Red x Yellow

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Wow, I can't believe I'm at my 10th one shot already! 😱 Thanks for all your requests and support! 💕

Red closed his eyes and sighed. "It's nice to have a day to myself without any trainers coming by..." He said to Pika. Pika sighed sadly, holding a brand new, black and yellow stripped bow. "Pika, Pii..." "I know you wanted to give it to Chuchu, but I doubt Yellow would turn up a chance to go Trick-or-Treating-"

Suddenly, a small pikachu ran up to Red and leaped on his head, pushing his hat over his eyes. "What the..." He lifted the hat a bit to see who was there. "Chu chu!" Pikachu cried happily. ".. Yellow?" He sweat dropped, seeing her in a Gardevoir costume. "... What are you doing..."

Yellow hid behind Red and shivered. "People keep thinking in a real wild Gardevoir... They've been chasing me for hours so I came here..." Red raised a brow at her. "O...Kay.. But you are aware pokeballs don't work on humans... Right? Wasn't that the first thing that old man taught us?" Yellow yanked his hat over his eyes and pouted. "Fine! Maybe I just wanted to see you." She sat next to him, and he chuckled a bit. ".. That Gardevoir costume is a nice look on you..." Yellow flipped the costume off, strangely having her regular clothes on under. "Aaand the moment passed." It flew in the air and landed on the two pikachu's. "Pika pika!" "Chu chuuuuu!" Pika used thunderbolt on the costume, burning it to ashes. The trainers sweat dropped. "Wh- Hey! I made that myself!" She hissed.

"Heh.. Explains why it looked like a Smeargle painted it in the dark..." Red smirked a bit. Yellow pulled her sweater hood over her head and hugged her knees. "... Yellow?.." He looked at her. 'Aw crap did I hurt her feelings? Nice going, block head.' He growled at himself in his head. He saw her shoulders slump, and her breathing soon turned to sniffles. "Y-Yellow-- I didn't mean it... I was joking---" Red tried to touch her shoulder but Chuchu zapped it away. Yellow turned and stood up. "I-I think I'll just spend the rest of Halloween at h-home..." she sniffled and slowly walked away. Red bit his lip. "... Yellow.."

He ran up to her and grabbed her hand, she turned and looked down. ".. Yellow, I'm sorry. It was almost spot on, I was joking.." He got no response. Red lifted her chin up to look at him. "You know you mean the world to me, don't you?" Yellow sighed. "y-yeah..." "And would I lie to you?" He looked her in the eyes. ".. N-No..." Red smiled. "Exactly.. Now go enjoy the rest of Halloween with your Pokémon.." Yellow smiled, and they shared a sweet kiss before parting ways. Chuchu ran off with Yellow, sporting it's new bow.

Red sat next to Pika. "..." He looked at his partner, who was smirking at him. "... What..?" He took out an iPod and showed Red the photos of him and Yellow kissing. Red's face turned bright red, pulling the iPod away from Pika's paws. "Aaand delete." He gets a groaning response from Pika, annoyed.

But he didn't delete the photo... He placed it in a folder labelled "Treasured Moments"... Where he'd keep it forever.

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