Abby x Clemont

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Requested by; Abbert21
Enjoy! :)

Abby's POV

I walked down the brightly lit path of Lumiose City. My eyes wandered to every building, every light...

It was beautiful. It was getting late, so I decided to get my pace sped up. I definitely didn't wanna be late. I dashed down the path, to the tower that lit up all Kalos! (In my opinion, at least.)

Bonnie, Clemont's little sister, waved me over smiling. "Hiii! Abbyyyy!" She called out as I jogged over. "Bonnie, what are you doing out here alone?" I asked, confused. "Oh! I wanted to show you where Clemont is! He wants to meet you at the newly opened Spark Park!" Bonnie giggled, taking my hand and trying to drag me along.

"Well... What a creative name that is..." I said sarcastically. "I know... He wanted to name it 'Clemont's-spark-park-emporium/science-hall'." Bonnie rolled her eyes. I laughed a bit. "Same old Clemont..."

"Bonnie! I thought I told you to go home with dad!" Clemont called from inside the park. "Clemont... You DID remember Abby was visiting, RIGHT?" Bonnie asked raising a brow at her brainiac brother. "Wait.. That was today?... Now?!" Clemont stumbled over his own feet as he ran over.

"Ah- Sorry, Abby! I've been so busy with this new project..." He rubbed his neck and smiled. "Heheh... It's fine, what' cha working on?" I asked excitedly. I noticed something behind him, It looked like a giant Slurpuff. "Come check it out!" Clemont dragged me towards it, dismissing his sister to go home.

"Introducing, My Cotton-Induced-edible-sugar-dispenser-machine!" Clemont pressed a button, and chattering escaped the machine. Pink, fluffy cotton plopped onto a long cone and he handed it to me. "Try it!"

I hesitated... 'What if it explodes like his last edible project?' I wondered nervously. He tried to bake a cake... And it blew up.

I gathered all my courage, and took a bite. My eyes widened. "This is.. Cotton candy?" I grinned and took another bite. "It's delicious!.. And it didn't explode!"

"That was one time..." Clemont replied, rolling his eyes. I giggled. "Well, this machine didn't explode, which is good."

Clemont nodded. "Yep! I made sure it's physically impossible for it to blow up- unless it overheats!" He went to step towards me, but slipped on something and hit his head on the button, breaking it. The machine chattered and shook.

"Clemont!" I yelped in worry, pulling him away quickly as the machine blew up. Clemont rubbed his head. "Okay.. I'm okay.." He grinned sheepishly and sat up. "Thanks Abby, you saved me a lot of head aches."

I felt my cheeks heat up, and Clemont noticed. He tilted his head a bit. "You okay, Abby?.." He asked worried. I shook my head and smiled. "I'm fine!.. Uh.. I wanna show you something I made!" I took off my bag and pulled out a small machine, an ice cream maker.

"What's that tiny thing suppose to do?.." Clemont asked, pushing his glasses back on his nose. "Scientists say smaller devices are less likely to explode." I replied in a-matter-of-fact manner. He pouted a bit. "I like to think big..."

I giggled, fangirling a bit inside.. His pouting was adorkable. I quickly recovered. "The future is now, thanks to science!" I mimicked Clemont, who stared.

I turned it on, and it trembled for a while, then despised a vanilla ice cream cone. I handed it to Clemont, and he tried it. "Well?" I asked hopefully.

"... Honestly... It's better than my cotton candy." Clemont smiled, and I blushed a bit. "Wait- your admitting mine is better?"

"Well.. Uh.." He blinked, then quickly handed me a cone of ice cream. "Here!"

I laughed a bit and ate a bit. It was delicious, as I had hoped. Clemont stared at me funny for a bit... I waved my hand in front of his face. "Clemont? Hello?" I call to him. He snaps back to reality and blinks. "Sorry-! You just... Gotta little something on your..." He chuckles.

"What? Whaaat?" I asked annoyed, pouting. "Calm down- it's just ice cream." He smiled warmly and took out a napkin from his bag, wiping the smudge of ice cream from my nose and cheek.

"There. All better." He says with a smile. I feel myself blush and look away, he was too adorable to stare at for too long. Clemont gave me another funny look... Then smiled.

"... Hey Abby~?" He said in a lingering song voice. I looked back at him curiously. "What is--!"

He cut me off by kissing me gently. I was now in a full blush, and I saw a bit of blush creep onto his cheeks as well. He pulled away and rubbed his neck. "Eh- s-sorry... I don't know what came over me..." He stuttered shyly.

I shook my head and smiled. "It's fine... I kinda liked it." I stuck my tongue out at him teasingly, and he chuckles. "Is that so? Well I'm glad." He pokes my nose and grins.

"Don't suppose you'd like to join me for some dinner tomorrow?" Clemont asked, blushing again. I giggle and hug him tightly "Sure! I'd love to!"

Inside, my heart almost exploded.
Cause Clemont likes me.

Hope you liked! So sorry for how long it took to get out! ❤️😊 love you all!

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