Maddie's Men Part 5 The First Date

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Elliot led the way into Gray's house, a stack of pizzas in his arms. "Gray was always huge." Elliot explained to Cal. "Even when we kids."
"Isn't everyone huge next to you, little brother?" Chase teased, setting down the boxes of chicken wings on the kitchen counter.

Elliot made a face at his brother. "Stop calling me little." He grumbled, hating that his brother could make him instantly revert to feeling like a five year old.

"Whatever you say, little buddy." Chase said mischievously.
Calvin laughed and gave Elliot a supportive smile. "What are you, like six five?" The chubby guy asked. "You're definitely not little, Elliot."

Elliot shrugged, snagging a slice of pizza while Chase went to get Gray. Elliot was six five, but Chase was an inch taller and he would never let Elliot live it down. Worse still, no matter how hard Elliot worked out he just couldn't seem to get any bigger than two eighty. All three of his brothers were massive, but no matter what he did, he never seemed to catch up to them. He dreamed of one day breaking three hundred pounds, not quite bigger than Grayson, but bigger than Chase, bigger than Oliver.

Holding his pizza slice in his mouth Elliot grabbed a stack of plates and brought them to the table. "I bet you're over three hundred pounds." Elliot observed, looking his friend over from head to toe.
He didn't notice Cal's cheeks turning pink as he spoke. "Oh, yeah. I mean, I guess I am." He admitted, one hand trailing to the front of his bulging stomach.

"You're so lucky." Elliot said regretfully.
Cal laughed self consciously. "Well, all you have to do is let yourself get really fat and you too can be over three hundred pounds." 

Elliot looked at his friend's red cheeks in surprise. "I didn't mean it as an insult." He told him, hearing his brothers coming down the stairs. "I mean it. You're lucky to be your size." Cal shrugged, averting his eyes so Elliot went on, feeling bad for hurting his friend's feelings. "No, really. You look great."

"You definitely look better than this guy, Cal." Chase teased, giving Elliot a playful punch as he and Gray entered the eat in kitchen. "In fact, I'm pretty sure I know a certain sibling of mine who thinks you look better than great."

Elliot looked at Cal, seeing his cheeks turn even redder. He'd noticed it too. His twin, Maddie, had definitely fallen for the pudgy brunette, and Elliot hadn't known what to make of it. Maddie had never been one of those girls to get all gushy over a guy. She'd gone on a handful of dates in high school, but Elliot knew she'd never really been that into a guy.

And then Calvin came around and Maddie got stars in her eyes when she looked at him. She talked about him all the time. She found reasons for her brothers to include him in activities. Elliot saw the little excuses she found to touch him, and he wasn't sure how to react.

A part of him felt like he should be the protective brother, trying to maintain his sister's virtue or something like that. But a bigger part of him was glad she'd fallen for him. Cal was nice. He was funny and clearly smart, and he always treated people respectfully. Even, Elliot thought, remembering how he'd met the chubby guy. Even when they don't deserve it.

He just wasn't entirely certain how Cal felt about Maddie.
"I, um—" Cal swallowed, looking at Elliot and his brothers a little nervously. "I think she's pretty great too."
"Yeah?" Chase asked, handing Cal a plate. "Like you want to kiss her?" His voice taking on the teasing cadence he usually reserved for Elliot.

Cal nodded. "Like we already did kiss." He admitted, holding his breath as if he was afraid of what her brothers might think.
Chase laughed. "Who knew Cal was such a player?" He asked playfully, holding a pizza box out to his chubby friend.

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