Ash x Misty

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Ash sighed, annoyed. After 3 years of not seeing each other...

Misty is more interested in his new water pokemon than him.

"Aww! Oshawott and Froakie are adorable!" She cooed, squeezing half the life out of them. "... Uh, Misty...?" He cocked a brow at her, no response. Now he was getting annoyed. "Misty.." He folded his arms. No response. 'Just like my mom.. More into my pokemon than be coming home...' He thought and sighed. "Oshawott, use watergun." The small otter thanked Ash for the command, and almost drowned Misty with watergun.

"Hey! What was that for?!" Misty hissed, her hair turning puffy. "Hi?" Ash waved, and Misty stared. "... How did I not notice you standing there...." She smiled and stood up. "Great to see you again, Misty." Ash grinned. Misty nodded, taking his hat. "New outfit, huh?... Why did you get so worked up over that one hat before just to get a new one from your mom?" She snickered. "I was a child." He mimicked Iris, who he missed a lot. "Still are." She stuck her tongue out at him, placing the hat lopsided on her head. "C'mon, Brock is in town. He offered to cook you a welcome back lunch for the three of us!"

Grabbing his arm, Misty dragged Ash across town to a small hillside out of town, where Brock sat making his famous Brock Stew... Ash smelled the scent and drooled. "I smell Stew!" He dragged Misty the rest of the way, following his nose.

"Brock!" The two grinned at their old friend. "Hey guys!.. It's been a while!" Brock gave the two each a bowl of stew. "Wow! It's been so long since I've tasted your amazing meals!" Misty grinned. "Yeah. Cilan and Clemont's dishes were good... But your food will always have a special place in my heart!" Ash laughed. The two sweat dropped. "Cilan..?" "... Clemont?... Who..?" They stared blankly. "Oh yeah.. I should really catch you guys up on my new friends. Alright, so I first met this girl named Iris..."


"Wow... You sure have more adventure then us in a lifetime.." Misty pouted a bit. "And team rocket is STILL after you?" Brock chuckled. "I know.. Pikachu isn't all that rare.. They can just go into Viridian forest and catch 10 of them... But NO. They decide to steal mine." Ash pets Pikachu, who runs off to a bush. He looked at Misty and folds his arms. "Can I have my hat back?.." He reaches to grab it, but Misty slaps his hand away. "No. I like it." She smirked. "But it's mine..." He frowned. "Just like old times, huh?" Brock smiled at the two. They all laughed.

"Prepare for trouble!"

"Oh no.."

"Make it double!"

"Pikachu." Ash snapped, and Pikachu zapped Team rocket to a different region. "Nailed it." Misty giggled.

After a few hours of catch up, Brock left to take care of the gym and his family. Leaving Misty and Ash, and who knew where pikachu was. "Hey, I wanna show you something cool.." Ash took Misty by the hand and led her into Viridian Forest. They took a short path, which led to a huge sparkling waterfall, pouring into a huge pool of water. "Oh wow..." Misty stared. Ash whistled, summoning a Milotic from a cave behind the waterfall. "No way..." She gasped at the beauty before her. Ash handed her a pokeball, and Milotic returned into it. "I caught it for you, hope you like it." Ash smiled.

Misty placed the pokeball on her belt and hugged Ash tightly. "I've always wanted one... Thank you, Ash...!" Ash hugged back and laughed a bit. "No problem, Mist.." He blushed a bit. Misty sighed. "I... Have to go now..." She placed the hat back on Ash. "I'll.. See you later. Please visit sooner?" He smiled and placed his hat back on Misty. "Of course I will.. I'll call you later." He pecked her cheek and walked off into the forest. Misty blushed, holding Milotic's pokeball close. There was something written on the back.

Come to Hoenn with me, Brock'll come too.

Just like old times. -Ash

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