Maddie's Men Part 13 The First Kiss

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BBW BHM Muscle Size Difference Mutual Gaining

Oliver grabbed the controller out of Chase's hand. "My turn."
"Hey!" Chase growled, trying to snatch the controller back. "I was using that."
"Sorry, big brother rules." Oliver laughed, holding the controller away from Chase's grasp.
Suddenly Chase turned and snatched Elliot's controller, shoving a hand in his face when he tried to get it back. "Big brother rules." Chase repeated as Elliot tried to protest.

"You are so childish." Dian told Oliver, but her voice sounded more amused than judgemental.
"When you have little brothers you have to keep them in line." Oliver explained, starting a new game.
"Does Gray keep you in line?" Dian challenged. "Maybe he should." She smiled at Gray, but he didn't meet her glance.

"Don't give him any ideas." Oliver said, kissing her quickly. He popped a cookie in his mouth, shooting one of the enemies as he came over a hill. "The last thing I need is Gray trying to push me around." He grinned at his older brother who gave him a quick smile before turning back to the game.

On screen, as well as in real life, Grayson and Oliver were a team. Just under a year apart in age, the two had always been inseparable, and Oliver couldn't think of a time in life when Gray hadn't had his back. And in return he had always been Gray's biggest advocate.

"How do I switch weapons?" Haley asked, looking at her controller. "I don't get this game."
Next to her, Gray pointed to one of the buttons. "This one." He told her. "You squeeze it." He nodded when the option to change weapons popped up on her part of the screen. "Yeah, like that."

Oliver didn't look over but he smiled to himself. It was nice to see his big brother coming out of his shell, nice to see him letting his guard down around someone.
"Hey, someone killed me!" Haley protested.

Gray laughed. "You have to pick your weapon quickly."

"How do I know which one is best if I don't look at their stats?" The redhead asked, shaking her head.

"I can help you." Elliot offered, sliding closer to her on the couch. They were sitting on the L-shaped couch in the living room, eyes on the oversized screen across from them, snacks crowding the coffee table. Maddie and Calvin had disappeared upstairs right after dinner and Oliver's dad was answering some work emails, but the rest of them had gravitated towards the living room and the promise of video games.

"Oh, why don't you play?" Haley offered, thrusting the controller towards Elliot. She shifted towards Gray, away from Elliot, and Oliver noticed with surprise that his older brother didn't move away or tense up at the proximity of the tiny redhead. Maybe he really is relaxing. Oliver thought.

"Are you still hungry after that dinner?" Oliver teased as Dian bit into a cookie.
His curvy girlfriend laughed and took a bigger bite. "I need to keep my girlish figure."
"Looks more like you're growing your girlish figure." Oliver teased, wrapping his arm around her and squeezing an overflowing handful of fat at her waist.

"What's the matter?" Dian asked, raising one eyebrow. "Afraid I'm going to get bigger than you?"
On Dian's other side, Chase suddenly laughed. "I'd like to see you try." He joked.
"Yeah, no offence, Dian." Oliver said, grabbing a cookie of his own. "You might be big for a girl, but you're practically a Haley compared to me."
"Hey!" The redhead protested.

Dian looked unimpressed. "Well, I'm bigger for a girl than you are for a guy." She informed him. "I'm more like two Haleys."
Haley scowled, crossing her arms over her chest. "Stop using me as a unit of measure."

Dian laughed. "Sorry, Haley. I just think it's funny that these guys think they're sooo big when really, they're not that much bigger than your average guy."
Chase, Elliot, and Oliver all started protesting, but Haley was grinning, enjoying Dian turning the tables on them. "Agreed." She said, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "They have genetics on their side as far as height, but other than that...?" Haley shrugged her shoulders in a show of being unimpressed. "I mean they're kind of on the small side when you think of it."

Chase gave Oliver a look. "Did we just get body shamed by someone who needs a stool to brush her teeth?"
Haley made a face at him. "If the child sized shoe fits...." She gave Chase an innocent smile, laughing and swatting away a napkin as Chase tossed it at her. 

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