Barry x Dawn

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"C'mon, Dawn!"



"I said no."

"... But.." Barry sniffled.

"Ugh..." Dawn groaned, annoyed. "FINE! But only this once."

Barry's face immediately lit up, and set up the Wii U. "Your gonna love this new game I got!" He grinned, Dawn rolling her eyes. "Can't be any worse then that Sonic Gravity Rider's game we played last month..." She smirked as Barry pouted. "But it had magical talking animals!"

"Whatever." Dawn replied, taking the wii remote and setting up the options. "Let's see.. 3 lives, all items, handicap off..." She muttered, as Barry struggled to pull his wii remote from the bin of tangled cords. "Gotcha!" He yelled in success, pulling too hard and launching backwards onto the couch, onto Dawn. "Eheh... Hi?" Barry laughed nervously as he received a death glare. He smiled cutely, winning Dawn over and not getting pummelled!

"So, this is.. Like, a remake of the old Super smash bros brawl?" Dawn tilted her head, staring at the character selection. "Yep! They now have Pikachu, Mega Charizard, mega Lucario, and Greninj--" "HEY! Why the heck isn't Squirtle and Ivysaur available?!" Dawn looked through the colours of Charizard rapidly, eyes wide. "Yeah.. They removed the other two. Unfair to have more then one character... I guess. And besides, Charizard was used most." Barry replied, selecting a ninja black Greninja as his fighter. Dawn sighed, and selected Lucario. "Well.. Either way your going down." Dawn smirked.

"We'll see.. Let's go to the Final Desination!.. It's my favourite place." Barry grinned childishly. "You only like it cause I can't throw you off the map that easy..." She reponded, bluntly. The countdown started... 3! 2! 1! GO!

2 minutes later...


And the winner is... Lucario!

"What?! No fair! You must've cheated! That Arceus you got was a hack! I want a rematch!" Barry whined, Dawn trying her hardest to block it out. "And you wonder why I don't play video games with you..." She growled annoyed at her blonde friend. "Shut up already..." Dawn hissed, the blonde growled, obviously furious. "No! I don't lose! Especially to a girl like you!"

"A girl like me? What's that suppose to mean?" Dawn snapped. "It MEANS your a rude, careless, stuck up b****, who shows no care for anybody! You just treat them like dirt; stepping all over them! Well, I've had it!" Barry basically screamed. Dawn's heart sunk, never before had ANYBODY called her a... Well, 'female dog'. Tears welled up in her eyes, Barry's expression slightly softening. "... I'm getting a cookie." He growled, storming off to the kitchen.

Filling a small glass with Moomoo milk, Barry placed a cookie on a plate, onto a tray along with his milk. He took the tray and walked to the living room, noticing Dawn was... Gone. "... Dawn?" He called in a whisper. "D-Dawn?!" He yelled. No response. "... She wouldn't..." He stared out the open sliding door, and he dropped the tray. "Oh god..." Was all he could say. Empolion, Pachirisu, Buneary, and Leafeon stood outside, pawing at the door scared. They cried their names as if warning him. He grabbed his jacket and shoes, and kneeled next to the pokemon. "Where's Dawn?!"

The pokemon pointed to the river, and his stress eased. ".. Thank goodness, I thought she may had run off to the forest or something! So.. Nothing to worry about!" He grinned. Pachirisu sparked him angrily. "Ok ok! FINE! I'll go talk to her..." Barry grumbled. Empolion stood behind him glaring. ".. And apologize. Fine.." He grabbed a pokeball from his bag and slipped it into his pocket, walking over to the river.

Dawn sat at the edge of the river side, hugging her knees tightly as her tears splashed into the water. She wiped her cheek as she heard someone approach. "...Dawn?." She looked up and sniffled, seeing Barry with a pink pokeball in hand. "Look... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell..." He handed her the pokeball and pressed the capsule's button, letting out the pokemon contained inside. "... This is a sorry gift... I was gonna give it to you a while ago, but never worked up the courage to do it." Barry looked down, slightly rosey.

Before Dawn was a small Growlithe, a shiny Growlithe. It had a soothe bell attached to the pink ribbon around its neck, it's eyes sparkling with loyalty. Dawn's heart melted seeing the small puppy. It snuggled on her lap and kept her warm. Softly petting the puppy pokemon, she looked up at Barry, and sighed. "I'm sorry too. Here... I shouldn't have been rude." She glanced away as she handed Barry a light green pokeball with a stripe across it. It opened and out popped the pokemon contained inside.

A small Froakie popped out, a green bandana around its neck. It gleamed a green radiance, shiny. "Wow.. I can... Evolve this to my awesome black Greninja!" Barry squealed like a girl, and hugged Dawn. "Iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou!" He ran off in an instant to the Battle Mansion, to begin training his new pokemon. Dawn sweat dropped, she picked up her new pokemon and went back to Barry's house to grab her coat and pokemon. She noticed the cookie and Moomoo milk. On the cookie, was iced the words; 'I'm sorry, Sunrise :('. She smiled and ate the cookie, drinking the milk. She replaced both the cookie and milk for when Barry returned, saying the words; 'I love you too. :)'

Alright! One down, now only.. Uh.. 3,4.. Carry the 2.. A bunch more to go! :D

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