Maddie's Men Part 18 You Can Do This

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Sam stepped off the scale and sighed. Four more pounds. Four more pounds and she wasn't sure if she thought it was too much... or too little.

"Good news, Sugar Baby?" Sam closed her eyes for a moment, not answering her mom. 

"I guess." She said finally, too quiet for her mom to make out from her bedroom. "Four pounds." She said, louder as she turned to waddle to her mom's room.

"Four pounds?" Her mom repeated, dimples creasing her bloated cheeks. "You're up to five sixteen now, right?"

Sam nodded, wishing she could feel her mom's enthusiasm.

"Four pounds is nothing to scoff at, sweetie." Her mom insisted, seeing her downturned lips. "You know I wish it was more, but I know it's not as easy for you."

Her mom patted her love handle and Sam had to smile. At Leah's size, that was as close as she could get to patting the bed. 

"I know what you're going to say." Sam said as she sat on the only available space on the reinforced California King. "I need a feeder."

Leah smiled and touched her daughter's fat cheek. "You need to find what makes you happy, Sugar Baby."

Sam dropped her gaze, wishing it were that easy. With another sigh she leaned against her mom's overfed belly, feeling a plump hand smooth her hair back.

Will this be me someday? She wondered. Will I be immobile and still gaining when I'm my mom's age?

Sam knew her childhood had been unusual. And not just because she and her brother had been the product of a lesbian and her gay best friend. Nowadays such a thing was almost normal. But what wasn't normal—at least not to people outside of her family—was that Sam's biological parents weighed more than a ton combined. Significantly more.

Having grown up with two super morbidly obese parents and their respective partners/feeders, Sam's ideas about fat were confused. On the one hand, being obese felt so nice. There was nothing better than stuffing yourself to the point of immobility and getting a belly rub—even if you had to rub your own bloated gut.

But, having gone to public school, being fat also meant being teased, and being told that fat was disgusting, and bring the butt of everyone's jokes. And that definitely didn't feel very nice. Not even if you went home after and stuffed yourself until you couldn't move.

Well, it'd be different if you had a feeder. Sam shook her head, sending ripples through her mother's blubbery belly. Stop. She told herself. You don't have a feeder. And you never will.

"Do we have any ice cream?" Sam asked, spreading her legs and letting her immense gut spill between them so she could get up. It took several tries, but finally Sam made it to her feet.

"I think I ate it all, baby." Leah told her.

"Ate all of what, sweetie?" Kit said as she came in, arms overflowing with fast food containers.

"The ice cream." Lean told her, visibly excited for her meal. "I had that gallon after second lunch lunch."

"Yeah, it's all gone." Kit said, turning to Sam. "Have some dinner, kiddo. I'll grab you some ice cream after we eat."

Sam shook her head. "I'll just go grab some." 

Leah shook her head, her chins jiggling. "Honey, you need to take care of yourself. You're barely gaining any weight."

But Kit was watching Sam's face with concern. Although Kit was her mother's long time girlfriend, and feeder, she and Sam has always been close. Kit had never had any issue with bringing Sam food too, or her brother. But lately it wasn't enough. She wanted something else, and she didn't quite understand how to satisfy that craving.

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