Suddenly self conscious, Haley smiled at Gray, his perfect lips just inches away from hers, his wide frame blocking her from his brother's view.
She settled back on the bench, hoping her cheeks weren't as red as they felt. "I'm here." She held up her bowl. "We're just having some ice cream."

"Whew." Chase said, pretending to wipe his brow as he came up behind the bench. "I thought you got carried away by a squirrel or something."
Haley made a face at him. "You're the one who should be worried about squirrels, you nut." She joked back.
"Oh, I'm a nut, am I?"

Before Haley could react Chase had swooped down from behind the bench and flipped her up onto his shoulder as they both laughed.
"You're a monster!" Haley informed him from upside down. "And I dropped my ice cream."
"I caught it."

From her upside down vantage point Haley saw her bowl of ice cream appear in a giant hand.
"Thank you, Grayson." Haley said, trying to push herself up to see him. "At least one of Maddie's brothers is nice." She grumbled.

"Yeah. Me." Chase said, sounding amused. He pushed her back far enough on his shoulder so that she could slide down his back, but he caught her under the thighs in a piggy back ride. "Gray, we were going to put Haley's gifts in your car, and the leftovers in Maddie and Elliot's." Haley saw Grayson nod and she smiled, happy to almost be at eye level. "Not that there are a lot of leftovers." Chase added. "Elliot ate enough for ten people."

Gray smiled and they all glanced over at the youngest brother who had just grabbed another cupcake, his shirt riding up on a sizeable gut.
Gray shook his head. "It wasn't just Elliot." He pointed out, defending his not so little brother. "Every time I saw Maddie she was filling up Cal's plate."
"Aww. It's cute." Haley protested. "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

"What's the way to a woman's heart?" Chase asked, shifting her on his back.
"I don't know." Haley laughed. "I haven't seduced enough women to have a consensus."
"But you've seduced enough men to know?" Chase teased.
Haley felt her gaze flick towards her roommate. "No, but it only has to work once for it to last."

"Are you confessing your love to me, Hay?" Chase asked, turning his head just enough so that she could see his smile.
Haley laughed and playfully smacked his shoulder. "You wish."
"I do." Chase admitted, letting her slip off of his back. "Think of it, Hay. You fall for me, we date, we live happily ever after."
Gray picked up some of Haley's gifts, still listening.

Haley frowned. "I'm not sure I'm the type of girl who gets a happily ever after." She told Chase.
Grayson turned towards her, watching her face.
"You just need to meet the right guy." Chase predicted, grabbing some of her gifts. "Once you meet the right person, I think you start seeing things differently."

"Maybe." Haley conceded. But somewhere deep inside she was wondering if she already had met the right person.

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