Maddie's Men Part 2 The Movie

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BHM Muscle Size Difference 

Calvin was feeling pretty relaxed, all things considered. Somehow, despite being bullied by Elliot only a few days earlier, now he was sitting in Elliot's living room playing video games with Elliot and Sam, another former bully. All things are possible. Cal thought. At least when Maddie is involved.

Cal smiled as he thought about Maddie. As small and sweet as her brother Elliot was big and brutish, Maddie had captivated Cal since the first moment he heard her voice. And now, sitting in her living room, there was a very good chance that he'd get to see her again.
The video game they were playing must have drowned out the sound of the garage door, because Calvin didn't hear them come in until it was too late.

Just as their game ended, the two bullies suddenly got to their feet, and two absolutely huge men entered the room, blocking off Cal's only hope for escape.
Jesus, Elliot must have been texting them to tell them I'm here. Cal realized, feeling an icy ball in the centre of his rather pronounced belly. I'm so stupid for believing he was ordering pizza. That'll just be one more thing for them to laugh at. He thought. They lured the fatty here with the promise of pizza.

Cal swallowed hard. He knew he was a big guy. Several inches over six feet, with broad shoulders and a big build, Cal could generally count on his size to keep the bullying from turning physical. But even though Cal knew he weighed in the lower three hundreds, he was definitely outmatched by the four other men in the room. Cal was mostly fat, whereas these other men were clearly mostly muscle. They could literally kill me. Cal realized. And I wouldn't be able to get away.

"Do you need help with the groceries?" Elliot asked one of the new men.
Cal started at the innocuous question, but then he noticed the bigger of the two men was carrying a bowl of cereal, not looking like he was interested in a confrontation of any type.
"No, we got them in one trip." The smaller of the two said, playfully flexing one huge arm. "Maybe when you get to be a man you won't need help carrying in groceries, little brother."

Cal smiled as Elliot squirmed out of the other man's attempt to give him a nougie. "Shut up, Chase. You're such a jerk." Elliot said, pushing the bigger man and then sitting back down while Chase pushed him to the middle of the couch, taking over Elliot's spot.
Wow. Elliot's the little brother? Cal realized, amused to see the massive football player pushed around by Chase. And then he suddenly realized something. When Elliot had mentioned Chase earlier, Cal had assumed it was Maddie's boyfriend. But it wasn't. Chase was Maddie's other brother.

"Stop being mean, Chase. That's probably where he learned it from."
Cal's heart leapt at the most welcome sound he could imagine, and then Maddie appeared, leaning across Chase to give her twin a playful kiss on top of his head.
Maddie seemed to suddenly notice Calvin and her eyes lit up. "He apologized." She guessed, sounding thrilled.

"Oh, is this the guy you were picking on?" Chase asked Elliot, giving Cal a friendly smile.
"I wasn't—" Elliot broke off, his cheeks flushing. "I said I was sorry." He looked at Cal who was surprised to see genuine remorse in his eyes. "We're okay now, right, Calvin?"
Cal nodded, suddenly wanting to alleviate the big man's guilty conscience. "Yeah, we're good."

Chase pulled his sister down onto the couch between him and Elliot so he could get a better look at Cal. "He's got the Napolean Complex." Chase said to Cal, grinning as his brother protested. "He's angry because he's the little brother."
Calvin couldn't help but laugh. Elliot had to be close to six and a half feet tall, and not far off of three hundred pounds of muscle, so it was funny to see the big man trying to defend himself to his slightly bigger brother. 

"Do you have brothers or sisters, Calvin?" Maddie asked, touching one of Elliot's hands.
"No, I'm an only child." Cal told her, surprised by how quickly Elliot stopped protesting.
"See?" Chase said, clearly trying to irk his brother again. "That's why Calvin is confident in himself and Elliot is a mess."
Cal offered Elliot a supportive smile as Sam and Chase laughed.

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