Diamond x Dawn

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Now it's time for... Diamond Dandruff! I mean.. Diamond and Dawn!... Eh heh...

Diamond sighed, watching his Umbreon stare restlessly at the gates before them. She was running late, as usual. And neither of them enjoyed having to wait. Umbreon looked up at its trainer and purred it's name. "I know, I know... I'm worried too. She doesn't usually take this long to get here..." He listed all the possibilities in his head.

- Forgot her entry card and has to battle the elite 4 to get here (again)

- She had a bad hair day and is simply running behind schedule (again)

- She's been kidnapped and taken to a random HQ to get on my nerves (again)

Diamond sighed. With Dawn, it could be anything. You never knew what would happen... Until it happened. Umbreon's ears perked and it smiled, yelping at the gates. Diamond arose and walked over to open the gates...

Before a certain SOMEONE bursted in and slammed the door in his face, causing poor Diamond to fall back. "Ah, Damn it, Arceus that hurt..." He groaned, only to find the one he'd wanted to see. "Dawn.. Great to see you again." He smiled, as Dawn helped him up. "You too! Sorry about that.. Espeon sensed Umbreon's aura and couldn't help itself..." The two trainers watched as the two pokemon chased each other around, nuzzling each other. "Aww.." Dawn smiled, turning back to Diamond. "So, what's up?"

"Your WHAT?!" Dawn gasped, in disbelief. "I know it's a lot to take in.. But I have to do it alone, or I won't feel accomplished..." Diamond looked down and sighed. "But Diamond-- the league! Your pokemon.. Me?" Her eyes slowly filled with tears. "Please, don't make this harder then it already is. Cynthia is taking over as champion again until a new one is named. My pokemon will be safe with Professor Rowan..." He looked at his bluenette friend, trying her hardest not to cry.

"O..Okay." Dawn took a deep breath in. "I understand.. G-Go and succeed in your dreams... I'll be rooting for you." She hugged him tightly, as he quickly embraced her back. "I'll be back before you know it. I promise." Diamond smiled, trying to keep himself from crying. "Goodbye..." He waved slowly as he walked down the narrow path ahead. Now, his journey was to begin again.


It had been 4 years since Dawn last saw Diamond, hoping each month that maybe he would be closer to returning. Dawn sat in a field of Gradecia Flowers, along with her little Shaymin. ".. Min?" The small hedgehog-like creature looked up at its master, as tears dropped onto its furry back. Shaymin tapped one of her pokeballs, releasing Togekiss and Espeon, who tried using heal bell. Nothing happened...

Dawn hugged her knees with her head rested. "He.. S-said he'd be back... But.. He hasn't called... At all..." She sniffled, wiping her tears with a tissue her Espeon offered. "I just wish he wouldn't have told me the day he was leaving...." She looked at one of the flowers, it began to sparkle. It soon showed the design of space... Stars and galaxies... Or maybe she was just seeing things.


Nope, she's still sane.

Dawn looked up, to see a giant purple dragon flying high above, causing the flowers to glow like space. "What in the..." Dawn sent her pokemon to their pokeballs, standing to try and see the figure on it's back. "... Is that..?!"

The Palkia was returned to its pokeball by the trainer, who landed in a nearby patch of flowers. "... Hello again, Dawn." The boy smiled brightly, sending butterflies lose in the girl's stomach. "No way.. D-Diamond...?" She stared, almost not believing this was the real person. "The one and only." He spun a pokeball on his finger tip and flung it onto his belt, walking up to Dawn. "You haven't changed much, Dawnie." He teased. Dawn stepped on his foot, causing Diamond to cringe. "Ow! What was that for?!" He growled in pain. Dawn glared. "THAT'S for making me wait 4 years!" She looked at the field of flowers, now losing it's space-like glow. "Well I didn't know traveling around Hoenn, Johto, Unova and Kalos would take 4 years! How is that my fault?" Diamond pouted, bickering on and on.

Dawn rolled her eyes had put a hand up. "Let me finish... That was for making me wait 4 years.. And this;" she smiled and kissed him, making Diamond turn bright red "That, was for keeping your promise... I'll see you for Movie Night on Saturday..." Dawn winked and sent out Flygon, who flew her off, leaving a stunned Diamond. ".... I gotta keep promises more often if THAT'S my reward." He chuckled to himself, sending out Latios and flying to his home, to see his family once again.

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