Blue x Leaf

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Blue IS Gary, right?.... Right??

White. That's all she could see for miles. The strong winds were blowing at her fiercely, her hair flowing behind her as she trudged through the snow below her. Her breathing was a light cloud, escaping her mouth from every breath. She hugged her Bulbasaur close, worried the cold may harm her partner. "A-Almost there, Bulba." Leaf shivered, looking around. "..I.. Think." She sighed. Blue just HAD to need her now, didn't he? In the middle of a snow storm?

'Thats Blue for you...' She thought to herself, as she felt her heart beat faster as she saw the flicker of a familiar lizard. "Charmie!" Leaf ran as fast as her frozen legs would take her, hugging the small creature. "Great to see you again!.. Have you been taking care of him?" She smiled as the small fire type replied in small roars, soon leading the two companions inside of Blue's home.

"Mm! You baking something?" Leaf smelled the air, the scent of slightly burnt cookies filled the air. Charmander sighed, nodding. Leaf placed her jacket on the rack, pulling off her scarf, gloves, and boots. She slung her bag over one shoulder, walking to the kitchen with Charmander, who was getting ready to flamethrower the unbaked batches of cookies. "Whoa whoa! Hold up, there!" Leaf placed a hand on the pokemon's shoulder. "No wonder they're all burnt! Bulba!" Leaf whistled, calling her partner over. With a single movement, Bulbasaur placed the cookies in the oven, setting the timer and correct temperature.

"When it beeps, put them on the silver tray." Leaf spoke slowly, and the Charmander sweat dropped, and nodded. Leaf took her grass partner up the stairs, seeing the door to Blue's room shut. "... Bulba?" They nodded to eachother, and Bulba used a single vine to turn the knob ever so gently...

Only to be flooded with a stream of crumpled tissue paper. Bulba was carried down the stream of tissues and down the stairs. Leaf sweat dropped. "You alright..?" She blinked, seeing Bulbasaur pop out from under the pile and nod happily, only to run off to the kitchen. Leaf sighed and took a step into the room of her rival. "Blueberry, I'm here." She called softly, seeing the boy turned to the wall in bed, sniffling. He let out a powerful sneeze, turning to face Leaf while using the last of his tissue supply.

"Oh.. Hi Leaf.." He greeted in a stuffy tone, and coughed. Leaf's eyes softened. "Hey... I brought you more tissue boxes and.. Well.." She placed the tissue boxes on the shelfs near his head, and pulled out a medium sized pot, along with a bowl and spoons. Blue watched as Leaf carefully poured the warm, steamy soup into the bowl. He couldn't help but smile a bit. "What you so happy about?" Leaf raised a brow. Blue turned a bit red, looking away stubbornly, and taking the soup bowl from his rival. "N-Nothing. I just want my soup."

Blue blowed on the soup in the spoon, cooling it down. He took a mouthful and grinned his smug grin as he swallowed. "I remember this soup!..." He paused, remembering the taste. "... Our special soup?" He looked at her, but she seemed to be distracted. "... Am I the only one who smells burning?" She smelled the air... "Smells like chicken. Well, maybe it's just the soup." Blue responded, taking another spoonful, forgetting how hot it was and cringing.

"And that's what happens when you challenge a Froslass to a battle with no pokemon." Leaf laughed, while Blue hissed. Bulbasaur burst in and cried it's name, with an extended vine, grabbing hold of Leaf and dragged her to the kitchen. Blue smirked a bit, and sneezed again. "Whatta weirdo."

"Charmander!" She gasped. The small lizard blushed of embarrassment, smoke spread across it's face. "You burnt another batch?... HOW?! It was in the oven!" She facepalmed. "... Alright, let me help this time." She and the two pokemon created and folded the batter, having fun cutting out small shapes. "That one looks like a pokeball!... Is that supposed to be me and Blue?" Leaf glared at the pokemon who looked away, snickering.

After a half hour, The cookies were done. The cookies were placed on a plate, to be delivered to Blue. Leaf peeked into the room, seeing Blue gone. "... Blue?" She walked in and tilted her head. "Where did that weirdo go?" A shadow crept up slowly behind her, and quickly trapped her in a bear hug. "Gyah!" Leaf yelped in surprise, as Blue hugged her tightly from behind. "Cookies!" He cheered childishly. Leaf smiled, and shoved a cookie in his mouth before he could make a bad pun. "Your welcome, Blueberry." She smiled and went downstairs, Blue following.

"That soup really works, don't it?" Blue grinned, stretching. Leaf nodded, pulling the blanket overtop of herself. The two sat on the couch in front of the tv, It was Blue's turn with the remote. While Blue was flicking through the movies, Bulbasaur and Charmander snuggled together on a pillow on the recliner. "Cuties..." Leaf smiled to herself. "Yeah, the girls in this film ARE cute!" Blue replied smugly. Leaf glared and rolled her eyes. "No! The pokemon! Now choose something... Appropriate, this time." Blue chuckled. "What, you didn't like my last choice?" Leaf shivered. "So many heads... Exploding... For no logical reason..." It still haunted her.

Blue grunted. "Fine fine... We can watch.... Uuuh... Ooo! This horror film is suppose to be the best in the theate--" he looked at Leaf, who looked a bit scared at the cover of the movie. She had never been a fan of gore, blood, or violence. ".. I promise, it won't be THAT bad.. And I'll be here for you if you need help!" Blue genially smiled, reassuring Leaf she was safe. She hesitantly nodded, as he ordered the film on Netflix.

An hour into the movie, nothing had really happened. Leaf found it boring for the most part. Blue seemed to be worried about something, and wouldn't let his guard down. Finally.. It came.

"Eulb, Are you sure it's safe to go in there? What if the Ffej is close by?" The woman in the film sobbed. The man held her hand tightly. "Do not worry, my dear Fael, I'll always protect you." He reached for the handle slowly, Leaf trembled in fear. "No no no! Don't open it!!" The door swung open, revealing a face, half of it was human, blood dripping from it's eyes, and fangs. The other half was a skeleton, blood drizzling from every nook and cranny of the skull.

Leaf screamed, hugging Blue's chest tightly, he could have swore she broke his ribs.

"He's gonna kill you! RUN!!!" Leaf cried, as the pair bolt for the door, which shuts immediately as they approach. The Ffej laughed like a maniac, with his axe held high, stained with blood of past victims. Blue's eyes widened. This would be a terrifying sight, may scar an innocent person like Leaf for life. He quickly covered her eyes with the blanket, while throwing a smaller blanket over the pokemon watching as well. (Charmander's tail sticking out of course.)

"Almost over.." Blue shivered a bit as the Ffej cackled, chopping the last limb from the torsos, leaving the limp bodies. "Thank you for sssstaying at our hotel... Come again ssssoon..." He spoke in a terrifying voice, and the screen faded to black.

Blue gulped, uncovering Leaf, only to find she'd fallen asleep on his chest. He blushed a bit, amazed at how she could sleep after seeing and hearing... Well, EVERYTHING. He lightly stroked her head and chuckled. 'Aww why you do have to be so cute asleep?.. I don't have the heart to toss you down...'

He stood up, Leaf fell to the ground with a THUD.

'Oh look, seems I do.' He grinned to himself. Leaf hissed as she stood up. "Really now?!" Blue chuckled, as she stormed off and put on her coat, scarf, gloves, and boots. Bulbasaur returned to it's pokeball, and she picked up her bag. "... It was good seeing you again... I'll see you later.." Leaf muttered, slightly hurt. Blue growled to himself. 'You jerk.. Ugh' "hold up, Leafie."

Blue placed a warm hat on her head, and fixed up her scarf. "Don't wanna get frostbite..." He smiled. Leaf rubbed her arm, and Blue grunted. "Sorry. I didn't mean to seem like a jerk. Old habits. Right?" Not even a smile. 'Tough crowd...' He thought, and sighed. "Leaf..." He took a deep breath, Leaf turned to face him at the doorway. "... Thank you. For everything, really.." He muttered, blushing a bit. Leaf smiled a bit, and kissed his cheek. "Movie night next week, my place. Your cooking." She messed up his hair and escaped into the dark night, the glimmering snow now falling softly upon the head of Leaf.

Thank you

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