Trip x Iris

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One of my favourite ships... I don't know why... >:/ Kanto is not teh boonies, Trip.


Ding dong!

"Come in!" Iris yelled. A certain Unova Rival entered the doorway, unknown to Iris who it was, she continued cooking. The person snuck up behind her, only to receive this: "Ash, I told you already; Cilan went to get the supplies. You need to find the decorations. Now quit hovering and get back to the attic and basement check!" She snapped annoyed. He sweat dropped. '... She thinks I'M that dweeb? Eh.. No.'

Trip smirked a bit and rolled his eyes. 'Like I can ever be mistaken for THAT doofus...' He placed his chin on her shoulder, hugging her from behind. Iris stopped for a moment, and chuckled. "Hello Trip." She continued stirring the food in the pan before her. "How'd you guess?" He cocked a brow, and walked to the other side of her, watching her prepare the food. "Cilan is too gentlemen like, Ash is too childish, Chilli knows I'd kick his ass, Cress is too laid back... Shall I go on?" She smiled as if she'd complimented them all. "Yea-No. But I am wondering what your making." Tray looked at the pan.

"I'm making Orcha Cherban. Cheri berries, Oran and pecha berries, with some spices, boiled, and sizzled until it's a light town. Cilan's recipe." She replied, placing them carefully on a plate. "Looks like you got a lot of baking ahead of you... This party is gonna be huge... And a lot of people will show." Trip popped a berry into his mouth as he spoke, observing the counters with snacks, desserts, and meals. "I still have to make 3 dozen rice balls, and 35 different styled cupcakes..." Iris wiped her forehead and turned down the heat on the stovetop. "I'll help. You do those cupcakes, I'll make the rice balls." Trip winked. She looked at the time. "It would save time..." She sighed and nodded. "Alright, but we gotta hurry. The party starts in 2 hours."

Party time!----





Ash & Pikachu

Professor Oak

Professor Juniper














"20 different cupcakes, each one designed exactly for each guest! Dig in!" Iris announced, as everyone mingled and ate. "Pretty good party!" Skyla smiled at Iris as she walked by. Iris squealed. "They love it! Yes!" Trip smiled a bit, and nodded. "Yep! I don't think it could be any bet-"

"Hey dragon master!"

"Oh god..." Iris growled, turning to see Georgia, arms folded. "Nice of you to invite me... Pretty lame party though.. Dunno why I even bothered showing up." She looked at the decorations. "What, did you find these decorations in the attic? Ugh." Ash hissed in the background. "Hey! I was attacked by at least 15 Joltik finding them!"

"It wasn't my favourite idea to invite you ya'know... But Ash insisted I invited EVERYONE I could. Happens you were on the list." Iris glared, sparks flying from the competitions glare. "Whatever. So, have you became any better a trainer yet?" Georgia asked. "Well, I-" "hah, just kidding. Of course you haven't. You just keep getting lucky with those wins of yours.." She laughed. Iris growled. "It's pathetic, really. Calling yourself a dragon master with only 2 or 3 dragons? And one of them didn't even both listening to you!" Georgia smirked, seeing Iris being crushed by her words.

"What's wrong, Dragon Dork? Can't find any good insults in that overgrown hair of your's?" Georgia snickered, as Iris fell more and more weak from each strike. Trip, who'd been watching afar, steppe in and shoved Georgia back. "Leave her alone, Georgia." He growled. She glared. "And who are YOU to come between our rivalry?!" Trip towered over her with a death glare, not showing mercy. Georgia shivered a bit, staring into the cold eyes of Trip. "... I'm her boyfriend. Now get out or I'll have to get SECURITY do it the hard way." An Emboar stomped over with a Hydreigon, both wearing security hats. ".. Rrrgh.." Georgia hissed and stomped off.

Iris blinked. Never had she seen Trip so on edge... And for her? Trip turned and looked at her worried. "You alright?" She nodded slowly. "Thank you..." She smiled and hugged him tightly. "Yeah yeah.. I'm here for you, Pillow Head." He smirked and hugged back, the party continuing around them.

I KNOW that there's another rival of Ash's.. Red hair... Idk his name! >~< if you happen to know it, please tell me so I don't look like an idiot. Thanks <3 love you all!

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