Iris x Cilan SHORT

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This is a short only cause I have a wishfulshipping story in the process! 😱

Iris folded her arms across her chest and sighed, Axew mimicking. "Boys are so weird.. It's just my birthday.." She murmured, as Cilan, Chilli, and Cress each presented a gift.

Cress handed her a small blue box with a purple ribbon. Inside, was a dragon fang necklace. The fang, from Iris's inspection, was a Dragonite's tooth. "So rare! Thanks!" Iris smiled.

Chilli was next. He handed her a large red box with orange flames, and a pink ribbon. Inside, was a ticket to access anything in Nimbasa at any time... Even at midnight. Also inside was a huge Emolga plushie.

"Oh wow, thanks!" Iris grinned.

Finally, Cilan. He walked up to her with a thin, medium green box with a yellow ribbon. Iris looked inside.. But saw nothing but an empty picture frame. She pulled it out and tilted her head. "What is.."

Iris was shocked by the next event. Cilan leaned in from the other side of the picture frame and kissed her gently. After a few seconds, he stood before her. "My brothers each bought something you can use, or wear. But I wanted to give you something to remember... Happy birthday, Iris." Cilan smiled and walked off, his confused and shocked brothers following.

".. Thank you for making this the best birthday ever.." Iris whispered and smiled.

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