Ruby x Sapphire

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Sapphire sighed, clutching her fists tightly. "Alright. One more try... Use Flamethrower!" She hollered, as her Combusken sent flames hurdling at the foe. With quick reflexes, the foe made the flame shatter into small embers with shadow claw. "Give up yet? Cause there's no way you can beat my newest pokemon..." The boy bragged. Rage filled up in Sapphire. "You jerk!... Use high jump kick!" She yelled, and Combusken gladly delivered.

A hyper beam suddenly struck Combusken and Sapphire, causing them both to go flying. "Ow!" She whined, gulping as the evil trainer before her laughed. "Like I said..." The trainer's face was half Duskull, half Sableye. "You never stood a chance."

Sapphire stood up and screamed in terror, almost deafening the young boy next to her. "Sapphire!" He looked over, only to find her shivering, breathing heavily, with tears trickling down her cheeks. Ruby scooted next to her, and she dug her face into his chest sobbing, leaving him to pet her head and whisper comforting words to her. "... Was it that same dream?" He asked softly. Sapphire sobbed out a yes, hugging her friend tightly. 'Man.. That rotten Darkrai just won't leave her alone!' He scowled softly. "Saph, listen.." He looked her in the eyes. "I promise I will protect you from that beast." Sapphire wiped the tears from her eyes. "Th..Thank you..." She whispered.

"Sigh.. Such a weak soul... Perfect for picking~" a deep, haunting voice cackled. The two yelped when they saw the ghost behind them. "You.. You did this to her!" Ruby hissed protectively. Darkrai smirked. "Now now... Don't get hot under the collar.." He yanked his beanie over his eyes and snatched Sapphire. "I just need to borrow this one here... All those emotions bottled up inside isn't good for you... Let ME dispose of all your feelings.." Darkrai sent Sapphire into a nightmare sleeping state, causing her to struggle. A mist emitted from her eyes, Ruby gasped, but growled lowly. "I promised I'd protect her! And I will!" He took out his safety charm.. The Lunar wing.

A powerful blast of light shot through Darkrai, sending him to another dimension. A glowing fragment of Cresselia shone in the moon, and vanished in an instant. Ruby caught Sapphire in his arms and placed her in the sleeping bag. "Sapphire, please wake up!" He shook her, noticing the mist on her eyes fade, he eased. Her eyes slowly opened, shining brightly like before. "Ruby.." She spoke and he hugged her. "I was so worried he'd killed you or... Or something!" She smiled. "Yeah.. But I'm reeeally tired and we have to walk a LOT tomorrow...." She yawned and fell right asleep in his arms. He placed her head on the pillow and kissed her softly, laying on his sleeping bag next to her's. "I'll always protect you, Sapphire.." He whispered, falling into his own dream state.

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