Maddie's Men Part 19 Big Girls

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BBW BHM Mutual Gaining Muscle Size Contrast

Chase took a deep breath and smiled at the beautiful girl in his arms. "So, where do you want to go for our date?" He asked her, already making plans in his head. 

We'll definitely have to get dinner. He decided, putting his hand at the nape of her neck, thumb brushing her fat cheek. Then maybe the movies? And dessert?

But then, to his surprise, Sam suddenly shook her head, as if coming out of a daze, her cheeks and chins jiggling. "No, Chase. I'm not going on a date with you."

"But--" Chase broke off, confused. Girls--women--never turned him down. And he'd apologized for what he'd done in high school.

Sam lifted her chins every so slightly higher, stepping back out of his arms, her enormous belly so big it was still touching him. "How do I know this isn't just another way to humiliate me, Chase?"

"Because I like you." He insisted, completely befuddled as to how to deal with rejection.

"I've never even seen you talk to--talk to someone like me before." Sam said, and Chase noticed the way her chin quivered ever so slightly, betraying her fear. "I've never seen you talk to someone fat. Why should I believe you like me?"

His face softened. "I've got fat friends." He insisted. "I mean, I've never dated someone your size, but--I like all types of women."Chase could see that she wasn't convinced, but he had an idea. He pulled his cell phone out and started texting his sister. Although his hands were occupied, his body was still pressed against hers as he texted. "One sec."

Mads, can you send me a pitcure of me n callven? Mabe from on the monky bars?

Even his spell checker didn't know what to make of his jumble of letters, but a few seconds later an image popped up on the screen. Chase turned the phone towards Sam, smiling. "See? That's Calvin. He's one of my friends, and he's a pretty big guy." He glanced at the picture, feeling blubber jiggle against him as Sam shifted her considerable weight. "And even Elliot isn't really thin any more." He acknowledged. "He's out on a ton of weight lately."

But Sam suddenly grabbed the phone from his hands, focussing on someone else in the picture. "If you're going to try to trick me, maybe try not using a picture of you and your girlfriend." Sam said coldly, turning the phone so he could see. And sure enough, a little red head was peeking over his shoulder in the picture, a smile lighting up Haley's delicate features.

Chase shook his head, amused. "Come on. I told you. Haley is not my girlfriend." He explained. "She's just a friend." He could see that Sam was not convinced. "If you're really worried that I'm tricking you, why don't you pick somewhere outside of the city?" He suggested. "You can call me whenever and I'll come pick you up, and we'll go wherever you want, far away from everyone."

Sam started to shake her head so Chase continued. "Come on, Sam. You can pick the time and the place last minute so you'll know I didn't set anything up." He paused. "It'll just be the two of us."

Chase spared no time in considering the possibility that a girl might not want to be alone with him, might even be uncomfortable with the idea of spending time alone with him. Instead he gave her his charming smile and waited for her to respond.

Sam lifted one fat hand up and brushed a shiny lock of hair from her face. Chase smiled, appreciating the way her jelly like arms jiggled with every movement. "Maybe I will call." Sam conceded, and Chase smiled again, confident that she would.

"Good." He said, putting his hands flat on either side of her enormous belly and sliding them back towards her sides. "Can I buy you a banana milkshake?" He asked, hearing the ice cream man coming closer.

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