Maddie's Men Part 22 His Every Need

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Maddie leaned back in her uncomfortable plastic chair, wishing the doctors would just hurry up.

"I'm going to get something from the vending machines." Chase announced. "Anybody want anything?"Maddie shook her head and then frowned. "Maybe some chocolate for when Cal wakes up?" She suggested.

"Sure. No problem." Chase said easily. "Text me if you get any news."

Maddie watched as three of her brothers and Dian went off in search of vending machines, envying their calm. It was silly and she knew it, but she couldn't help but be worried. Her brothers had had many broken bones over the years, but she'd never seen a bone jutting right through the skin. And Calvin had seemed so confused.

As soon as they'd arrived at the hospital he'd been whisked away for surgery, and Haley had been talking in a reassuring tone about how easily doctors could fix Cal up, but it seemed like forever since he'd gone in. And it didn't help that Gray hadn't said a word since getting in the car, his silence more unnerving than usual.

"He'll be fine." Haley promised, slipping her hand in Maddie's. "I know it looked bad, but it's a routine break."

Maddie nodded. She noticed a plump, dark haired woman in her forties scanning the waiting room, her eyes skipping right over Maddie, Haley, and Grayson. She seemed to be looking more closely at a mousy blonde with thick glasses, but then suddenly Maddie recognized her expression. It was that uncertain look Cal often got, her lower lip pursing just like his did.

"Mrs. Jameson?" Maddie asked, standing up."Maddie?" The woman asked, looking surprised.

"Yes, it's me." Maddie said, immediately going over to the woman. "Calvin--" She broke off, feeling tears prick her eyes.

"Oh, honey." Maddie felt soft arms wrap around her and her tears spilled. "I was just in with him." Lila Jameson said as she hugged the thin girl. "He's going to be fine. It's just a broken arm."

"He's okay?" Maddie asked hopefully, pulling back to look into eyes that were the same blue as Cal's. 

"He's perfectly fine." Lila promised. "He's out of surgery and he'll have a cast for six weeks but he's fine."

"See?" Haley asked kindly, touching Maddie's shoulder. "I told you he'd be okay."

Maddie nodded, wiping her tears away. "Oh, you must be Haley." Lila said, smiling as she looked between the two girls. "And unless Maddie has an even bigger brother you must be Grayson." She said, laughing as she craned her neck to see Gray's face.

Gray's cheeks turned pink and he dropped his gaze, but he didn't respond.

Maddie laughed. "No, that's Grayson. My other brothers went to the vending machines but they'll be back soon."

Lila shook her head. "Calvin described you to me, but I thought he was exaggerating about how beautiful you are."

Maddie felt her cheeks heat up. "Thank you." She said awkwardly. She'd never really considered herself to be particularly attractive before but it was kind of nice to hear. "Um, do you know if I can see him?"

Lila nodded, still looking surprised by Maddie's appearance. "Yes, he's still a little groggy from the anesthesia, but the doctor said you could come in."

Maddie nodded, feeling her heart pick up speed. "After Maddie gets a chance to see Calvin, maybe some of his friends can come in...?" Lila said, looking at the other two hesitantly.

Haley nodded and touched Gray's shirt. "I'd like to see him." She agreed. She smiled at her best friend. "But go see him. I know how worried you've been. I'll text Chase."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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